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of April 21, 2021 No. 397

Some questions of assistance of economic independence of needy families

(as amended on 24-05-2024)

According to article 9 of the Law of Ukraine "About the government public assistance to needy families" the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

1. Approve the Procedure for assistance on receipt of economic independence of needy family which is applied.

2. Item 7 of the Procedure for calculation of average monthly comprehensive income of family (household) for all types of the government public assistance approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of July 22, 2020 No. 632 "Some questions of payment of the government public assistance" (Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2020, No. 61, Art. 1981), to add with the paragraph of the following content:

"the help on receipt of economic independence of needy family.".

3. This resolution becomes effective since January 1, 2022.

Prime Minister of Ukraine

D. Shmygal

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of April 21, 2021, No. 397

Procedure for assistance on receipt of economic independence of needy family

1. This Procedure determines assistance conditions on receipt of economic independence of needy family, its size and terms of return.

2. In this Procedure terms are used in such value:

the commission - the commission on questions of assistance on receipt of economic independence of needy family formed by jobcenter;

social security authority of the population - structural division concerning social protection of the population district, district in Kiev and Sevastopol the state administrations, executive body of city councils which part of the territory the cities of regional value, district in the cities (in case of their education) councils are;

person who showed willingness to perform business activity - idle able-bodied person from among members of needy family in case of its registration as the unemployed in accordance with the established procedure which showed willingness to receive financial aid for the organization of business activity;

regional jobcenter - regional, Kiev city jobcenter;

the authorized person of executive body - the authorized officer of executive body of village, settlement, city council;

financial aid - the help in receipt of economic independence of needy family which is interest-free returnable financial aid and is provided one-timely in non-cash form at the expense of means of the government budget to idle able-bodied person from among members of needy family for the organization of business activity and assistance it economic independence;

jobcenter - branch of regional jobcenter, city, district, gorrayonny jobcenter where person who showed willingness to perform business activity is registered as jobless.

In this Procedure the term "idle able-bodied person" is used in the value given in the Law of Ukraine "About the government public assistance to needy families".

3. Expenses on payment of financial aid are refunded at the expense of means of the government budget.

The amount of financial aid cannot exceed 15 sizes of the minimum wage established by the law for January 1 of calendar year in which the decision on its provision is made (further - the extreme amount of financial aid).

4. The authorized person of executive body, social security authority of the population informs receivers of the government public assistance to needy families in which family composition there are idle able-bodied persons, about possibility of receipt of financial aid by them.

The social security authority of the population monthly to the 5th represents by exchange electronically lists of idle able-bodied persons which are members of needy families, with indication of the period to which the government public assistance to needy families according to the Law of Ukraine "About the government public assistance to needy families", taking into account results of preventive verification in jobcenter for the registered residence or the residence of persons is appointed.

5. For assistance in the organization of business activity jobcenters provide to persons who showed willingness to receive financial aid and are registered as the unemployed, in their consent, professional orientation services, consultations concerning implementation of business activity and will organize for them professional training according to the legislation.

Person who showed willingness to perform business activity develops the business plan for receipt of financial aid independently or in the course of professional training.

6. For receipt of financial aid person who showed willingness to perform business activity represents:

the statement for provision of financial aid (further - the statement) in form according to appendix 1;

the reference for provision to physical persons of data on criminal prosecution, lack (availability) of criminal record or the restrictions provided by the criminal procedure legislation. Such reference does not move if if technically possible the information about person is received by jobcenter by information exchange with unified information system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;

business plan.

Responsibility for reliability of the data on absence/availability of financial liabilities specified in the statement which exceed the limiting amount of the amount of financial aid and debts on repayment of financial liabilities is assigned to person who showed willingness to perform business activity.

For confirmation of data on availability (absence) at person who showed willingness to perform business activity, encumbrances of personal and real estate (before ensuring technical capability of receipt of data from the State register of encumbrances of personal estate, to the State register of the corporeal rights to real estate) person are represented: the statement from the State register of burdenings of personal estate, information from the State register of the corporeal rights to real estate.

The application is submitted by person to jobcenter or, if technically possible, through the Single state web portal of electronic services.

7. The issue of provision of financial aid is resolved by the commission.

The commissions are included representatives of jobcenter, the authorized person of executive body, representatives of social security authority of the population, local government bodies, territorial authorities of GNS, organizations (associations) of employers and labor unions (in coordination).


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