of August 8, 2006 No. 154
About hydrometeorological activities in the Kyrgyz Republic
Accepted by Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on June 8, 2006
The preamble voided according to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of 30.01.2017 No. 16
The purposes of this Law are:
a) legal support of coordinate effective functioning of hydrometeorological network of the Kyrgyz Republic;
b) approval of regulations of the current legislation of the international precepts of law in the field of hydrometeorological activities;
c) ceased to be valid according to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of 30.01.2017 No. 16
Hydrometeorological activities are performed in single procedure in all territory of the country based on the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic, this Law, and also come in the procedure established by the law into force of international treaties which participant is the Kyrgyz Republic.
Hydrometeorological activities in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic are performed in interaction with local public administrations and local government bodies within their competence and are aimed at providing needs of the state, physical persons and legal entities in hydrometeorological information, and also in information on pollution of the surrounding environment.
Hydrometeorological activities in the Kyrgyz Republic are performed by the body authorized by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of hydrometeorological activities (further - specially authorized body).
The authorized body represents organizational and technological system of the interconnected centers, the stations, posts providing accomplishment of complex of works in the field of meteorology, climatology, hydrology, glaciology, agricultural meteorology, monitoring of pollution of the surrounding environment and provision of information on condition of the surrounding environment, its pollution and the hydrometeorological spontaneous phenomena.
In this Law the following concepts and terms are used:
hydrometeorological activities - all types of activity in the field of hydrometeorology, meteorology, climatology, agricultural meteorology, aerology, hydrology, glaciology, including monitoring of condition of the surrounding environment and its pollution, and also ensuring needs of the state, physical persons and legal entities in information on condition of the surrounding environment;
the participant of hydrometeorological activities - the legal entity or physical person performing the activities for one or several areas of work in the field of hydrometeorology which are not contradicting the current legislation;
the surrounding environment - the atmosphere, the soil, vegetable cover, surface water of sushi, including glaciers;
monitoring of condition of the surrounding environment - long-term tool and visual observations of condition of the surrounding environment for the purpose of assessment of its meteorological, climatic, aerological, hydrological, glaciological, heliogeophysical and agrometeorological characteristics and parameters, pollution of atmospheric air, surface water and the soil, and also the forecast of condition of the surrounding environment;
the supervisory network - system of stationary and mobile Items of observations of condition of the surrounding environment (stations, posts, laboratories, the centers, observatories);
the state supervisory network - the supervisory network of authorized body;
paragraph of the eighth ceased to be valid;
stationary Item of observations of condition of the surrounding environment (further - stationary Item of observations) - the complex including the parcel of land or part of the water area with the devices established on them and the equipment intended for determination of characteristics of the surrounding environment and its pollution;
mobile Item of observations of condition of the surrounding environment (further - mobile Item of observations) - the complex including platform (road transport, the vessel or other swimming means, other vehicle) with the devices established on it and the equipment intended for determination of characteristics of the surrounding environment and its pollution;
hardly accessible stations and posts - stations and posts which are located at considerable distance from residential and rural locations in difficult physiographic conditions;
information on condition of the surrounding environment - data (data) received as a result of monitoring of state of environment and its pollution;
information products - the summarized information received as a result of processing of data (data) intended for distribution or realization;
the producer of information products - the physical person or legal entity performing processing of data (data) received as a result of monitoring of condition of the surrounding environment;
the forecast - evidence-based creation of assumptions of future state or changes on the basis of the analysis of conditions in the present and the past;
weather forecast - creation of evidence-based assumptions of future state of weather;
the dangerous (spontaneous) hydrometeorological phenomena - the natural phenomena which can pose threat of life and to health of the population and, depending on intensity, time of origin, duration and the area of distribution can put or caused this or that material damage to the surrounding environment and national economy;
emergency information (storm warning) without delay the transmitted data on the dangerous natural hydrometeorological phenomena and extremely high pollution of the environment which can pose threat of life and to health of the population, to cause damage to the surrounding environment and national economy;
information of general purpose - the actual and prognostic information obtained and collected according to the procedure, established by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic;
specialized information - information which is provided by request of the user (consumer) and at the expense of its means;
works of special purpose - the works and researches custom-made physical persons and legal entities, including executive bodies;
active impact - impact on meteorological and other geophysical processes for the purpose of their regulation and reduction of possible harm from these processes to the population and economy;
fund of data on condition of the surrounding environment, its pollution - set of data (data) and information products which are subject to long-term use and storage;
the state fund of hydrometeorological data and data on pollution of the environment - retrospective (historical), hydrometeorological data on pollution of the environment for the period tool observations in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic;
hydrology - science about surface water;
meteorology - science about the atmosphere, its structure, properties and the physical processes proceeding in it;
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