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Ministry of Justice

Russian Federation

On November 10, 2020 No. 60810


of September 24, 2020 No. 732-P

About payment system of the Bank of Russia

(as amended on 17-06-2024)

This Provision based on part 9 of article 20 of the Federal Law of June 27, 2011 No. 161-FZ "About national payment system" (The Russian Federation Code, 2011, No. 27, Art. 3872; 2019, No. 31, the Art. 4423), article 82.3 of the Federal Law of July 10, 2002 No. 86-FZ "About the Central bank the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)" (The Russian Federation Code, 2002, No. 28, Art. 2790; 2011, No. 27, the Art. 3873) and according to the solution of the Board of directors of the Bank of Russia (the minutes of the Board of directors of the Bank of Russia of September 18, 2020 No. PSD-21) establish criteria of participation, suspension and termination of participation in payment system of the Bank of Russia, order of interaction between the Bank of Russia and members of payment service provider of the Bank of Russia, procedure of money transfer in payment system of the Bank of Russia and the applied forms of clearing settlements, procedure of payment clearing and calculation, regulations of functioning of payment system of the Bank of Russia, order of interaction of payment system of the Bank of Russia with other payment systems.

Chapter 1. General provisions

1.1. The Bank of Russia, being operator of services of payment infrastructure in payment system of the Bank of Russia and the operator on money transfer of payment system of the Bank of Russia, transfers money in payment system of the Bank of Russia (further - money transfer) on accounts of members of payment service provider of the Bank of Russia (further - members of payment service provider), and also the clients of the Bank of Russia who are not members of payment service provider, providing them operational services, services of payment clearing and settlement services.

1.2. The Bank of Russia transfers money of members of payment service provider with use of service of the urgent translation, service of not urgent translation and service of bystry payments.

Service of the urgent translation provides performing procedures of acceptance to execution of the orders which arrived in the Bank of Russia about money transfer (further - orders), including check of sufficiency of money, without delay in process of receipt of orders in the Bank of Russia and procedures of execution of orders without delay after successful completion of procedures of acceptance to execution of orders.

Service of not urgent translation provides performing procedures of acceptance to execution of orders, including check of sufficiency of money, and also procedures of execution of orders not earlier than approach of the periods of time determined by regulations of functioning of payment system of the Bank of Russia according to Chapter 6 of this provision.

Service of bystry payments provides accomplishment round the clock in real time of procedures of acceptance to execution of orders without delay in process of receipt of orders in the operational center, payment clearing center (further in case of joint mentioning - OPKTs) other payment system (further - external payment system) and procedures of execution of orders without delay after successful completion of procedures of acceptance to execution of orders.

1.3. When implementing money transfer with use of service of the urgent translation and service of not urgent translation operational services, services of payment clearing and settlement services are provided by the Bank of Russia.

When implementing money transfer with use of service of bystry payments operational services, services of payment clearing (except for checks of sufficiency of money) are provided to OPKTs of external payment system (further - OPKTs SBP) based on the agreement on interaction signed between the Bank of Russia and the operator of external payment system according to part 37 of article 15 of the Federal Law of June 27, 2011 No. 161-FZ "About national payment system" (The Russian Federation Code, 2011, No. 27, Art. 3872; 2020, No. 30, the Art. 4738) (further - the agreement on interaction). Services of payment clearing regarding check of sufficiency of money and settlement services are provided by the Bank of Russia.

Provision of operational services, services of payment clearing and settlement services in case of money transfer with use of service of bystry payments is performed according to appendix 1 to this Provision.

1.4. Credit institutions (their branches) shall use the service mark of service of bystry payments registered by the Bank of Russia by provision to the clients of services in money transfer with use of service of bystry payments, including by placement of service mark of service of bystry payments in the software used by clients of credit institutions (their branches) for implementation of transactions with use of service of bystry payments.

Chapter 2. Criteria of participation, suspension and termination of participation in payment system of the Bank of Russia

2.1. Direct and indirect participation is provided in payment system of the Bank of Russia.

2.2. (Further - working interest owner) the organization corresponding to at the same time following criteria can be working interest owner of payment system:

the organization is credit institution (its branch), the Federal Treasury or its territorial authority, other organization which can be working interest owner according to part 7 of article 21 of the Federal Law of June 27, 2011 No. 161-FZ "About national payment system";

the organization has the bank (correspondent) account (correspondent sub-account) (further - the bank (correspondent) account (sub-account) in the Bank of Russia according to the agreement of the bank (correspondent) account (sub-account) (further - the agreement of the account).

