of April 23, 2021 No. 630
About the State information system of electronic certificates
According to part 4 of article 5 of the Federal law "About Acquisition of Separate Types of Goods, Works, Services with Use of the Electronic Certificate" Government of the Russian Federation decides:
1. Approve the enclosed Regulations on the State information system of electronic certificates.
2. This resolution becomes effective from the date of entry into force of the Federal Law "About Acquisition of Separate Types of Goods, Works, Services with Use of the Electronic Certificate".
Russian Prime Minister
M. Mishustin
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 23, 2021 No. 630
1. This Provision determines the principles of creation, development and operation of the State information system of electronic certificates (further - information system), its structure and procedure for functioning, including procedure and conditions of provision and the information processing which is subject to placement in information system, procedure for forming and maintaining the register of electronic certificates, procedure for provision of access to data of information system, procedure for the information security containing in information system and order of interaction with other information systems, including with information systems of sellers (contractors).
2. The basic concepts used in this Provision are applied in the values established by the Federal Law "About Acquisition of Separate Types of Goods, Works, Services with Use of the Electronic Certificate".
3. When forming in information system of the data, notifications and other documents electronically provided by this Provision and exchange they with other information systems use the strengthened qualified digital signatures, and also in the cases established by this Provision the strengthened unqualified digital signatures which certificates of keys of check are created and are used in the infrastructure providing information and technological interaction of the information systems used for provision of the state and municipal services electronically in the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation (further - the strengthened unqualified digital signature).
4. The operator of information system providing its creation, development and operation according to part 2 of article 6 of the Federal law "About Acquisition of Separate Types of Goods, Works, Services with Use of the Electronic Certificate" is the Federal Treasury (further - the operator of information system).
5. The purpose of creation of information system is accounting of data on the electronic certificates and transactions made with their use.
6. According to part 2 of article 5 of the Federal law "About Acquisition of Separate Types of Goods, Works, Services with Use of the Electronic Certificate" treat tasks of information system:
a) forming and maintaining register of electronic certificates;
b) ensuring forming and maintaining lists of separate types of goods, works, the services acquired with use of the electronic certificate (further - lists);
c) provision to consumers and sellers (contractors) of information containing in lists including with use of the federal state information system "Single Portal of the State and Municipal Services (Functions)" (further - the single portal);
d) implementation of check of compliance of cost of unit, quantity of units and code of separate type acquired goods, work, ceiling service of price of unit, to quantity of units and code such goods, works, services included in the electronic certificate;
e) information interaction with federal, regional and other information systems in case of realization of the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to independent acquisition of separate types of goods, works, services.
7. Functions of information system are:
a) forming and change of entries in the register of electronic certificates;
b) forming and change of entries in lists;
c) provision of data from the register of electronic certificates, and also data on the transactions made with use of the electronic certificate;
d) provision of information containing in lists;
e) determination of cash amount, subject to transfer for the separate forms of goods, works, services taken with use of the electronic certificate;
e) placement on the single portal of information about sellers (contractors) who provided information interaction with information system, and separate types of goods, works, services realized by them.
8. Creation, development and operation of information system is performed on the basis of the following principles:
a) ensuring completeness, relevance and integrity of the data received through information system;
b) momentariness of information input and recurrence of its use;
c) creation modularity, adaptability and changeability of information system;
d) gratuitousness of provision of information containing in information system according to provisions of the Federal Law "About Acquisition of Separate Types of Goods, Works, Services with Use of the Electronic Certificate";
e) openness for integration with other information systems on the basis of single formats of information interaction.
9. Functions of the operator of information system are:
a) technical maintenance, administration, operation and development of program technical means of information system;
b) observance of safety requirements of information system;
c) maintenance of smooth functioning of information system;
d) possibility of integration and interaction of other information systems with information system;
e) approval of formats of the data represented to information system and received from it.
10. Are part of information system:
a) subsystem of management of electronic certificates;
b) subsystem of maintaining the website of information system on the Internet (further - the website of information system).
11. The subsystem of management of electronic certificates of information system performs the following functions:
a) forming and change of entries in the register of electronic certificates;
b) storage of data on use of electronic certificates;
c) forming of analytical reports about electronic certificates and on acquisition of separate types of goods, works, services with their use;
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