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of April 1, 2021 No. UP-6198

About enhancement of system of public administration in the sphere of development of scientific and innovative activities

(as amended of the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 01.12.2022 No. PP-435)

In recent years purposeful measures in the field of innovative development of industries of economy and the social sphere of the republic, full support and increase in effectiveness of science and scientific activities are performed.

The strategic program directed to inclusion of our republic in the list of 50 advanced countries of the world in global rating in the field of innovations is approved, new funding mechanisms for scientific projects are implemented, additional terms for material stimulation of highly qualified personnel in the sphere of science are created.

Despite it, the large-scale reforms realized at present stage of development of the country show need of enhancement of mechanisms of public administration for the sphere of science and innovations, increases in transparency when forming state programs on scientific activities and accelerations of process of implementation of scientific achievements and innovative technologies in industries of economy and regions.

For the purpose of increase in role of national scientific and innovative system in social and economic development, enhancement of innovative activities in regions, and also proceeding from the tasks determined according to the Strategy of actions by five priority directions of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017 - 2021:

1. Determine the main objectives of the Ministry of innovative development (further - the Ministry):

development of strategies of development for priority spheres and industries on the basis of the scientific achievements and innovations based on long-term scenarios of innovative development of the country;

increase in intellectual and technological potential of regions, forming of modern infrastructure of development of scientific and innovative activities;

forming, approval of state programs on scientific activities and control of their accomplishment;

coordination of system of training with academic degree;

implementation of effective mechanisms of involvement of youth to scientific and innovative activities and full support of their initiatives;

broad investment attraction in implementation of scientific and innovative projects, increase in activity of private sector and development of venture funding;

conducting financial, economic and technical expertize of the projects realized on the basis of innovative developments, providing necessary conditions for implementation of intellectual property items;

detection of requirements of real production sector and production industries in scientific developments and innovations, and also strengthening of integration of science and production on the basis of development of sector scientific research;

creation of necessary conditions for commercialization and implementation in production of new developments, realization startup projects, forming of the new organizations with participation of intellectual property and development of rationalization activities;

expansion and strengthening of international backgrounds in the field of science and innovations, implementation of measures for transfer of innovations and technologies.

2. Determine priority activities of the Ministry of innovative development for 2021-2022:

in the field of development of biotechnologies - development of biopharmaceutical products, recombinant and DNA vaccines, biomedical diagnostic technologies, and also proceeding from features of regions of new biotechnological grades of crops on the basis of genetic and cellular engineering;

in the field of increase in fertility of the soil - creation of system of complex monitoring of soil resources, resource-saving technologies of irrigation and agrotechnologies of fertilizer, development, at the same time, agrochemical cards of crops on the basis of creation in regions of network of mobile laboratories for identification of the existing useful and hazardous substances in the soil;

in the field of implementation of "artificial intelligence" - creation of "smart" innovative technologies in road and transport infrastructure, education system and courts;

in the field of development of renewable power - creation of innovative production technologies, storages and use of "green" hydrogen - alternative and environmentally friendly power source;

in the sphere of development of livestock production - increase in gene pool of breeds of the cattle and increase in quantity of meat products by use of methods of genetics, implementation of innovative technologies for expansion of food supply;

in the sphere of agricultural industry - creation of innovative designs of agricultural machinery and the new technologies of cultivation of agricultural products directed to increase in efficiency of conversion.

3. Approve:

The program of practical measures for realization of priority activities of the Ministry of innovative development for 2021-2022 (further - the Program of measures) according to appendix No. 1;

indicators of efficiency evaluation of activities of the Ministry of innovative development in 2021-2022 according to appendix No. 2.

Determine that within the Program of measures:

The ministry of innovative development renders assistance in initiation (creation) and project implementation (developments), coordinates development of innovative technologies and performs system monitoring of timely and high-quality accomplishment of certain actions;

the scientific organizations and the relevant ministries and departments carry out profound research and development works on implementation (creation) of each project (development) and provide their implementation in the corresponding industries;

Provide to the ministry broad involvement of venture funds and representatives of private sector to financing of projects (developments) determined by the Program of measures.