Working interest owner is the Bank of Russia on behalf of divisions of the Bank of Russia, information on which contains in the Reference book of bank identification codes in payment system of the Bank of Russia (further respectively - the Reference book of BIC, divisions of the Bank of Russia).

2.3. (Further - the indirect participant) the organization corresponding to at the same time following criteria can be the indirect member of payment service provider:

the organization can be the member of payment service provider according to parts 1 - 3 articles 21 of the Federal Law of June 27, 2011 No. 161-FZ "About national payment system";

the organization is client of credit institution (its branch) - working interest owner which opened (which opened) to it the bank account in currency of the Russian Federation;

the organization is not client of the Bank of Russia.

The credit institution (its branch) - working interest owner for inclusion in the agreement of the account of conditions on provision of the organization as the indirect participant of access to services in money transfer informs the Bank of Russia on compliance of the organization to the criteria of participation of the indirect participant in payment system of the Bank of Russia specified in paragraphs second and third this Item.

The credit institution (its branch) - working interest owner informs the Bank of Russia on cases of the termination of compliance to criteria of participation of the indirect participant in payment system of the Bank of Russia and withdraws from the contract of the account concluded between the Bank of Russia and working interest owner in the part relating to the indirect participant in the following terms:

in case of the termination of compliance to the criterion provided by the paragraph the second this Item - within 10 working days from the date of receipt by working interest owner of the corresponding data;

in case of the termination of compliance to the criterion provided by the paragraph third this Item - no later than date of termination of the contract of the bank account concluded between direct and indirect participants.

2.4. Criteria of suspension of participation in payment system of the Bank of Russia are not established.

2.5. Criterion of the termination of participation of working interest owner - the client of the Bank of Russia in payment system of the Bank of Russia is cancellation of the agreement of the account.

Services in money transfer as to the client of the Bank of Russia who is not the member of payment service provider are rendered to credit institution (its branches) from the date of response (cancellation) at credit institution of the license for banking operations.

2.6. Criterion of the termination of participation of the indirect participant in payment system of the Bank of Russia is the termination of participation in payment system of the Bank of Russia of working interest owner which client is this indirect participant, or cancellation of terms of the contract of the account concluded between the Bank of Russia and working interest owner in the part relating to the indirect participant.

2.7. Order of interaction with the Bank of Russia, procedure of money transfer in payment system of the Bank of Russia and the applied forms of clearing settlements, procedure of payment clearing and calculation, regulations of functioning of payment system of the Bank of Russia, procedure for access to services in money transfer, procedure for the pre-judicial dispute resolution, order of interaction within payment system of the Bank of Russia in disputable and emergency situations provided by Chapters 3 - the 6th this provision, appendices 2 - 4 to this Provision for working interest owners, are applied also to the organizations - the clients of the Bank of Russia who are not members of payment service provider taking into account requirements of this provision.

Chapter 3. Order of interaction between the Bank of Russia and members of payment service provider of the Bank of Russia

3.1. Interaction between the Bank of Russia and members of payment service provider, not being divisions of the Bank of Russia, for the purpose of implementation of money transfer is provided by means of provision by the Bank of Russia to members of payment service provider which is not divisions of the Bank of Russia, access to services in money transfer according to bank (correspondent) accounts (sub-accounts) open for working interest owners including with participation of OPKTs SBP.

3.2. Access to services in money transfer for working interest owners - clients of the Bank of Russia is provided with the Bank of Russia with use of the orders provided by part 2 of article 8 of the Federal Law of June 27, 2011 No. 161-FZ "About national payment system" and directed in the form of the electronic messages provided by part 24 of article 3 of the Federal Law of June 27, 2011 No. 161-FZ "About national payment system" (further - orders in electronic form), orders on paper.

Access to services in money transfer for credit institutions can be provided with the Bank of Russia through their branches according to the agreement of the account if the correspondent sub-account in the Bank of Russia is open for branch of credit institution.

Access to services in money transfer for divisions of the Bank of Russia is provided with the Bank of Russia with use of orders in electronic form, on paper.

Terms of the contract of the account concluded between the Bank of Russia and credit institution (its branch) - working interest owner, determine one of the following methods of access for the indirect participant to services in money transfer: direct access with use of orders in electronic form (further - direct access) or access through working interest owner.

