of April 22, 2021 No. PP-5089
About measures for enhancement of procedure for service by employees of National guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan
For the purpose of enhancement of system of selection, preparation, retraining and advanced training of employees of National guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - National guard), increases in their responsibility, strengthening of material security and social protection, and also the organization of service by employees:
1. Determine the main directions of enhancement of procedure for service by employees of National guard:
implementation of the mechanism of completing of vacant positions the perspective personnel which is example thanks to the professional qualities, working capacity, behavior and psychological stability;
adjustment of the effective system of mentorship providing succession of work experience, acceleration of process of practical adaptation to service and professional forming of young employees, development of capability of independent accomplishment in them of the assigned office tasks;
implementation of measures, directed to forming of the stable professional atmosphere among employees, stimulation of long service of employees, and also optimum placement of personnel to positions taking into account their professional and personal qualities, and also capabilities;
review of the mechanism of ensuring performing discipline, including system control of timely bringing to each contractor and execution of management decisions by widespread introduction of modern information and communication technologies.
2. Approve:
Regulations on procedure for service by employees of National guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to appendix No. 1;
The disciplinary charter of employees of National guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to appendix No. 2.
3. Establish procedure according to which deputy commanders and chiefs of managements of National guard:
a) quarterly with departure on places hear personal reports of division managers of Head department of protection and training centers of National guard on realization of management decisions with indication of the achieved specific results;
b) following the results of every half-year personally report on board of National guard on the carried-out work on strengthening of office and performing discipline, and also the organization of service taking into account requirements of the reforms performed in this sphere. At the same time acceptance of specific measures is provided on:
to application of measures of disciplinary punishment concerning not showing initiative and irresponsible heads;
to implementation and application of positive work experience of divisions of National guard.
4. Agree with proposals of National guard and the Ministry of Justice about:
to training of employees of National guard in educational institutions of system of National guard and other educational institutions on internal and extramural studies;
passing by employees of National guard in accordance with the established procedure special professional (initial) training, retraining and advanced training in training centers of National guard.
5. For the purpose of effective establishing activities of mentors in National guard:
selection of mentors in National guard is made among the most experienced employees who served as at least five years having high professional qualities, effective indicators on a service and skills of educational work;
no more than one employee of officers, to five employees of ordinary and sergeant structures, as a rule, are assigned to mentors.
6. Determine that:
the period of service of the service life granting the right to pension constitutes twenty years in calendar calculation which period of preferential calculation is considered only when charging to employees of the sizes of pension;
regulations of the cash cover established for employees of National guard at the expense of means of the Government budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan are applied to the staff of the divisions of National guard performing activities on the basis of agreements for rendering services to physical persons and legal entities;
children of employees of National guard are accepted in the state preschool educational organizations according to the procedure, established in the legislation, in the place of residence or services.
7. Approve the proposal of National guard on organization of the departmental breastplate "Ўзбекистон Respublikasi the Milly gvardiyasining of fidoya hody" for the purpose of rewarding of initiative and fair employees for office discipline and faultless continuous service.
8. Confer the personal responsibility on:
the commander of National guard - for high-quality and in full realization of the tasks and activities assigned to National guard according to requirements of the performed reforms, effective coordination, ensuring interaction of services and establishment of system control of unconditional and timely execution of orders of management of National guard;
heads of structural divisions of all levels - for selection and target arrangement of employees, timely and objective encouragement, and also application of measures of disciplinary punishment to employees, providing guarantees of their social protection, and also strengthening of performing discipline in the divisions run by them;
deputy managers of structural divisions on personnel and educational work - for forming of the reserve of personnel providing job development of the employees who are honesty carrying out service duties, training and full use of their potential, the organization of effective educational work with staff and service control;
the mentors assigned to specialists - for instilling in employees of aspiration to effectiveness of the performed activities and effective implementation of the assigned tasks, forming of skills of practical approach at them to work and the initiative relation to the office debt.
9. National guard to bring in the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan:
in two-month time together with the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan, other interested ministries and departments the draft of the government decision providing approval of structure and the list of the payments which are part of cash cover of employees of National guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
in three-months time together with the interested ministries and departments the offer on the changes and amendments in the legislation following from this resolution.
10. To impose control of execution of this resolution on the secretary of the Security Council in case of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan V. V. Makhmudov and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan A. N. Aripov.
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Sh. Mirziyoev
Appendix №1
to the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 22, 2021 No. PP-5089
1. This Provision determines procedure for service by employees of ordinary-sergeant and officer structures (further - employees) National guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - National guard).
2. The service of employees (further - service) is type of the public service consisting in accomplishment of tasks on protection of the rights and legitimate interests of physical persons and legal entities, the constitutional system, ensuring rule of law, safety of society and state.
3. Service includes procedure:
acceptance on service;
assignments and deprivations of special ranks;
position assignments, dismissal and movement on position;
preparation, retraining and advanced training of employees;
services when electing (appointment, sending out on business) of the employee in other state bodies and the organizations;
carrying out certification;
provisions of leaves;
legal and social protection;
providing mode of service;
prolongation of service life, dismissals from service and recovery on service.
4. By selection citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan not more young than eighteen are employed in voluntary procedure and also stages of selection are not more senior than thirty years inclusive from among workers and employees of the divisions of the private militarized security of Head department of protection (except for the candidates having narrow specialization) having the corresponding professional training, who were trained.
In necessary cases in separate divisions of National guard which list is determined by the commander of National guard to position of employees of National guard citizens can be accepted is more senior than thirty years if they by the time of age achievement of limit of condition on service have pension entitlement for long service.
5. Men before position assignment of the employee of National guard shall serve compulsory military service in Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan or military service in mobilization draft reserve or have military training in the highest educational institutions.
6. The citizen who showed willingness to arrive on service (further - the candidate) in the place of permanent registration in the place of the permanent place of residence submits documents according to the list determined by the order of the commander of National guard to divisions of National guard.
7. Growth of candidates shall correspond to the following anthropometrical parameters:
men - it is not lower than 178 centimeters;
women - it is not lower than 170 centimeters.
The list of divisions and positions on which special biometric parameters to candidates are set and also parameters of growth of candidates from among narrow-purpose specialists are determined by the commander of National guard.
8. In exceptional cases based on the Decree, the resolution or the order, and also the consent of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan or the order of the commander of National guard workers from other state bodies and the organizations, the pensioners of National guard having wide experience of practical work can be employed without requirements, stipulated in Item 4 this provision.
9. Ceased to be valid according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 07.11.2023 No. UP-188
10. Selection is performed in the following stages:
preliminary studying of the candidate;
individual interview;
assessment of level of physical training;
psychological test.
11. For the organization of selection in divisions of National guard selection committees are created.
Selection for acceptance on service in National guard is performed in the place of permanent registration in the place of the permanent place of residence of the candidate.
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