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of June 8, 2021 No. PP-5140

About measures for further enhancement of system of training for working professions

(as amended on 30-08-2022)

For the purpose of further enhancement of system of training by working professions, the organization of educational process in agreement with practice, forming at unemployed population, including youth and women, skills of modern professions and entrepreneurship, increase in efficiency of activities of organizations of professional training, and also strengthening of responsibility of executive bodies on places in this direction:

1. Take into consideration that according to the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of August 11, 2020 No. PP-4804 "About the additional measures directed to attraction to entrepreneurship, increase in labor activity and professional training of poor and jobless citizens, and also employment of the population" in system of the Ministry of employment and employment relationships are created 16 monocenters "Ishga Markhamat", 30 centers of professional training and 136 Items of professional training of the population waved.

2. Organize:

in system of the Ministry of employment and employment relationships in addition 28 centers of professional training according to appendix No. 1;

in 864 descents of citizens - Items of professional training of the population waved (further - Items) on sewing, culinary and confectionery case, hairdresser's art (men's and women's), computer literacy, bases of financial accounting and entrepreneurship and other simple directions according to appendix No. 2;

in 18 professional educational institutions which are under authority of the ministries and departments, short-term rates on training in professions, foreign languages and skills of entrepreneurship of the Ministry of employment and employment relationships (further - short-term rates) according to appendix No. 3.

Determine that buildings and constructions of educational institutions which list is given in appendix No. 1 to this resolution together with the available property and the equipment are donated to the Ministry of employment and employment relationships on the basis of the right of operational management for the organization of the centers of professional training.

3. To the ministry of employment and employment relationships (N. Khusanov), to the Chairman of the board of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, hokima of areas and city of Tashkent:

together with the Ministry of support also families till January 1, 2022 waved to organize full activities of Items;

together with the ministries and departments having professional educational institutions in maintaining since August 1, 2021 to adjust activities of short-term rates;

together with the Ministry of the higher and secondary vocational education till September 1, 2021 to involve qualified specialists of Germany, Korea, Russia, Turkey, Japan and other states in educational process in the centers of professional training, Items and on short-term rates, and also to resolve financial and organizational issues.

4. Assign on hokim of areas (cities) the personal responsibility for the organization and full establishing up to standard activities, and also effective rendering educational services in the centers of professional training, Items and educational institutions in which short-term rates are organized.

To khokimiyats of areas (cities) together with the Ministry of employment and employment relationships (N. Khusanov):

in a month to carry out inventory count and to provide in accordance with the established procedure transfer to the Ministry of employment and employment relationships of buildings and constructions, property and the equipment of the educational institutions specified in appendix No. 1 to this resolution;

in a month to approve and provide implementation of territorial programs of professional training of jobless citizens;

in two-month time to determine the list of the professions which are subject to development in the centers of professional training, Items and on short-term rates and also to create the order for training of the population in professions, foreign languages and skills of entrepreneurship for 2021, proceeding from features of the labor market, requirements of employers and specialization of areas (cities);

in two-month time to create by professions and to provide requirement of the centers of professional training for skilled teachers and training officers to the Ministry of employment and employment relationships;

in three-months time to attract in the centers of professional training, Items and on short-term rates of the specialists who are conforming to modern requirements, having high qualification, long experience of work in the sphere and the high professional training level;

till August 1, 2021 to provide the centers of professional training with the modern educational equipment and stock at the expense of means of the State fund of assistance of employment;

till January 1, 2022 to place Items in the makhallinsky guzara located in the territory of descents of citizens, and inefficiently used empty buildings and premises of the state organizations;

in two-month time to take measures for fixing of educational institutions in which the centers of professional training, Items and short-term rates, behind the subjects performing economic activity in the corresponding territory for the organization of work practice of these subjects studying proceeding from requirements are organized;

attract to training courses of the unoccupied citizens revealed by means of work on the makhallabay system and included in "Temir daftar", "Ayollar in daftar" and "Yoshlar of daftara";

take measures for employment of graduates of the centers of professional training, Items and short-term rates, to give them full support (on lease of state-owned property, allocation of the credits and subsidies) to start the business, mechanical activity and self-employment.

5. Determine that:

expenses on equipping of Items are made by the educational equipment and stock in equal shares at the expense of means of the State fund of assistance of employment and funds "Temir Daftar", "Ayollar of Daftara", "Yoshlar of Daftara";

all expenses connected with content and the organization of educational process in Items are financed by means of the State fund of assistance of employment;


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