3.3. Working and indirect interest owners have access to services in money transfer with use of service of the urgent translation and service of not urgent translation.

The working interest owners which are credit institutions (their branches), the Federal Treasury or its territorial authorities, international financial institutions to which access to services in money transfer with use of orders in electronic form is provided except for of clients of field organizations of the Bank of Russia have possibility of access to services in money transfer with use of service of bystry payments (further - the member of SBP).

For provision of access to services in money transfer with use of service of bystry payments the working interest owners specified in the paragraph the second this Item sign with OPKTs SBP the agreement on rendering operational services, services of payment clearing provided by part of 1 Article 17, part 1 of article 18 of the Federal Law of June 27, 2011 No. 161-FZ "About national payment system".

The clients of the Bank of Russia who are not members of payment service provider have access to services in money transfer with use of service of the urgent transfer in the presence of the corresponding conditions in the agreement of the account.

Divisions of the Bank of Russia, except for field organizations of the Bank of Russia, transfer money with use of service of the urgent translation (further - the urgent translation) and money transfer with use of service of not urgent translation (further - not urgent translation).

Field organizations of the Bank of Russia make not urgent transfer. Implementation of urgent transfer of the Bank of Russia by field organizations perhaps in case of application of payment orders according to which payer or payer bank is the field organization of the Bank of Russia.

Members of SBP, being credit institutions (their branches), international financial institutions, have possibility of access to services in cross-border transfer of money, stipulated in Item the 13th article 3 of the Federal Law of June 27, 2011 No. 161-FZ "About national payment system" (The Russian Federation Code, 2011, No. 27, of the Art. 3872), with use of service of bystry payments (further - TPSBP). In case of use of TPSBP the agreement on rendering operational services, services of payment clearing provided by part of 1 Article 17, part 1 of article 18 of the Federal Law of June 27, 2011 No. 161-FZ "About national payment system" (The Russian Federation Code, 2011, No. 27, the Art. 3872) concluded by working interest owner - credit institution (its branch) or international financial institution with OPKTs SBP, is applied also regarding provision of access to TPSBP.

Access to TPSBP is provided to indirect participants, being foreign banks (foreign credit institutions), foreign Central (national) Banks (further - indirect participants with access to TPSBP), through working interest owners, being members of SBP and having access to TPSBP, in case of inclusion in the agreement of the account of conditions on provision of access to TPSBP by it.

3.4. Systemically significant credit institutions, being members of external payment service provider which OPKTs provides operational services, services of payment clearing in case of money transfer with use of service of bystry payments shall use service of bystry payments for possibility of implementation by the clients of the following transactions:

payments of physical persons for benefit of physical persons at the initiative of the payer;

since October 1, 2021 - payments of physical persons for benefit of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs for payment of goods, works and services with use of the details of the translation given by the receiver of means to the payer electronically and presented including in the code form (except for payments for premises and utilities), payments of physical persons for benefit of physical persons at the initiative of the receiver of means, payments of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs for benefit of physical persons (except for salary payments, and also payments of legal entities, personal accounts for which are opened in territorial authorities of the Federal Treasury);

since April 1, 2024 - payments of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs for benefit of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs (except for payments according to the order or for benefit of legal entities whose personal accounts are opened in territorial authorities of the Federal Treasury);

since October 1, 2024 - payments of physical persons on the bank account which is the part of the single treasurer account open for territorial authority of the Federal Treasury (further - the single treasurer account), for benefit of participants of system of the treasurer payments specified in Article 242.8 of the Budget code of the Russian Federation (further - participants of system of treasurer payments), made based on the orders containing the unique identifier of charge, information on which is placed in the State information system about the state and municipal payments, the stipulated in Article 21.3 Federal Laws of July 27, 2010 No. 210-FZ "About the organization of provision of the state and municipal services".

3.5. The credit institutions which are not systemically significant credit institutions, having the universal license for banking operations and being members of external payment service provider which OPKTs provides operational services services of payment clearing in case of money transfer with use of service of bystry payments, except for credit institutions which do not provide to the clients remote bank services for implementation of money transfers according to bank accounts or provide electronic instruments of payment (further - ESP) only for implementation of the translations of electronic money (further - EMF), increases and (or) reduction of remaining balance of EMF, and also the credit institutions which made the decision on liquidation or the termination of activities as a result of reorganization including in connection with merge to other credit institution (accession to other credit institution), if decision making about reorganization is provided in the specified forms by the plan of participation of the Bank of Russia or the plan of participation of the "Deposit Insurance Agency" state corporation in implementation of measures for the prevention of bankruptcy, shall use service of bystry payments for possibility of implementation by the clients of the following transactions:

