Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of May 25, 2021 No. PP-5124

About additional measures for complex development of health sector

(as amended on 14-06-2023)

For the purpose of enhancement of public administration in health care system, transformations of primary link into system of early identification and treatment of diseases, accelerations of works on digitalization, determinations of the near-term and long-term outlook of development of the sphere, increase in amount and cardinal improvement of medical services, supports of competitive and private sector, increase in knowledge of health workers, development of education and science:

1. Ceased to be valid according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 14.06.2023 No. UP-96

2. Since June 15, 2021 to increase on average by 3 times the size of the funds allocated per capita, assigned to primary medical and sanitary organizations for receipt of drugs and products of medical appointment.

To the Ministry of Finance (T. Ishmetov) to allocate for these purposes funds in the amount of 40 billion sum due to optimization of investment projects in 2021 and, since 2022, to provide necessary funds for the expenses specified in this Item in parameters of the Government budget.

To the chairman of the board of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, hokima of areas and the city of Tashkent together with the Ministry of Economic Development and reducings poverty (I. Norkulov, A. Boboyev), the Ministry of Health (A. Hadzhibayev) in week time to determine the means saved due to optimization of investment projects in the sphere of medicine by areas.

3. To the Ministry of Health (A. Hadzhibayev, A. Inoyatov):

a) together with Academy of public administration (A. Bekmurodov) to organize two-week training courses on management in the sphere of medicine on the basis of the best foreign practices and to provide until the end of the year training of chiefs of regional, district (city) medical managements.

At the same time the expenses connected with the organization of training courses are performed by fund of material stimulation and development of the medical organizations;

b) together with the Agency of development of public service (A. Chasanoff) to implement the rating of assessment of activities of heads of all organizations of health care system in a month and to quarterly bring its results in Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Cabinet of Ministers;

c) together with the Ministry of Finance (T. Ishmetov), the Ministry of Economic Development and reducings poverty (I. Norkulov) and the State fund of medical insurance (F. Sharipov) in a month proceeding from recommendations of the World Health Organization to approve the list of the guaranteed amounts of medical care in primary link and to implement in practice in all regions.

4. JSC Uzavtosanoat (Sh. Umurzakov) till October 1, 2021 to create and bring at least 3 prototypes of the special buses equipped with the equipment necessary for the organization of works on address prevention and screening of the population on places, especially in the remote and remote territories.

5. Determine that since June 1, 2021:

a) the deputy chief position on digitalization and public-private partnership is entered into structures of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, managements of health care of areas and head department of health care of the city of Tashkent within the operating established posts. At the same time, if the size of the monthly salary on prior workplace in the state organizations of persons appointed to these positions exceeds present, behind them the size of the monthly salary on prior workplace remains.

The deputy for digitalization and public-private partnership in the activities directly submits and is accountable to the deputy minister of health care A. Azizov and A. Azizov bears the personal responsibility for effectiveness of digitalization of activities of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, managements of health care of areas and head department of health care of the city of Tashkent, and also performs assessment of their work;

b) in each Item of the family doctor, family polyclinic and multi-profile central polyclinics of areas (cities) about one position of the IT operator - the nurse working with electronic system is entered. At the same time these positions are created at the expense of the established posts allocated according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of May 5, 2021 to No. UP-6221 "About Consecutive Continuation of the Reforms Performed in Health Care System and Creation of Necessary Conditions for Increase in Potential of Health Workers";

the expenses connected with content of the established posts allocated according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of May 5, 2021 to No. UP-6221 "About Consecutive Continuation of the Reforms Performed in Health Care System and Creation of Necessary Conditions for Increase in Potential of Health Workers" become covered at the expense of the means provided in parameters of the Government budget for 2021 for fight against koronavirusny pandemic and purchase of vaccine, since 2022 are provided in parameters of the Government budget;

c) the IT operator's position - nurses within their operating established posts is entered into others district (city) and in all regional and republican treatment and prevention facilities.

6. To the adviser to the Prime Minister O. M. Umarov, Ministry of development of information technologies and communications (Sh. Sadikov), to the Ministry of Health (A. Azizov):

in two weeks to develop the program for training of IT operators - nurses and other health care providers on purpose to increase in their computer literacy;


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