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The document ceased to be valid since  July 20, 2023 according to item 4 of the Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of July 17, 2023 No. 364


of April 20, 2021 soda No. 158

About procedure for submission of the declaration on voluntary declaring of property and the income

According to article 12 of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About voluntary declaring of property and the income by physical persons", articles 10 and 17   of the constitutional Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic" the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic decides:

1. Approve:

1) the Procedure for filling and assurance of the declaration on voluntary declaring of property and the income according to appendix 1;

2) declaration form form of voluntary declaring of property and the income according to appendix 2;

3) the Qualifier of subjects to voluntary declaring of property and the income according to appendix 3.

2. Determine that renewal of subject to voluntary declaring on the customs applicant is performed on the basis of the agreement on voluntary conveyance in property of the declared property which is drawn up according to the civil legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.

3. And finance of the Kyrgyz Republic to open for the Ministry of Economics the account for transfer of money on obligations for voluntary declaring in system of the Single treasury account.

4. Declare invalid the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "About procedure for submission of the declaration on the income and property" of July 29, 2013 No. 425.

5. To impose control of execution of this resolution on department of economy and finance of Government office of the Kyrgyz Republic.

6. This resolution is subject to official publication and becomes effective since January 1, 2021.

Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic 

U. Maripov

Appendix 1

to the Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of April 20, 2021 soda No. 158

Procedure for filling and assurance of the declaration on voluntary declaring of property and income

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. This Procedure is developed according to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About voluntary declaring of property and the income by physical persons" and determines procedure for filling of the declaration on voluntary declaring of property and the income created and/or acquired for the income account, received till January 1, 2020 by the physical persons having subjects to voluntary declaring in the Kyrgyz Republic without the corresponding payment of tax and customs payments, assignments on social insurance and other obligatory payments.

Chapter 2. Procedure for filling of the declaration on voluntary declaring of property and income

2. The declaration on voluntary declaring of property and the income (further - the Declaration) is filled in directly with the customs applicant or his legal representative according to data of documents: the customs applicant proving the identity; the legal representative proving the identity; confirmatory right of the legal representative of the customs applicant.

3. When filling the declaration corrections, erasures and blots, arithmetic mistakes are not allowed.

4. In the line "The Name of the Body Which Issued the Form and Certified the Declaration" the name of office of notary public at the place of residence or registration of the customs applicant certifying the declaration is specified.

5. In the line "Surname, Name, Middle Name of the Customs Applicant" surname, the name, middle name of the customs applicant are entered completely.

6. In the line "INN (PIN) of the Customs Applicant" the tax ID number or the personal identification number of the customs applicant assigned by authorized body in the sphere of registration of the population is specified.

7. In the line "Residence or Registration" the address of accounting registration according to the identity document of the customs applicant is specified.

8. In the corresponding lines "Data of the Identity Document of the Customs Applicant" series, number, date of issue and the name of the state body which issued the identity document of the customs applicant are specified.

9. In the line "Total the Declared Cost of Subjects to Voluntary Declaring" the total amount of cost of the declared properties and/or the income according to the line "Total" of appendix (figures and copy-book) is specified.

10. In the line "Appendices to the Declaration Are Provided (the Sign "X" Notes the Corresponding Cells)", the sign "X" notes cells near cells of the corresponding appendices to the declaration that means that noted appendices to the declaration are provided for assurance.

Chapter 3. Procedure for filling of appendix to the declaration on voluntary declaring of property and income

11. Filling of appendix to the declaration is performed according to the Qualifier of subjects to voluntary declaring of property and the income (further - the Qualifier).

12. In column 1 the sequence number of subject to voluntary declaring is specified.

13. In column 2 the type of subject to voluntary declaring is specified.

14. In column 3 full name of property according to the Qualifier is specified or the corresponding code of the Qualifier, with the short name of subject to voluntary declaring is specified.

15. In column 4 year of acquisition of subject to voluntary declaring is specified.

16. In column 5 details of the title or right certifying document are specified property object, including: identification code of real estate object, number and series of the act on land use, number and series of share issue, number and date of the purchase and sale agreement, donation, loan, lease, exchange, the certificate on inheritance, technical data sheet on motor transport, the foundation agreement on share in economic partnership or society.

17. In columns 6 and 7 the quantity and/or the area of the declared income and/or property expressed in the corresponding units of measure are specified.

18. In column 8 the cost of objects of property, except for money, is specified date of acquisition on the basis of documents of title, and in case of their lack or lack of specifying of asset cost in them - at the market prices expressed in national currency of date of acquisition, on the basis of independent assessment of the customs applicant.


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