Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of February 26, 2003 No. UP-3214

About measures for further reforming of health care system

(as amended on 13-09-2023)

Note that in general the first stage of reforming of health care in the republic successfully is implemented. The system of fast emergency medical service - the Republican center of the emergency medical care, the regional centers and specialized departments in district central hospitals providing operational rendering free emergency medical care to the population is created.

Equipment of organizations of fast emergency medical service is performed by the modern diagnostic and medical equipment.

The system of the organization and material work incentives of doctors and medical personnel of system of fast emergency aid taking into account their qualification and equipment is constantly enhanced by modern medical equipment.

The system of primary health care to the population, first of all, in the rural zone is reformed. In all areas of the republic the rural medical Items equipped with the modern medical equipment and medicines are created.

For the purpose of further deepening of reforms in health care system, creations of organizational, financial and economic and legal conditions of forming in the republic of the high-technology specialized medical centers at the level of high world requirements, widespread introduction of the advanced medical technologies:

1. Consider the most important task of the second stage of reforming of health care in Uzbekistan creation, taking into account the best foreign practices, specialized clinics and the medical centers performing acceptance and treatment of the patients needing highly skilled specialized medical care with use of the modern diagnostic and medical medical equipment.

2. Determine that specialized clinics and the medical centers shall meet, as a rule, the following requirements:

have highly skilled, had good training and using the high, recognized in the field of medicine authority of specialists doctors;

have the modern material and technical resources equipped with the high-technology diagnostic and medical medical equipment;

implement and to widely apply the difficult methods of treatment and diagnostics meeting the high world requirements in the medical practice.

3. Accept the offer of the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan on creation according to the procedure of experiment:

The republican specialized scientific and practical medical center of urology based on Scientific center of urology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

The republican specialized scientific and practical medical center of surgery based on Scientific Center of surgery of name of the academician V. Vakhidov of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

The republican specialized scientific and practical medical center of microsurgery of eye based on the Tashkent regional center of microsurgery of eye in Tashkent;

The republican specialized scientific and practical medical center of cardiology based on Research institution of cardiology and city clinical hospital No. 15 of Tashkent.

4. Ceased to be valid according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 30.10.2017 No. UP-5216

5. Establish procedure in case of which:

founders of the Republican specialized scientific and practical medical centers (further - the Centers) are Goskomkonkurention and the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan on behalf of the state and labor collective of the Center on behalf of Council of the Center;

the property belonging to the state is contributed to authorized capital to the Center as trust management;

to persons needing support from the state (the preferential contingent), highly skilled specialized medical care is provided at the expense of means of the government budget;

activities of the Center are financed on the mixed basis by means of the government budget, own income of the Center and the attracted sources (grants, sponsor's means, etc.). At the same time funds of the government budget are allocated to each Center through the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan separately without breakdown according to expenditure items.

6. To the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan when forming annual republican budgets to provide together with the Ministry of Health, since 2004, step-by-step expense reduction of budgetary funds for the current content of the specified Centers, meaning their transition to self-financing and self-sufficiency not later than 2008.

7. To the State Property Committee, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan, taking into account results of activities of the Republican specialized centers, by January 1, 2006 to make in the Cabinet of Ministers offers on realization on favorable terms of the state-owned property contributed to authorized capital of the Centers, to property of labor collective.

8. Determine that the supreme body of management of the Center is the Council of the Center elected by general meeting of labor collective of the Center.

The chairman of the board of the Center is the director, from among members of council, appointed by the decision of the Government on representation of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

9. Grant the right to the Centers:

use and manage the state-owned property contributed to authorized capital of the Center;

to independently develop and approve the staff list, to determine payment terms of work and material stimulation of employees of the Center differentially from degree of complexity, quality and amount of the performed works.

10. Approve:

the list of preferential category of persons, according to appendix No. 2, medical care, it appears which the medical organizations providing high-technology specialized medical care at the expense of means of the government budget.

11. To the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan together with the organized specialized centers to develop and approve in accordance with the established procedure in a month:

Rules of rendering highly skilled specialized medical care by the Republican centers to the population on paid basis with observance of the quality standards of diagnostics and treatment;

Regulations on procedure and sources of financing of the Republican specialized centers;

Procedure for forming and approval of rates for the medical care provided by the specialized centers on paid basis;

Payment procedure of cost of treatment of the preferential contingent of patients at the expense of means of the government budget.

To the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan to establish strict control of target and legal use by the Centers of budgetary funds, the approved rates.

12. To the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan together with the Ministry of Economics, the Ministry of Finance to develop and submit for approval in the Cabinet of Ministers standard rates of equipment of the specified Republican specialized centers in a month the medical and diagnostic equipment, medical tools based on which to provide in republican investing programs, since 2003, necessary capital investments for retrofitting by their modern medical equipment and tools.


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