of April 28, 2021 No. KR DSM-36
About approval of Health regulations "Sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to facilities for production of food products"
According to subitem 132-1) of Item 16 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved by the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 17, 2017 No. 71 of PRIKAZYVAYU:
1. Approve the enclosed Health regulations "Sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to facilities for production of food products".
2. To provide to committee of sanitary and epidemiologic control of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan after official publication;
3) within ten working days after state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan submission to Legal department of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan of data on execution of the actions provided by subitems 1) and 2) of this Item.
3. To impose control of execution of this order on the supervising vice-Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
4. This order becomes effective after twenty one calendar days after day of its first official publication.
Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan
A. Tsoi
Approved by the Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 28, 2021, No. KR DSM-36
1. These Health regulations "Sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to facilities for production of food products" (further - Health regulations) are developed according to subitem 132-1) of Item 16 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved by the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 17, 2017 No. 71 (further - the Provision), and determine sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to facilities for production of food products (further - objects), except for food products concerning which the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan establishes other requirements to production and conversion.
2. These Health regulations contain sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to:
1) to the choice of the parcel of land under construction, to designing, reconstruction, re-equipment, re-planning, reshaping, expansion, repair and commissioning of objects;
2) to water supply, water disposal, heat supply, lighting, ventilation and conditioning;
3) to content and operation of rooms, buildings and constructions of objects, equipment;
4) to conditions of production, packings, storages, transportations, realization and utilizations of food products;
5) to implementation of production supervision;
6) to working conditions, consumer services, medical support and to hygienic personnel training.
3. In these Health regulations the following terms and determinations are used:
1) food (food) staples - the products of animal, vegetable, microbiological, mineral, artificial or biotechnological origin and drinking water used for production (production) of food products;
2) culinary product - the food products or combination of products brought to culinary readiness;
3) culinary semifinished product (semifinished product) - food products or combination of food products, last one or several stages of conversion (processing) (culinary, other) without bringing to readiness;
4) culinary products - set of culinary semifinished products, culinary products, dishes;
5) bactericidal irradiator - the device of the opened or closed type which is intended for disinfecting of air and surfaces in rooms by direct ultraviolet rays of bactericidal effect (253,7 of nanometers), from viruses, bacteria, mold, fungi, yeast, dispute and other infectious microorganisms (for example, bactericidal lamp, bactericidal retsirkulyator, irradiator-retsirkulyator);
6) children's dairy kitchen - object of production (production) of the dairy products and food products for baby food intended for baby food for children of early age (from 0 to 3 years), meeting the corresponding physiological requirements of children's organism and not doing harm to health of the child of the corresponding age;
7) the oboyechny machine - the zernoochistitelny machine with working body in the form of scourges, for dry cleaning of surface of grain of dust, partial department of fruit covers, small beard and germ and for preliminary peeling of grain;
8) bastuna - equipment accessory on which long pasta is hung and dried up;
9) the bunker, silo - the reservoirs for temporary storage of grain unloading through the lower part, equipped with locks and feeders;
10) burrata - processing equipment for sifting of flour and catching of metallomagnetic impurity;
11) the packed drinking water - the drinking water conforming to requirements of technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (further - the Union), poured in packaging, held for sale or the packaging intended for primary package of products sold to the final consumer;
12) veterinary accompanying documents - the veterinary certificate issued by the state veterinary health inspectors of the city of republican value, the capital, area, city of regional value on subjects to the state veterinary health control and supervision; the veterinary and sanitary conclusion issued by the state veterinarians; the veterinary reference issued by the specialist in the field of veterinary science of the state veterinary organizations created by local executive bodies, on animal, products and raw materials of animal origin, about epizootic situation in the territory of the corresponding administrative and territorial unit, and also the certified veterinarian of division of production supervision by determination of compliance of animals, products and raw materials of animal origin to veterinary standard rates according to the procedure, approved by authorized body in the field of veterinary science;
13) homogenization - engineering procedure for uniformity giving to composition of milk by crushing of fatty balls;
14) date of production - end date of process (stage) of production (production) of food products;