from the date of entry into force of this provision - payments of physical persons for benefit of physical persons at the initiative of the payer;

since October 1, 2021 - payments of physical persons for benefit of physical persons at the initiative of the receiver of means;

since April 1, 2022 - payments of physical persons for benefit of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs for payment of goods, works and services with use of the details of the translation given by the receiver of means to the payer electronically and presented including in the code form (except for payments for premises and utilities), payments of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs for benefit of physical persons (except for salary payments, and also payments of legal entities, personal accounts for which are opened in territorial authorities of the Federal Treasury).

The credit institutions determined by paragraph one of this Item shall use service of bystry payments for possibility of implementation of payments by the clients - physical persons in the following terms depending on what of them comes later:

in time, established by the paragraph the second, the paragraph third, the paragraph the fourth this Item;

after 9 months from the date of inclusion of credit institution in the list of members of external payment service provider which OPKTs provides operational services, services of payment clearing in case of money transfer with use of service of bystry payments;

after 9 months from the date of receipt by credit institution of the universal license granting the right to attraction in deposits of money of physical persons, implementation of money transfers without opening of bank accounts, including electronic money (except for postal orders).

The credit institutions determined by paragraph one of this Item shall use service of bystry payments for possibility of implementation of payments by the clients - legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the terms established by paragraphs the sixth and seventh this Item depending on what of them comes later.

The obligation of use of service of bystry payments for possibility of implementation of payments by the clients - physical persons does not extend to the credit institutions specified in paragraph one of this Item if the credit institution for her clients - physical persons opens accounts only on contribution (deposit) and (or) the mode of maintaining the opened bank accounts of clients set by the legislation of the Russian Federation - physical persons are not assumed by implementation of account transactions according to the order of owners of such accounts.

The credit institutions determined by paragraph one of this Item shall use service of bystry payments for possibility of implementation of payments by the clients - legal entities and individual entrepreneurs for benefit of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs (except for payments according to the order or for benefit of legal entities whose personal accounts are opened in territorial authorities of the Federal Treasury) in the following terms depending on what of them comes later:

since April 1, 2024;

after 9 months from the date of receipt by credit institution of the universal license for banking operations;

after 9 months from the date of inclusion of credit institution in the list of members of external payment service provider which OPKTs provides operational services, services of payment clearing in case of money transfer with use of service of bystry payments.

The obligation of use of service of bystry payments for possibility of implementation of payments by the clients - legal entities and individual entrepreneurs does not extend to the credit institutions specified in paragraph one of this Item if the credit institution for her clients - legal entities or individual entrepreneurs opens only accounts on contribution (deposit) and (or) the mode of maintaining the opened bank accounts of clients set by the legislation of the Russian Federation - legal entities or individual entrepreneurs are not assumed by implementation of account transactions according to the order of owners of such accounts.

The credit institutions determined by paragraph one of this Item shall use service of bystry payments for possibility of implementation of payments by the clients - physical persons into the single treasurer account for benefit of participants of system of treasurer payments based on the orders containing the unique identifier of charge, information on which is placed in the State information system about the state and municipal payments, the stipulated in Article 21.3 Federal Laws of July 27, 2010 No. 210-FZ "About the organization of provision of the state and municipal services", in the following terms depending on what of them comes later:

since April 1, 2025;

after 9 months from the date of receipt by credit institution of the universal license for banking operations;

after 9 months from the date of inclusion of credit institution in the list of members of external payment service provider which OPKTs provides operational services, services of payment clearing in case of money transfer with use of service of bystry payments.

3.6. The credit institutions determined by paragraph one of Item 3.5 of this provision shall provide possibility of use of service of bystry payments by the clients using at least one ESP on the basis of the software established on the technical device of the client (the smartphone or the tablet computer) and allowing the client to constitute, certify and transfer orders for implementation of money transfers (further - mobile application), and in the absence of technical capability of provision of mobile application - other system of remote bank servicing for implementation of money transfers with use of the Internet (except for ATMs).

Paragraph two of ceased to be valid according to the Instruction of the Central bank of the Russian Federation of 12.01.2023 No. 6358-U

Systemically the significant credit institutions determined by paragraph one of Item 3.4 of this provision shall provide possibility of use of service of bystry payments by the clients using all mobile applications, and also other systems of remote bank servicing provided by them for implementation of money transfers with use of the Internet (except for ATMs).

