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of June 2, 2021 No. PP-5133

About measures for the organization of activities of the Uzbek agency on technical regulation under the Ministry of investments and foreign trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan

(as amended of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 27.02.2024 No. UP-41)

For the purpose of ensuring execution of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of June 2, 2021 for No. UP-6240 "About Cardinal Enhancement of Public Administration in the field of Technical Regulation":

1. Provide to the Uzbek technical regulation agency under the Ministry of investments and foreign trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - technical regulation Agency) the following additional powers:

implementation of coordination of the accelerated implementation of international standards and technical regulations by authorized bodies;

appeal to the court on application of financial sanctions against manufacturers (producers), sellers and contractors guilty of violation of the mandatory requirements in relation to products established in acts of the legislation and technical regulations;

introduction of instructions to heads of the companies and industries for non-compliance with requirements of technical regulations and standards at the companies;

generalization and maintaining the register of data on products, acknowledged not corresponding to the technical regulations, standards and mandatory requirements established by the legislation.

2. Approve:

the address list of the test laboratories created in regions by industries in 2021-2022 according to appendix No. 3;

actions for standardization and quality assurance of products in industries and on domestic enterprises, and also the scheme of hearing of reports according to appendices No. No. 4.1 and 4.2;

The schedule of advanced training of specialists of the industries and industrial enterprises performing activities in the field of technical regulation, standardization and metrology for 2021-2022 according to appendix No. 5;

The list of the main indicators of development of the region of technical regulation, standardization, assessment of conformity, accreditation and metrology according to appendix No. 6.

3. To heads of industries monthly to submit reports on accomplishment of the actions provided by appendices No. No. 3 and 4.1 to this resolution in Government commission concerning foreign trade, investments, development of the local industry and technical regulation (further - Government commission).

Government commission to approve annual figures according to the List of the main indicators of development of the region of technical regulation, standardization, assessment of conformity, accreditation and metrology given in appendix No. 6 to this resolution and to hear the report of the Agency on technical regulation on their execution.

4. To grant to the minister of investments and foreign trade the right:

introduction, if necessary, changes in structures of the Agency on technical regulation and its other subordinated organizations within the extreme total number of managerial personnel;

allocations, if necessary, in coordination with the Cabinet of Ministers, additional established posts to technical regulation Agency by extrabudgetary funds;

attraction, taking into account the current market situation of work, specialists of narrow profile in technical regulation Agency on contractual basis.

5. Determine that:

The technical regulation agency is legal successor of the Uzstandart Agency by the rights, obligations and agreements, including international treaties;

employees of the Agency on technical regulation and Department of the state control in the field of technical regulation, standardization, certification and metrology under the terms of compensation are equated to employees of central office of the Ministry of investments and foreign trade;

the CEO of the Agency on technical regulation is appointed and dismissed by the Cabinet of Ministers on representation of the minister of investments and foreign trade;

deputy directors general of the Agency on technical regulation and heads of its subordinated organizations are appointed to position and dismissed by the minister of investments and foreign trade of representation of the CEO of the Agency on technical regulation;

the CEO of the Agency on technical regulation according to the status, payment terms of work, material stimulation, medical and transport attendance is equated to the first deputy minister;

position assignment of the First Deputy CEO of the Agency on technical regulation of the employee of the Ministry of investments and foreign trade in combination is allowed;

financial and administrative penalties for violation of requirements of acts of the legislation in the field of technical regulation, standardization, certification and metrology are completely listed in special fund of the Agency on technical regulation and at least 50 percent of these funds are allocated for covering of expenses of the domestic enterprises connected with purchase and implementation of international standards.

6. For the purpose of giving of voluntary nature of activities and simplification of procedures of carrying out accreditation of conformity assessment bodies on the basis of the international practice:

the requirement for inclusion of characteristics of external survey (except for tool and organoleptic analyses) to the area of accreditation of test laboratories is cancelled in case of application for accreditation;

mandatory requirements to carrying out certification and certification of employees of conformity assessment bodies on the expert-auditor in quality are cancelled;

establishment in acts of the legislation of single bodies for rendering services in assessment of conformity is not allowed (defenses and ensuring state security are except for more whole).

7. Permit:

To institute of standards according to rules and agreements of International Organizations for Standardization and bodies for standardization of the foreign states to distribute international standards and standards of the foreign states in the republic and to pay fees in these organizations;

To institute of standards and National institute of metrology to attract to management of scientific and technical projects of workers with academic degrees (candidates of science, doctors of philosophy (PhD), doctors of science (DSc) on the basis of civil agreements.


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