of June 9, 2021 No. UP-6244
About additional measures for increase in industrial capacity of regions
The complex measures directed to strengthening of industrial capacity of the country and complex development of regions, expansion of employment of the population at the expense of the organization of new productions in the cities and areas are in recent years taken and implemented.
As a result for the last four years the production volume of industrial output grew by 23 percent, including such in an expedited manner industries developing in regions as electrotechnical, textile, tanning and shoe, food, pharmaceutical, jewelry, and also productions of furniture, construction materials and household goods, other consumer goods - over time 1,3.
At the same time in regions the available industrial potential, especially possibilities of development of the source of raw materials of nonmetallic minerals necessary for development of the construction industry are not used fully.
In particular, there is undeveloped most part of the reconnoitered fields of expanded clay, silicate sand, glass raw materials, construction and facing stones. As a result in the domestic market the share of products of national production on sanitary means constitutes only 40 percent, to gas-concrete blocks - 51 percent, paint and varnish products - 65 percent, to construction glass - 70 percent, to wall wall-paper - 30 percent.
For the purpose of creation of complete system of assistance to the accelerated development of the electrotechnical, textile, tanning and shoe, food, pharmaceutical, jewelry and paper industry, to production of construction materials, furniture, household goods and to other industries of the local industry (further - the local industry), and also increases in industrial capacity of regions:
1. Assign to the Ministry of investments and foreign trade the following additional tasks on ensuring the accelerated development of the local industry:
determination of the industries which are "drivers" of development of the local industry on the basis of attraction of the available natural and economic resources, involvement of potential and use of relative benefits of areas (cities);
expansion and deepening of intra-branch and cross-industry cooperation communications, involvement of the companies to global production chains and establishing joint export of the made products to the third states;
creation of conditions for attraction of private and foreign investments, and also the modern technologies providing production of high-quality and competitive products;
increase in competitiveness of the made products on the basis of expansion of "value added chains", decrease in cost and costs of production, deepening of localization of production of finished goods and materials;
effective use of opportunities and implementation of coordination of activities of small industrial and special economic zones;
preparation of professional personnel for the companies of the local industry taking into account current trends, wide use of programs of trainings;
enhancement of the circle of regulation and standards for the purpose of increase in industrial potential of industries and regions.
2. Ceased to be valid according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 10.11.2023 No. UP-193
3. Approve the offers of the Ministry of investments and foreign trade, JSB Uzpromstroybank, Uzpromstroymaterialy Association, Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and khokimiyats of areas providing:
specialization of 24 areas (cities) on production of construction materials (further - specialized areas) according to appendix No. 2 *;
formation of Council for development of the industry of construction materials under Uzpromstroymaterialy Association in structure according to appendix No. 3 *;
creation of small industrial zones for the purpose of projects implementation on production of construction materials with allocation of the necessary parcels of land in specialized areas, including with participation of investment company PSB Capital LLC under JSB Uzpromstroybank.
4. To the Cabinet of Ministers (S. Umurzakov) together with Council for development of the industry of construction materials under Uzpromstroymaterialy Association (S. Annaklichev), Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and the city of Tashkent in two-month time to develop and approve the Program for the accelerated development of industries and increase in the export potential of the local industry for 2022 - 2026 with involvement of the international experts and forming of the list of areas (cities) recommended for projects implementation in view of the direction of specialization of these areas (cities).
5. To provide to fund of reconstruction and development allocation of JSB Uzpromstroybank of credit line in the amount of 200 million US dollars for financing of projects in industry of construction materials.
6. To the Cabinet of Ministers (D. Kuchkarov) and to the Ministry of Finance:
a) provide assignment in 2021 at the expense of the means provided on social and economic development of regions based on orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the amount of:
400 billion sum - on development of industrial infrastructure in specialized areas;
100 billion sum - on conducting exploration works;
b) together with the Ministry of investments and foreign trade in a month based on reasonable offers of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and khokimiyats of areas to approve the Address list of works on development of industrial infrastructure in specialized areas and to provide financing of works according to this Address list.
7. To provide to the state committee on geology and mineral resources till October 1, 2021 by results of biddings transfer of 500 fields of nonmetallic minerals for operation by investors.
8. Determine that, since July 1, 2021 confirmation of conformity of the construction materials made in the Republic of Uzbekistan and specified in appendix No. 4 * is made by declaring by the producer (supplier).
* Appendices No. No. 1 - 4 are given in Uzbek.
9. Approve the offers of the Cabinet of Ministers on implementation of new complete system of assistance to the accelerated development of industries of the local industry and production of construction materials providing assignment of the personal responsibility on:
the deputy prime minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan S. Umurzakov - for implementation of vertical system of assistance to the accelerated development of the local industry;
The chairman of the board of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, hokim of areas, the city of Tashkent, areas and the cities - for development of the local industry in the principle "studying of requirements of the domestic market - the analysis of import - determination of resource base - development and implementation of new projects".
10. Create in structure of executive office of the Secretariat Cabinet of Ministers concerning development of the local industry and cooperation communications (further - the Secretariat) with a total number of 17 established posts with assignment of the following main objectives on it:
implementation of coordination of activities of departments and economic associations in the field of the local industry;
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