of April 2, 2021 No. PP-5050
About additional organizational measures for further enhancement of activities of law-enforcement bodies in the field of ensuring public safety and fight against crime
According to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of March 26, 2021 No. UP-6196 "About Measures for Raising on Qualitatively New Activity Level of Law-enforcement Bodies in the field of Ensuring Public Safety and Fight Against Crime", and also for the purpose of further increase in role and responsibility of law-enforcement bodies in effective realization of the new implemented mechanisms of ensuring public safety:
1. Approve Regulations on makhallinsky Item of law and order according to appendix No. 1.
Establish procedure according to which:
hokima of areas (cities) personally meet every month the chief inspectors on prevention performing management of makhallinsky Items of law and order and take measures for the solution of the problematic issues revealed during ensuring public safety in the corresponding territory;
district (city) Kengasha of People's Deputies each half a year hear reports of the chief inspectors on prevention performing management of makhallinsky Items of law and order on condition of ensuring public safety in the corresponding territory and determine necessary measures.
To the Ministry of Internal Affairs (P. R. Bobozhonov):
in a month to implement the Safe Apartment and Safe House systems providing carrying out with exit identification and elimination by inspectors on prevention of the social, infrastructure and other problems exerting impact on making of offenses is direct on places of studying of situation in each family and the house, and also;
in a month together with the Supreme Court (K. F. Kamilov), the Prosecutor General's Office (N. T. Yuldoshev) and the Ministry of Justice (R. K. Davletov) to introduce the bill providing expansion of powers of inspectors on prevention on application of administrative punishments on the offenses connected with ensuring tranquility in махаллях;
till September 1, 2021 together with the Ministry of development of information technologies and communications (Sh. M. Sadikov) and the Supreme Court (K. F. Kamilov) completely to transfer to electronic form production on the cases on administrative offenses entering competence of inspectors on prevention and to implement practice of "remote" participation of inspectors on prevention in judicial sessions.
2. For the purpose of the effective organization of activities of law-enforcement bodies of the city of Tashkent and the Tashkent region in the field of ensuring public safety to implement the new management system providing:
joint ensuring public safety in the city of Tashkent and the Tashkent region by mobilization of the available forces and means of law-enforcement bodies and other authorized bodies of these regions on the basis of the principle of the single "capital region";
removal of battalions of security guard and patrol service in the city of Tashkent from direct subordination of Main Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Tashkent and their transfer to structures of district law-enforcement bodies with the organization of daily service by makhally;
assignment in cases of emergence of mass disorderly conduct on Main Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Tashkent - single operational management, on the Minister of Internal Affairs - general management by activities of all law-enforcement bodies in the capital, and also forces and means of authorized state bodies on ensuring public safety and public forming.
3. For the purpose of the effective organization of work on the basis of the principle of the single "capital region" to form Coordination council concerning ensuring public safety (further - Council) under co-chairmanship of chiefs of Main Departments of Internal Affairs of the city of Tashkent and Tashkent region.
Determine that:
chiefs of managements of National guard of the city of Tashkent and Tashkent region are vice-chairmen of Council;
meetings of Council are held at least once a month on which address measures for the joint problem resolution, revealed as a result of carrying out the analysis of criminogenic and social situation in the capital region are determined.
To the Minister of Internal Affairs P. R. Bobozhonov, the commander of National guard R. M. Dzhurayev together with the responsible ministries and departments in week time to approve structure of Council, to the deputy minister of internal affairs A. I. Ikramov - to take all necessary measures for the effective organization of activities of Council.
4. Approve the offer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, National guard and khokimiyat of the city of Tashkent on formation of the Single center of operational management under Main Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Tashkent (further - the Center).
Determine the main objectives of the Center:
implementation of continuous monitoring of criminogenic and social situation in the territory of the capital, management of the corresponding forces and means of law-enforcement bodies, National guard, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and khokimiyat of the city of Tashkent attracted to ensuring public safety;
rapid response to messages on crimes, incidents and emergency situations, centralized coordination of actions of authorized bodies in cases of emergence of mass disorderly conduct.
5. For the purpose of increase in effectiveness of work to establish procedure according to which since July 1, 2021 the electronic system of statement of persons on preventive accounting takes root.
To the Ministry of Internal Affairs (N. S. Turakhodzhayev, A. I. Ikramov):
before the termination of the first half of the year of the current year together with the Ministry of development of information technologies and communications (O. A. Pekos) to provide development of the software of electronic system and its implementation in system of prevention of offenses;
in a month together with the Ministry of Justice (R. K. Davletov) to make offers on reducing the list of persons which are subject to statement on preventive accounting.
6. Approve the offers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of national education of address measures of the early prevention of offenses among minors on the basis of the principle "Safe educational institution" providing:
introduction in structures of district and city law-enforcement bodies of position "inspector-psychologist on questions of minors" (further - the inspector-psychologist) numbering 2 000 established posts and determination of average educational institutions as places of their direct service;
assignment on inspectors-psychologists of tasks on improvement of the psychological circle in average educational institutions by means of work with each pupil, to forming among minors of the irreconcilable relation to offenses, address work with problem pupils directly in places of their accommodation with involvement of parents.
Determine that 1 100 established posts of inspectors-psychologists due to reducing till July 1, 2021 2 000 established posts of psychologists of average educational institutions, in 2022 - in addition 900 established posts with finishing in such way of number of inspectors-psychologists to 2 000 established posts in the current year are entered.
To the Ministry of Finance (T. A. Ishmetov) till December 1, 2021 to determine sources of financing of in addition entered 900 established posts of inspectors-psychologists.
To the ministry of national education (Sh. H. Shermatov) and to the Ministry of Internal Affairs (A. I. Ikramov) till September 1, 2021 to take measures for the organization of specially equipped office offices of inspectors-psychologists in average educational institutions, and also to submit for approval in the Cabinet of Ministers regulations on regulation of activities of inspectors-psychologists and efficiency indicators.
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