4. For the purpose of development of scientific and innovative activities in regions to create in system of the Ministry of Management of innovative development of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and areas (further - territorial administrations).

Determine that:

accomplishment of the main objectives and functions assigned to the Ministry in regions perform territorial administrations;

the regional programs for scientific activities created by territorial administrations affirm public authorities on places, carrying out monitoring of their realization is assigned to territorial administrations;

organization activity, performing scientific and innovative activities in regions, and also the centers of innovative activities and transfer of technologies under Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and khokimiyats of areas is coordinated by territorial administrations.

5. Fund of support of innovative development and innovative ideas to transform to Fund of science funding and support of innovations (further - Fund) by accession of Presidential fund of commercialization of results of scientific and scientific and technical activities under the Ministry of innovative development and Fund of support of gifted youth of Academy of youth for the Ministry of innovative development.

Determine that:

The fund is legal successor by all rights, obligations and agreements of the organizations specified in paragraph one of this Item;

the funds allocated from the Government budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan for state programs on scientific activities are financed by Fund.

6. Assign in all ministries and departments, executive bodies on places, economic associations, the large organizations from shares of the state in authorized fund of 50 percent and more to one of the acting deputy managers task on implementation of innovations (Chief Innovation Officer).

Assign to the Ministry implementation of coordination of activities of deputy managers to whom the task on implementation of innovations in the corresponding directions is assigned, and also to monthly pay them the 30 percent allowance to their basic official pay rate.

7. Approve the list of the areas transformed to innovative zones in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and areas according to appendix No. 3.

To the ministry (I. Yu. Abdurakhmonov) together with the Chairman of the board of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and hokimama of areas to develop and approve programs of transformation of the areas specified in appendix No. 3, in innovative zones in a month.

8. Enter in administrative personnel of khokimiyat of Chustsky district of the Namangan region position of the deputy of hokim of the area concerning development of innovations (further - the deputy of hokim) within the total extreme number of established posts of khokimiyat.

Determine that:

the deputy of hokim is appointed to position and dismissed in accordance with the established procedure based on the recommendation of the minister of innovative development of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

for the purpose of creation of new territorial innovative infrastructure and development of innovative entrepreneurship in Chustsky district accommodation of residents of innovative science and technology park Yashnobod in Chustsky district on the basis of the exterritorial principle is allowed.

9. Take into consideration that the Ministry conducts the rating of the scientific organizations and the system of assessment of their scientific and innovative activities is implemented.

To the ministry, the Ministry of the higher and secondary vocational education together with the interested ministries and departments in three-months time to implement system of assessment of scientific and innovative activities of the highest educational institutions.

10. Establish procedure according to which:

The ministry estimates scientific and innovative activities of the scientific organizations - following the results of each calendar year, and also the highest educational institutions - following the results of each academic year;

by results of assessment the Ministry brings in the relevant ministries and departments having in the maintaining the highest educational institutions and the scientific organizations, idea of encouragement or authority punishment concerning heads of the highest educational institutions and the scientific organizations, including the rector (director) and the vice rector (deputy director) for scientific work and innovations;

the vice rector and the deputy director for scientific work and innovations of heads (the rector, the director) of the highest educational institutions and the scientific organizations are appointed to position and dismissed by the order of heads of the relevant ministries and departments having the highest educational institutions and the scientific organizations in the maintaining according to the recommendation of the minister of innovative development of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

11. To the ministry of investments and foreign trade together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry till May 1, 2021 to approve and provide implementation of the Plan of measures aimed at the development of bilateral mutually beneficial cooperation with prestigious foreign universities and scientific centers in the field of science and innovations.

12. Make changes and additions to some acts of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to appendix No. 4.


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