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of March 31, 2021 No. 148

About approval of standard form of the insurance contract for the purpose of ensuring obligation fulfillment on mitigation of consequences of transactions on subsurface use

According to Item 1-1 of article 58 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 27, 2017 "About subsoil and subsurface use" PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve the Standard form of the insurance contract for the purpose of ensuring obligation fulfillment on mitigation of consequences of transactions on subsurface use according to appendix to this order.

2. To provide to department of subsurface use of the Ministry of the industry and infrastructure development of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation:

1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Ministry of the industry and infrastructure development of the Republic of Kazakhstan after its official publication.

3. To impose control of execution of this order on the supervising vice-minister of the industry and infrastructure development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.

Minister of the industry and infrastructure development of the Republic of Kazakhstan

B. Atamkulov

It is approved

Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation and development of the financial market



Approved by the Order of the Minister of the industry and infrastructure development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 31, 2021 No. 148

Standard form of the insurance contract for the purpose of ensuring obligation fulfillment on mitigation of consequences of transactions on subsurface use

city ______________

series ____ No. ____ "____" __________ 20 __ years

                          (name of insurance company)

on behalf of __________________________________________________________________________________,
 (position, surname, name and middle name (in case of its availability) (further - First name, middle initial, last name) the authorized person)

acting on the basis of the _______________________________________________________________,
                                        (charter, provision or power of attorney)

licenses for the right of implementation of insurance (reinsurance) activity on industry "general

insurance" No. _______________

from "___" __________ 20 ___ years, issued by authorized body on regulation, control and

to supervision of the financial market and financial organizations, and Rules of insurance


hereinafter referred to as "Insurer" and ___________________________________________________

    (name, surname and middle name (in case of its availability) physical person completely, individual
             identification number or full name of the legal entity,
                             business and identification number)

on behalf of __________________________________________________________________________________,
                    (position, name, surname and middle name (in case of its availability))

acting on the basis of the _______________________________________________________________,
                                           (charter, license or power of attorney)

hereinafter referred to as "Insurer", on the other hand, jointly referred to as "Parties", on

the basis of the Civil code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special part) of July 1, 1999 (further

The civil code), the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 27, 2017 "About subsoil and

subsurface use" (further - the Code), the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 18, 2000 "About insurance

activities" insurance for the purpose of ensuring discharge of duty signed this agreement

on mitigation of consequences of transactions on subsurface use (further - the Agreement) as follows.

1. The basic concepts used in the Agreement

In this Agreement the following basic concepts are used:

1) the Beneficiary - person who according to this Agreement is receiver of insurance payment;

2) license for subsurface use

      (specify type, date of issue and license number subsurface use in case of its availability
          or license type in case of the conclusion of this Agreement before its issue);

3) the Insurer - the legal entity registered as insurance company and having the license for the right of implementation of insurance activity granted authorized by regulating authority, to control and supervision of the financial market and the financial organizations, obliged to make in case of loss occurrence insurance payment to person for benefit of whom this Agreement (Beneficiary), within the insurance sum determined by this Agreement is signed;

4) the Insurer - person who signed this Agreement with the Insurer (person who received the notification according to Item 1 of article 188 of the Code, the subsoil user);


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