of June 28, 2021 No. UP-6252
About approval of the Strategy of development for national system of the Republic of Uzbekistan on counteraction of legalization of the income received from criminal activities, to financing of terrorism and financing of distribution of weapons of mass destruction
In the country consecutive work on counteraction of legalization of income gained from criminal activities, to financing of terrorism and financing of distribution of weapons of mass destruction is carried out.
In particular, on the basis of regulations and the principles of international law it is accepted about 100 legislative and bylaws, the strong legal and institutional base in this sphere is created. Also with more than 20 authoritative international organizations the practical measures directed to strengthening of cooperation are implemented.
Modern threats, first of all the amplifying arms trade growth, drugs and people, and also cross-border illegal financial transactions set new tasks according to the early prevention and suppression of the facts of legalization of income gained from criminal activities, financing of terrorism and financing of distribution of weapons of mass destruction.
According to the Strategy of actions in five priority directions of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017 - 2021, and also for the purpose of increase in efficiency of counteraction of legalization of income gained from criminal activities, to financing of terrorism and financing of distribution of weapons of mass destruction:
1. Approve the United Nations developed taking into account requirements of conventions, standards of Group of development of financial measures of anti-money laundering (further - FATF), and also by results of assessment at the national level of the risks connected with legalization of income gained from criminal activities and terrorism financing:
The strategy of development for national system of the Republic of Uzbekistan on counteraction of legalization of the income received from criminal activities, to financing of terrorism and financing of distribution of weapons of mass destruction (further - Strategy) according to appendix No. 1;
"Road map" on realization of the tasks determined in the Strategy of development for national system of the Republic of Uzbekistan by counteraction of legalization of the income received from criminal activities, to financing of terrorism and financing of distribution of weapons of mass destruction (further - "Road map") according to appendix No. 2;
The list of the ministries and departments participating in the sphere of counteraction of legalization of income gained from criminal activities, to financing of terrorism and financing of distribution of weapons of mass destruction according to appendix No. 3.
2. Determine the priority directions of strategy implementation:
risk minimization, the income revealed at the national level, and further strengthening of state policy in the sphere of counteraction of legalization gained from criminal activities, to financing of terrorism and financing of distribution of weapons of mass destruction;
ensuring compliance of national system in this sphere to the international documents, and also implementation of the FATF standards and international legal acts in the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
further increase in efficiency of activities of state bodies for early prevention of crimes in this sphere, strengthening of responsibility of the organizations performing transactions with money or other property;
further development of cooperation and establishing system dialogue with the international organizations and foreign countries;
widespread introduction of modern information technologies during the forming of complete system of all statistical data, collection, processing, the analysis and their use, and also increase in efficiency of exchange of information in this sphere;
increase in professionalism of employees of the state bodies involved in this sphere and also training and retraining of employees of the organizations performing transactions with money or other property.
3. Assign to the Interdepartmental commission on counteraction of legalization of income gained from criminal activities, to financing of terrorism and financing of distribution of weapons of mass destruction (further - the Commission), the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan formed by the resolution of September 20, 2018 No. PP-3947, within strategy implementation and "Road map":
implementation of permanent monitoring of execution of certain tasks and organization of full implementation of actions;
involvement of the leading foreign experts and specialists during project development of regulatory legal acts;
monthly hearing of reports on the done work and the achieved results, quarterly entering into Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of the summarized information.
Determine that:
the responsible ministries and departments monthly to the 5th provide information on execution of "Road map" in the Commission;
the first heads of the ministries and departments bear the personal responsibility for complete, high-quality and timely execution of the tasks determined in "Road map".
4. For the purpose of ensuring timely and high-quality execution of the tasks provided in Strategy and "Road map" to grant to the Commission (S. Artikov) the right on:
creation of working groups of number of qualified specialists of the interested ministries and departments;
modification of "Road map".
5. Determine that the risks assessment, the income connected with legalization gained from criminal activities, financing of terrorism and financing of distribution of weapons of mass destruction is carried out time in three years at the national level.
6. Approve the offer of the Prosecutor General's Office, Supreme Court, Service of state security, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Central bank on carrying out in 2022 of the international scientific and practical conference on subject "Legalization of income gained from criminal activities and terrorism financing: modern threats and topical issues of fight against them" with participation of representatives of the international organizations, specialists of the foreign states and the leading scientists in this sphere.
7. Create based on department of data collection and processing of Department of fight against economic crimes under the Prosecutor General's Office (further - Department) within the total extreme number of staff the Assessment center is risk (further - the Center) without the status of the legal entity in number of 7 established posts.
8. Determine the main objectives of the Center:
timely identification of the facts of legalization of income gained from criminal activities, financing of terrorism and financing of distribution of weapons of mass destruction by carrying out the analysis of suspicious transactions with money or other property;
detection of various schemes and channels of forming of "shadow economy", including making of economic crimes in fuel and energy complex, social, bank and financial, tax, transport and construction spheres;
studying of peculiar schemes of the facts of legalization of income gained from the made criminal activities, financing of terrorism and financing of distribution of weapons of mass destruction;
creation of cards on spheres with high risk level on the basis of permanent studying of risks at the national level, and also development of offers on prevention of the reasons promoting their origin;
ensuring operational exchange of information between the state bodies and the organizations performing transactions with money or other property.
9. Determine that:
the list of staff of the Center is completed from among qualified specialists in the sphere of the information and communication technologies, and also on other spheres necessary for realization assigned to the Center of tasks;
requirements of the subitem "g" of Item 7 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of February 19, 2018 No. UP-5349 "About Measures for Further Enhancement of the Sphere of Information Technologies and Communications" extend to the staff of the Center.
10. To the Prosecutor General's Office in three-months time to make in the Cabinet of Ministers offers on providing the Center with the necessary equipment, means and stock, and also other material resources.
Exempt till January 1, 2024 from customs duty the equipment, the equipment and means, software products, and also other material means and resources which are not made in the Republic of Uzbekistan and imported according to the list created in accordance with the established procedure for the purpose of the organization of activities of the Center.
11. Determine that:
expenses on equipping of the Center become covered by material means, including providing with the modern server hardware and the corresponding software in 2021 at the expense of overfulfillment of the income of the republican budget, and in 2022-2023 - within parameters of the Government budget;
the expenses connected with repair of the building of the Center are made at the expense of means of special off-budget fund of Department.
12. To the Prosecutor General's Office:
organize on planned basis training courses in Law-enforcement academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the purpose of advanced training of employees of the ministries and departments involved in the sphere of counteraction of legalization of income gained from criminal activities, to financing of terrorism and financing of distribution of weapons of mass destruction, including the organizations performing rules of internal control;
together with the Ministry of Finance in two-month time to make changes to expense budgets and the staff list of Department according to this Decree;
together with the Ministry of development of information technologies and communications, and also responsible departments by their budgetary and extrabudgetary funds to provide integration of databases and information systems of the ministries and departments in information resource base of Department according to appendix No. 4;
develop and implement software product for automation of ranging, processing and the analysis of messages on suspicious transactions in the sphere of legalization of income gained from criminal activities, financing of terrorism and financing of distribution of weapons of mass destruction;
together with the interested ministries and departments till March 1, 2022 to develop and introduce in accordance with the established procedure in Legislative house of Oliy Majlis the bill "About Counteraction of Legalization of Income Gained from Criminal Activities, to Financing of Terrorism and Financing of Distribution of Weapons of Mass Destruction" in the new edition.
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