of May 4, 2021 No. 701
About approval of Rules of tendering on right to contract about complex development of the territory, Rules of determination of initial price of the biddings for right to contract about complex development of the territory in case of decision making about complex development of the territory by the Government of the Russian Federation and Rules of the conclusion of the agreement on complex development of the territory by means of tendering electronically and establishment of cases of tendering on the right of the conclusion of 2 and more agreements on complex development of the territories
The government of the Russian Federation decides:
1. Approve enclosed:
Rules of tendering on right to contract about complex development of the territory;
2. Determine that the biddings on the right of the conclusion of 2 and more agreements on complex development of the territories can be carried out in case:
if concerning the conclusion right at least of one of agreements on complex development of the territory the auction which was acknowledged cancelled on the bases provided by Items 1 and 5 of part 7 of article 69 of the Town-planning code of the Russian Federation were held earlier;
need of creation of conditions for providing housing laws of citizens according to articles 32 and (or) 32.1 of the Housing code of the Russian Federation when implementing complex development of one territory by means of creation of premises for provision to citizens instead of the exempted premises in borders of other territory which is subject to complex development on condition of arrangement of such territories in borders of one municipality.
Russian Prime Minister
M. Mishustin
Approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 4, 2021 No. 701
1. According to these rules the organizer of the biddings determined according to part 4 of article 69 of the Town-planning code of the Russian Federation (further - the organizer of the biddings), performs tendering on the right of the conclusion of agreements on complex development of the territory of the housing estate, about complex development of the territory of non-residential building, except as specified the conclusions of the contract on complex development of the territory of non-residential building with the owner (owners) according to Items 2 and 4 of part 7 of Article 66 or with article 70 of the Town-planning code of the Russian Federation, about the complex development of the vacant territory performed according to Item 3 of part 1 of article 65 of the Town-planning code of the Russian Federation (further respectively - the agreement on complex development of the territory, the biddings).
2. The auction is held by the organizer of the biddings based on the decision on their carrying out made specified in parts 3 and 3.1 of article 69 of the Town-planning code of the Russian Federation by authorized federal executive body, authorized executive body of the subject of the Russian Federation, authorized body of local self-government, the organization, the operator of complex development of the territory in the time determined in such decision. At the same time determination of term for tendering for the purpose of the conclusion of the agreement on complex development of the territory of non-residential building is performed taking into account provisions of item 4 of part 7 of article 66 of the Town-planning code of the Russian Federation.
The authorized federal executive body, authorized executive body of the subject of the Russian Federation, authorized body of local self-government, the organization specified in parts 3 and 4 of article 69 of the Town-planning code of the Russian Federation or person determined by the operator of complex development of the territory according to part 3 of article 71 of the Town-planning code of the Russian Federation act as the organizer of the biddings.
3. According to the decision on complex development of the territory by subject of the biddings the right to the conclusion of the agreement on complex development of the territory concerning all territory specified in such decision, its part or separate stage of implementation of the decision on complex development of the territory is.
4. The organizer of the biddings establishes time and the venue of the biddings, form and submission due date of applications for participation in the biddings, procedure and term of making a deposit for participation in the biddings if obligation of introduction of such deposit and its size were provided by the decision on tendering.
5. If the decision on tendering provides their carrying out in the form of auction, the organizer of the biddings establishes the size of increase in starting price of subject of auction ("bid increment") in the limits determined by the specified decision and if such limits are not determined, - ranging from 1 to 5 percent of starting price of subject of auction.
If the decision on tendering provides their carrying out in the form of tender, the organizer of the biddings determines method (method) and evaluation criteria and comparisons of proposals of participants of tender on accomplishment of competitive conditions by them.
6. The organizer of the biddings prepares and within 30 days about day of tendering posts the notice on tendering on the official site of the Russian Federation on the Internet for placement of information on tendering (www.torgi.gov.ru) (further - Internet network).
7. The notice on tendering within 30 days about day of tendering is subject:
a) to placement by the organizer of the biddings on the official site of the supreme executive body of the subject of the Russian Federation in Internet network and to publication according to the procedure established for official publication of regulatory legal acts of the subject of the Russian Federation and other official information if the decision on complex development of the territory was made by the specified body;
b) to placement by the organizer of the biddings on the official site of local government body (municipality) in Internet network and to publication according to the procedure established for official publication of municipal legal acts and other official information if the decision on complex development of the territory was made by the head of local administration, and in case of absence at local government body (municipality) of the official site - on the official site of the subject of the Russian Federation in which borders such municipality, in Internet network is located.
8. The notice on tendering which is subject to publication according to Item 7 of these rules shall contain:
a) name, location, postal address and e-mail address, contact phone number of the organizer of the biddings;
b) specifying of the official site of the Russian Federation in Internet network on which the notice on tendering according to Item 6 of these rules is placed;
c) place, date and time of the beginning of tendering;
d) address of the place of acceptance, procedure and submission due date of applications for participation in the biddings;
e) tendering form (tender or auction);
e) details of the decision on complex development of the territory;
g) the name of authorized federal executive body, the organization subordinated to such federal executive body, authorized executive body of the subject of the Russian Federation, authorized body of local self-government or the operator of the complex development of the territory which made the decision on tendering, number of such decision and date of its acceptance;
h) the main data on the territory on which the decision on its complex development, by specifying of location and borders of such territory, its area or separate stage of implementation of the decision on complex development of the territory is made;
i) the starting price of subject of auction established by the decision on tendering in case of decision making about tendering in the form of auction or competitive conditions in case of decision making about tendering in the form of tender;
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