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of October 9, 2019 No. PP-4486

About measures for further enhancement of management system water resources

(as amended on 29-12-2023)

In recent years within the large-scale institutional reforms undertaken in the country measures for increase in efficiency of public administration in the sphere of water economy, to enhancement of the principles and management systems are taken by water resources.

Work on improvement of meliorative condition of the irrigated lands, increase in efficiency of use of water resources, enhancement of system of conducting their accounting, and also strengthening of material and technical resources of the water management organizations is consistently carried out.

At the same time implementable measures for reforming of agricultural industry and diversification of agricultural production cause need of further improvement of water management infrastructure on the basis of implementation of modern methods of management in the field.

For the purpose of further enhancement of management system water resources and operation of water management objects, ensuring efficiency of projects implementation of irrigation and melioration, implementation of the market principles and mechanisms in the field of management of water economy, and also development of science in this sphere:

1. Ceased to be valid according to the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 06.04.2021 No. PP-5055

2. Agree with offers of the Ministry of water economy, the Ministry of Economy and Industry, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of investments and foreign trade, Agency on management of the state assets of the Republic of Uzbekistan about:

creation based on the Republican combining "Uzsuvkurilishtajminot" under the Ministry of water economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - the Republican combining "Uzsuvkurilishtajminot") Uzsuvkurilish joint-stock company (further - JSC Uzsuvkurilish), and also transformation of the state unitary enterprises which are part of the Republican combining "Uzsuvkurilishtajminot", limited liability companies according to appendix No. 1;

step-by-step optimization of the number of staff of state-financed organizations of system of the Ministry of water economy since November 1, 2019 for 10 percent and since January 1, 2020 - in addition for 10 percent, including the number of managerial personnel - on 83 units according to this resolution.

3. Determine that:

JSC Uzsuvkurilish is legal successor under agreements, the rights and obligations of the Republican combining "Uzsuvkurilishtajminot";

the created limited liability companies are legal successors under agreements, the rights and obligations of the relevant transformed state unitary enterprises;

the authorized capital of the created limited liability companies are created for the transfer account on residual cost of property of the transformed state unitary enterprises specified in appendix No. 1;

the authorized capital of JSC Uzsuvkurilish is created for the transfer account on residual cost of property of the reorganized Republican combining "Uzsuvkurilishtajminot", and also the state shares of the created limited liability companies;

functions of the shareholder on the state block of shares in the authorized capital of JSC Uzsuvkurilish are performed by Agency on management of the state assets of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

the number of staff of managerial personnel of the reorganized Republican combining "Uzsuvkurilishtajminot" financed by means of the Government budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan remains in system of the Ministry of water economy;

the means released from optimization of the number of staff of system of the Ministry of water economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to this resolution go for wages increase of employees of bodies and organizations of the Ministry of water economy due to application to their base wage rates of correction coefficient since November 1, 2019 in the amount of 1,1 and since January 1, 2020 - 1,2.

4. Ceased to be valid according to the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 06.04.2021 No. PP-5055

5. Approve:

a) ceased to be valid according to the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 06.04.2021 No. PP-5055

b) the "Road map" developed by the Ministry of water economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan together with the interested ministries and departments on increase in system effectiveness of water resources management according to appendix No. 3.

Assign to heads of the responsible ministries and departments the personal responsibility for timely, complete and high-quality implementation of actions included in the "Road map" provided by this subitem.

6. Ceased to be valid according to the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 29.12.2023 No. PP-422

7. Approve offers of the Ministry of the higher and secondary vocational education, the Ministry of water economy, the Ministry of housing-and-municipal servicing, the State committee on ecology and environmental protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and also the production and operational organizations about:

placement of specialized classes of profile departments of National research university "Tashkent Institute of Engineers of Irrigation and Mechanization of Agricultural Industry" (further - University) based on the production and operational organizations of the relevant departments according to appendix No. 4;

creation of the Specialized project team under University from among scientific and the faculty, representatives of design institutes, including foreign specialists, and also with involvement of gifted students for their practical learning to modern methods and standards of designing in the sphere of water economy.

Take into consideration that:

a) passing of practical and laboratory researches, and also industrial practice practice of students in specialized classes of the profile departments of University placed based on the production and operational organizations of the relevant departments is performed by the principle "one day of occupations on production";

b) the main objectives of the Specialized project team under University are:


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