The credit institutions determined by paragraph one of Item 3.4 and paragraph one of Item 3.5 of this provision shall provide according to the contract between the participant of SBP and OPKTs SBP, the prisoner according to part of 1 Article 17, part 1 of article 18 of the Federal Law of June 27, 2011 No. 161-FZ "About national payment system", possibility of use of service of bystry payments by the clients - physical persons using mobile application for which software is provided to OPKTs SBP (further - the SBP mobile application), when implementing payments according to bank accounts of physical persons for benefit of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

3.7. Information on members of payment service provider necessary for implementation of money transfer according to this Provision, joins in normative reference information of payment system of the Bank of Russia.

For identification of members of payment service provider and the clients of the Bank of Russia who are not members of payment service provider when implementing money transfer bank identification codes are used (further - BIC), information on which contains in the Reference book of BIC.

Normative reference information of payment system of the Bank of Russia is provided to members of payment service provider for ensuring access to services in money transfer according to this Provision, and also is posted on the official site of the Bank of Russia on the Internet (further - the official site of the Bank of Russia) in the part which is subject to publication. In case of performing procedures of acceptance to execution and execution of the orders provided by this Provision is applied details of the Reference book of BIC and parameters of normative reference information of payment system of the Bank of Russia.

Information on the indirect participant joins in normative reference information of payment system of the Bank of Russia based on information received by the Bank of Russia from working interest owner.

3.8. For implementation of money transfer the credit institution located in the territory of the Russian Federation uses the correspondent account opened in the Bank of Russia, except as specified, of stipulated in Item 4.3 this provision, and also transition of credit institution to servicing to other division of the Bank of Russia.

For implementation of money transfer by the branch of credit institution located in the territory of the Russian Federation the credit institution has the right to have in the Bank of Russia one correspondent sub-account open for this branch of credit institution, except as specified, stipulated in Item 4.3 this provision, and also transition of branch to servicing to other division of the Bank of Russia.

The credit institution or its branch located in the territory of the Russian Federation, having the right to use for implementation of money transfer correspondent sub-account of other branch of this credit institution in case of transfer to it or to its branch of the name, BIC and correspondent sub-account of this other branch (further - details of branch), information on which contains in the Reference book of BIC, after its transfer to the status of internal structural division.

3.9. To credit institutions (their branches), in the Bank of Russia bank (correspondent) accounts (sub-accounts) are opened for other legal entities who are in the territory of the Russian Federation by the divisions of the Bank of Russia located in the location of credit institutions (their branches), other legal entities (further - the divisions of the Bank of Russia serving accounts of participants), information on which joins in agreements of the account and normative reference information of payment system of the Bank of Russia.

To foreign Central (national) Banks, foreign banks (foreign credit institutions), the clearing organizations operating according to the Federal Law of February 7, 2011 No. 7-FZ "About clearing, clearing activities and the central partner" (The Russian Federation Code, 2011, No. 7, Art. 904; 2020, No. 31, of the Art. 5012), bank (correspondent) accounts are opened by divisions of the Bank of Russia according to the decision of the Bank of Russia.

3.10. The Bank of Russia when rendering operational services according to parts 1, 3 and 4 Articles 17, part 2 of article 20 of the Federal Law of June 27, 2011 "About national payment system" provides to No. 161-FZ access to services in money transfer with use of orders in electronic form and exchange of electronic messages with working interest owner - the client of the Bank of Russia who signed with the Bank of Russia the agreement on exchange of electronic messages in case of money transfer within payment system of the Bank of Russia (further - the agreement on exchange).

The working interest owners having access to services in money transfer with use of orders in electronic form are participants of exchange of electronic messages in case of money transfer within payment system of the Bank of Russia (further - participants of exchange).

The working interest owners which are credit institutions (their branches), the Federal Treasury or its territorial authorities use orders in electronic form (except for clients of field organizations of the Bank of Russia who use orders in electronic form in process of readiness).

For provision to the indirect participant of direct access to services in money transfer the agreement on exchange is signed with use of orders in electronic form between the Bank of Russia and working interest owner - credit institution (its branch).

The indirect participants having direct access to services in money transfer with use of orders in electronic form are participants of exchange.

The indirect participants having access to services in money transfer through working interest owner participants of exchange are not. Orders of the indirect participant having access to services in money transfer through working interest owner to the Bank of Russia are sent by working interest owner.