15) technical documentation of the manufacturer - documents according to which are performed production, storage, transportation and realization of foodstuff approved by the manufacturer (standards of the organizations, specifications, production schedules, technological instructions, specifications) containing the name of food products with indication of identification signs, ingrediyentny structure of food products, scope, physical and chemical and organoleptic indicators, and also indicators of safety of food products, the requirement to marking and packaging, expiration dates and storage conditions, transportations and utilizations, lists and the process descriptions of production including technological transactions, and the sequence of their application on the corresponding types of food products, the program of production supervision according to which industrial production of food products or import food products is performed;
16) the machine for wet peeling of grain - the machine used to moistening of grain and partial removal of covers;
17) disinfection barrier - the deepening in the earth before entrance on the object territory filled with the disinfecting solution intended for disinfection of wheels of motor transport;
18) accounting number - the code including type of activity and number of object of production;
19) defrosting - defrosting of food products up to the temperature in the thickness of product is not lower plus (further - "+") than 1 degree Celsius (further - °C);
20) expiration date of food products - the period of time during which the food products completely conform to the safety requirements imposed to it established by technical regulations of the Union which action extends to it and also keeps the consumer properties declared in marking and after which the food products are not suitable for proper use;
21) semifinished product of high degree of readiness - culinary semifinished product from which as a result of minimum necessary (one-two) technological transactions receive dish or culinary product;
22) high-temperature pasteurization - the process of heat treatment in the range of temperatures from +77 °C to +125 °C which is followed by inactivation of alkaline phosphatase and peroxidase;
23) pod - fruit cover of seeds of sunflower;
24) subcooking - the welded mass of sugar with addition of puree of various berries and fruit;
25) the screw of intensive moistening - the equipment in the form of transporter for grain moistening;
26) dangerous food products - products when which using there is unacceptable risk for life and health of the person and the environment;
27) objects of low power (mini-production) - objects, on which performance: on conversion of meat, milk, fish - to 3,0 of tons (further - t) the processed raw materials in days; bread and bakery products - to t 3,0 in days, confectionery with cream - to 0, t a day, confectionery without cream - to t 0,5 in days; culinary products - to t 0,1 in days; pasta - less 0,1 of t a day; alcoholic and nonalcoholic products, including the packed drinking water, including natural mineral water, to 4000 liters a day (hundred thousand decalitres a year);
28) magnetic obstacles - devices for release of metallomagnetic impurity;
29) magnetocatcher - installation for catching of small metal objects;
30) not processed food products of animal origin - not undergone conversion (processing) of ink (carcass) of productive animal all types, their parts (including blood and offal), milk raw, raw skim milk, cream crude, products of beekeeping, egg and yaytseproduktion, catch of water biological resources, aquaculture products;
31) melange egg - mechanical mix of egg whites and yolks, without observance of their exact ratio;
32) molasses - withdrawal of beet sugar production, is used in case of production of yeast;
33) mistsella - meal mix with the solvent;
34) the document on standardization - the document establishing regulations, rules, characteristics, the principles concerning different types of activities in the sphere of standardization or its results;
35) production supervision - complex of actions, including laboratory researches and testing of the made products, the works and services which are carried out by the individual entrepreneur or the legal entity, aimed at safety and (or) harmlessness for the person and the habitat;
36) pasteurization - the process of heat treatment (single heating) at temperature from +65 °C to +100 °C providing destruction of pathogenic and vegetative cages of microorganisms % 99,0 at least from initial content in product;
37) recirculation - reuse of the air brought to initial parameters;
38) the cooled meat - the fresh meat received directly after slaughter of animal or bird and chilling up to the temperature in the thickness of muscles from 0 °C to + 4 °C;
39) sanitary processing - set of the processing methods providing cleaning, washing and disinfection of rooms, the equipment, furniture, tools, stock, ware, intra shop multiturnover packaging, multiturnover shipping package, sanitary special clothes and individual remedies, vehicles, containers and the reservoirs used for transportation of food products;
40) sanitary scrap - food products with the changed organoleptic and consumer properties which arose owing to violations during technological transaction, transportation and (or) warehousing, realization, spoil resulting in impossibility of its use for the intended purpose;
41) sanitary special clothes (further - special clothes) - set of protective clothes of personnel (headdress or hair-net, jacket with trousers or dressing gown (disposable or reusable), grid for beard (moustaches) in case of production (production), apron, footwear; the individual protection equipment used in production of food products (mask protective for respiratory organs (disposable or reusable), gloves (disposable or reusable)), intended for protection of raw materials, auxiliary materials and finished food products against pollution by mechanical particles, microorganisms and other pollution;
42) sanitary day - specially allotted time (once a month suffices) for carrying out clear-out of rooms, cleaning, sink and disinfection of the equipment, stock and rooms, in need of disinsection and deratization of rooms;
43) separator - the zernoochistitelny machine for purification of grain of large, small and light impurity;
44) sterilization - process of heat treatment of milk in hermetically the corked reservoirs at temperature above +100 °C, providing destruction of microorganisms, their vegetative cages and dispute;
