Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of June 16, 2021 No. UP-6247

About additional measures for ensuring openness of activities of state bodies and the organizations, and also effective realization of public control

(as amended on 19-04-2024)

For the purpose of enhancement of public control by ensuring openness and transparency of activities of state bodies and the organizations, freedom of receipt of information, and also realization of the tasks determined in the Strategy of actions by five priority directions of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017 - 2021:

1. Approve the List of the socially important information which is subject to placement as open data by all state governing bodies, including Audit Chamber, the Central bank, courts and bodies of prosecutor's office by both their structural and territorial subdivisions, and also economic societies from shares of the state in authorized fund (authorized capital) of 50 percent and more and the state unitary enterprises (further - state bodies and the organizations) according to appendix No. 1.

To anti-corruption agency (further - the Agency) together with the Ministry of Justice and the relevant ministries and departments on permanent basis to make in Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan offers on further extension of the List of the socially important information which is subject to placement as open data by state bodies and the organizations on the basis of the carried-out analysis.

2. Establish procedure according to which state bodies and the organizations:

a) annually:

till March 1 place reports on the activities (except for the state secrets and data intended for office use) on the official websites, till March 10 inform on the place and time of their discussion with participation of the general public;

till April 1 hold press conferences for discussion of the report on the activities with participation of the general public;

b) since July 1, 2021 place and quarterly update on the Portal of open data of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - the Portal) and on the official websites the following data:

about the conducted public procurements, including about goods (works, services) acquired under direct contracts;

about expenses on official journeys of officials and on acceptance of the guests who arrived from abroad (the purpose of official journey or visit, expenses on daily allowance, transport and on accommodation, except for the state secrets and data intended for office use);

about beneficiaries of subjects (final beneficiaries - physical persons) to which acts of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Cabinet of Ministers provide tax and customs privileges and preferences, including individual privileges, and also about the taxes and financial performance paid by them;

about the annual expense budgets and their execution, including construction expenses, reconstruction and capital repairs of objects, acquisition of vehicles;

c) since July 1, 2021 together with the public councils operating in case of them place and provide quarterly updating on official websites the following data:

contact information (phone, mail and e-mail addresses) of the approved members of public council along with information on them;

about meetings of public council and questions of the agenda;

about the approved members of the commission on public procurements (surname, name and middle name, place of employment and post);

about ranking officers of bodies by regions, authorized to grant licenses and documents of allowing nature, and also to accept notifications, including the members of the relevant commission (surname, name and middle name, post) organizing issue of documents of this category.

3. Approve the offer of the Ministry of the higher and secondary vocational education, the State inspectorate for supervision of quality of education under the Cabinet of Ministers and the State center of testing about implementation of procedure for live broadcast on the Internet of the following processes of holding examinations:

admission test and creative (professional) examinations in the directions of formation of bachelor degree of the highest educational institutions;

admission examinations in magistracy (clinical internship) of the highest educational institutions;

the examinations held for the students who showed willingness to transfer study from republican or foreign highest educational institutions to the public highest educational institution of the republic;

the tests accepted at applicants in case of recognition of documents on education in the foreign states.

To the ministry of the higher and secondary vocational education together with the State center of testing, the State inspectorate for supervision of quality of education under the Cabinet of Ministers and the Ministry of development of information technologies and communications:

start prior to acceptance 2021/2022 academic years based on the platform the web platform, open for all users, providing live broadcast on the Internet of the examination processes specified in this Item with involvement of the ministries and departments in which system there are highest educational institutions;

in a month to develop technical requirements (quality of the established video cameras and images, the scheme of placement and others) to live broadcast on the Internet of process of holding examinations (tests);


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