Conditions of access to services in money transfer with use of orders in electronic form between the Bank of Russia and the client of the Bank of Russia, including foreign Central (national) Bank, foreign bank (foreign credit institution), can be commingled with terms of the contract of accounts. In this case the separate agreement on exchange is not signed.

The Bank of Russia provides to participants of exchange access to services in money transfer and exchange of electronic messages with use of ESP according to appendix 2 to this Provision.

Access to services in money transfer with use of service of bystry payments for members of SBP and exchange of electronic messages is provided through OPKTs SBP according to appendix 1 to this Provision and based on the agreement of the account.

Exchange of electronic messages between participants of SBP and OPKTs SBP for the purpose of implementation of money transfer with use of service of bystry payments is performed based on the agreement on rendering operational services, services of the payment clearing provided by part of 1 Article 17, part 1 of article 18 of the Federal Law of June 27, 2011 No. 161-FZ "About national payment system".

When providing with the Bank of Russia to participants of exchange of access to services in money transfer and exchange of electronic messages with use of ESP the direction of orders in electronic form, and also notices, notifications, statements, requests and answers is performed in the form of the electronic messages provided by part 24 of article 3 of the Federal Law of June 27, 2011 No. 161-FZ "About national payment system" (further - in electronic form).

3.11. Access to services in money transfer for working interest owners - the clients of the Bank of Russia who do not have possibility of exchange of messages on communication channels and on alienable machine data carriers in cases, stipulated in Item 4.5 this provision is provided with divisions of the Bank of Russia with use of orders, requests, statements, notifications, notices on paper.

Access to services in money transfer for divisions of the Bank of Russia, including the field organizations of the Bank of Russia which do not have possibility of exchange of messages on communication channels is provided using orders, requests, statements, notifications, notices on paper.

3.12. The procedure for the pre-judicial dispute resolution with members of payment service provider, OPKTs SBP on the questions connected with provision of operational services, services of payment clearing, settlement services within payment system of the Bank of Russia is given in appendix 3 to this Provision.

3.13. The order of interaction within payment system of the Bank of Russia in disputable and emergency situations, including informing by the Bank of Russia, OPKTs SBP, members of payment service provider about the events which caused operational failures about their reasons and consequences, is given in appendix 4 to this Provision.

3.14. For the direction of addresses, statements, information messages, claims according to this Provision when implementing actions concerning several or all accounts of the member of payment service provider the division of the Bank of Russia serving the member of payment service provider of the Bank of Russia is determined (further - the division of the Bank of Russia serving the participant), information on which joins in the agreement of the account and normative reference information of payment system of the Bank of Russia.

For the direction of addresses, statements, information messages, the claims provided by this Provision, receipts of information messages, replies of the Bank of Russia credit institutions (their branches), except for clients of field organizations of the Bank of Russia use private office according to the procedure, No. 86-FZ determined by the Bank of Russia based on parts one and the fourth article 73.1 of the Federal Law of July 10, 2002 "About the Central bank the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)" (The Russian Federation Code, 2002, No. 28, Art. 2790; 2017, No. 27, the Art. 3950) (further - private office). Other clients of the Bank of Russia send appeals, statements, information messages, claims, receive information messages, replies of the Bank of Russia by electronic method according to the agreement of the account, including with use of private office, and in case of impossibility of such direction (obtaining) - on paper.

3.15. The structure of BIC, procedure for its assignment to the members of payment service provider and clients of the Bank of Russia who are not members of payment service provider, details of the Reference book of BIC are determined by appendix 5 to this Provision.

3.16. The credit institution - the member of SBP shall provide to the client - physical person possibility of implementation for benefit of other physical person of payments with use of service of bystry payments according to the bank account of physical person for total amount, component during the day at least hundred fifty thousand rubles.

3.17. Credit institutions - members of SBP shall provide use of service of bystry payments by the clients for all transactions realized according to the agreement on rendering operational services, services of payment clearing signed with OPKTs SBP provided by part of 1 Article 17, part 1 of article 18 of the Federal Law of June 27, 2011 No. 161-FZ "About national payment system". In case of impossibility of implementation of separate transaction types, including because of the customer service termination (physical persons, legal entities, individual entrepreneurs), decision making about liquidation or about the termination of activities as a result of reorganization, credit institutions - members of SBP shall send the appeal to OPKTs SBP for updating of the list of the performed transaction types according to the agreement provided by this Item.


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