45) utilization of food products - use of the food products which are not conforming to requirements of technical regulations of the Union for the purpose of, other than the purposes for which the food products are intended and in which it is usually used, or reduction of the food products which are not conforming to requirements of technical regulations of the Union in the condition not suitable for any its use and application, and also the excluding adverse effect it per capita, animals and the environment;
46) indicator of safety of food products - the admissible level of content of the chemical, radioactive, toxic materials and their connections, microorganisms and other biological organisms constituting health hazard of the person and animals;
47) food products - products of animal, vegetable, microbiological, mineral, artificial or biotechnological origin in the natural, processed or processed type which are intended for the use by the person in food, including specialized food products, the drinking water which is packed up in reservoir, drinking mineral water, alcoholic products (including beer and drinks on the basis of beer), soft drinks, dietary supplements to food (dietary supplement), chewing gum, ferments and starting cultures of microorganisms, yeast, nutritional supplements and fragrances, and also food (food) staples;
48) batch of food products - the certain quantity of the food products of one name which are equally packed, made (made) by one manufacturer according to one regional (interstate) standard or the national standard, and (or) the standard of the organization, and (or) other documents of the manufacturer in certain period, accompanied with the shipping documentation providing traceability of food products;
49) perishable food products - food products which expiration dates do not exceed 5 days if other is not established by technical regulations of the Union on separate types of food products, requiring specially created temperature conditions of storage and transportation (transportation) for the purpose of preserving safety and prevention of development in it pathogenic microorganisms, microorganisms of spoil and (or) formation of toxins to the levels hazardous to health of the person;
50) the fast-frozen food products - food products whole, cut or crushed with addition of natural food components or without them, packed and refrigerated by the accelerated method before achievement in products of temperature of -18 °C which are observed in storage time and on all refrigerating chain to the consumer;
51) the skoromorozilny camera (the skoromorozilny equipment) - the equipped room (equipment) with low temperature condition from -28 °C and below;
52) the grinder - the machine for final removal from the surface of grain (seed) of the covers which remained after peeling (and partially germ), and also for processing krupok to established by regulating documents on standardization of form and required appearance;
53) technological or manufacturing defect - products which do not satisfy established by documents on standardization and (or) technical documentation of the manufacturer to requirements which transfer to the consumer is not allowed because of availability of defects;
54) heat treatment - process of heat treatment of products (chilling, termization, pasteurization, sterilization, ultrapasteurization, ultrahigh-temperature processing);
55) termization - process of heat treatment of milk or dairy products at temperature from + 60 °C to +68 °C with the subsequent endurance to 30 seconds (further - sec.);
56) the thermogram - graphical representation of the mode of thermal treatment of raw materials (products);
57) processing equipment - set of the mechanisms, machines, devices, devices necessary for production work;
58) eggs refrigerator - the eggs stored in the refrigerator over 30 days;
59) the frozen meat - the fresh meat received directly after slaughter and podmorazhivaniye up to the temperature in the thickness of muscles from -2 °C to -3 °C;
60) low-temperature pasteurization - the process of heat treatment at temperature not above +76 °C which is followed by inactivation of alkaline phosphatase;
61) ultrahigh-temperature processing (UVT, ultrapasteurization) - heat treatment of milk and products of its conversion in flow at temperature from +125 °C to +140 °C with endurance at least 2-5 sec., providing destruction of microorganisms, their vegetative cages and dispute;
62) the vymolny machine - the centrifugal machine performing separation of fruit covers (bran) from grain endosperm;
63) distributing Item - the object intended for issue of the baby food made in children's dairy kitchens, which is part of children's dairy kitchen or located separately at distance no more than 40 kilometers (further - km) from children's dairy kitchen;
64) ferment - the semifinished product received by sbrazhivaniye of nutritious mix lactic bacteria or lactic bacteria and yeast;
65) myatka - the crushed raw materials on rollers;
66) milling - engineering procedure of chilling of dairy mix for ice cream with its simultaneous beating;
67) cyclone - the device for purification of air;
68) conditional and good meat - the meat of carcass of sick animal allowed in food after disinfecting (provarivaniye, production of sausages, neutralization of finnozny meat freezing or salting);
69) meal - the by-product in case of production of vegetable oils received after pressing and extraction of seeds of oil-bearing crops;
70) the brush machine - the zernoochistitelny machine with working body in the form of brushes, for dry cleaning of surface of grain of covers and dust pollution.
4. In these Health regulations the terms which are specially not determined in this Section are used in the values established by the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 7, 2020 "About health of the people and health care system" (further - the Code), the technical regulation of the Customs union "About safety of food products" (further - TR CU 021/2011) approved by the Decision of the Commission of custom union of December 9, 2011 No. 880 and technical regulations of the Union which action extends to food products.
5. The choice of the parcel of land under construction, designing, reconstruction, re-equipment, reshaping, re-planning, expansion, repair and commissioning of objects are determined according to requirements of the state standard rates in the field of architecture, town planning and construction, according to subitem 23-16) of article 20 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 16, 2001 "About architectural, town-planning and construction activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan" (further - the state standard rates in the field of architecture, town planning and construction), performed according to article 46 of the Code, documents of sanitary and epidemiologic regulation approved according to subitem 132-1) of Item 16 of the Provision (further - documents of regulation) and these Health regulations.
6. Designing and construction of facilities on the parcels of land is not allowed in case of:
1) their use in the past under cattle mortuaries, places of burial of toxic waste, dumps, fields of cesspool cleaning, the cemetery, and also having pollution of the soil of organic and chemical nature;
2) excess of standard rates of radiation safety;
3) placement on the parcel of land of the soil centers on anthrax of stationary unsuccessful Items;
4) lack of possibility of the organization of the sanitary protection zone, sanitary gaps, in zones of possible flooding;
5) placement in the first zone of sanitary protection of sources of water supply;
6) placement in danger areas of dumps of breed of coal and other mines.
7. Designing, reconstruction, re-equipment, reshaping, re-planning, expansion of buildings, constructions, production rooms and devices of objects (irrespective of capacity and profile) is performed taking into account possibility of providing:
1) the threading of engineering procedures excluding counter or cross flows of the food (food) staples and food products polluted and net stock;
2) the prevention or minimization of the air pollution used in production process of food products;
3) protection against penetration into production rooms of birds, animals, including rodents and insects;
4) possibilities of implementation of necessary maintenance and running repair of processing equipment, cleaning, sink, disinfection, disinsection and deratization of production rooms;
5) necessary space for implementation of technological transactions;
6) protection against accumulation of dirt, fall of particles in the made food products, formations of condensate, mold on the surfaces of production rooms;
7) conditions for storage of food (food) staples, materials of packaging and food products.
8. Except as specified, stipulated in Item 9 these Health regulations, are not allowed placement:
1) object in residential buildings, in built in, attached it is also built-in - the attached rooms of residential buildings and buildings of civil appointment;
2) children's dairy kitchens (further - DMK) in semibasement and basement stores of buildings;
3) production rooms of object in basement and first floors of residential buildings;
4) residential buildings (rooms) for accommodation of personnel of object (except for rooms for stay working on shift method (up to 15 calendar days)), rooms for the works and services which are not connected with object, Items on sagination of pets and birds in the territory of object, buildings, constructions and in rooms of object;
5) locker rooms for personnel in production rooms;
6) cultivation and cultivation of food products in residential buildings, in built in, attached is also built in - the attached rooms of residential buildings.
9. Placement is allowed:
1) DMK in the attached buildings, in rooms the children's out-patient and polyclinic and stationary medical organizations with separate entrance;
2) on the first floors of office and residential buildings of DMK with a production capacity up to 5 thousand (inclusive) portions in days;
3) objects of conversion and production of food products in one territory of multi-profile objects according to documents of regulation, except for the objects carried to 1-2 class of danger of sanitary classification with the established sanitary protection zone of 100 and more meters (further - m);
4) objects of low power in separate non-residential buildings, in the rooms attached it is built-in - attached to non-residential buildings, in multi-profile objects (administrative, production, trade), except for the objects carried to 1-2 class of danger of sanitary classification with the established sanitary protection zone 100 and more than a m, on condition of lack of harmful effects per capita of factors of the habitat and to health of the person, respect for the principle of isolation of engineering procedures of production of food products, in compliance documents of regulation;
5) objects of low power in residential buildings, in built in, attached it is also built-in - the attached rooms of residential buildings and buildings of civil appointment, on condition of lack of harmful effects per capita of factors of the habitat and to health of the person, availability of the sanitary and epidemiologic conclusion on the project of reasons for the sanitary protection zone at the level of zero meters, compliance to documents of regulation and to these Health regulations.
Project development of reasons for the sanitary protection zone is required for the objects which are impact sources on the habitat of the person for establishment of the size of the sanitary protection zone.
10. In the territory of objects separate entrance and departure for transport, except for objects of low power is provided. Handling platforms, transitions from railway and automobile platforms, storage areas of construction materials, fuel, packaging (container), the road for motor transport and walking paths are equipped with equal waterproof, hard surface.
11. In case of entrance (departure) on the production territory (from the territory) meat - the ptitsepererabatyvayushchy objects incorporating objects for slaughter of productive animals and bird at gate disinfection barriers with disinfecting solution are arranged, carrying out disinfection of the driving (leaving) transport is provided under any weather conditions. On objects without slaughter of productive animals and bird disinfection of vehicles is not provided, performed if necessary. Ditches of disinfection barriers are equipped with devices for heating of disinfecting solutions during the winter period of year.
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