Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of August 24, 2019 No. PP-4426

About further increase in responsibility of bodies of the public and economic board and executive bodies on places for implementation of new system of localization of production and acceleration of cooperation communications in industries

(as amended on 10-11-2023)

In the country consecutive measures for increase in amount and expansion of types of production of industrial output, satisfaction of demand of the population for consumer goods are carried out.

At the same time lack of single system of localization of production of industrial output in the republic is the reason of incomplete use of production capacities, decrease in level of creation of chain of value added by means of deep conversion of domestic raw materials.

In particular, commodity import, similar to the goods made in the republic falls to the share of the companies of JSC Uzavtosanoat, Uztukimachiliksanoat Association, JSC Uzmetkombinat, Uzeltekhsanoat Association, Uzcharmsanoat Association, and also the Bukhara, Namangan, Syr Darya, Fergana regions and the city of Tashkent.

For the purpose of creation of single system of localization of production of industrial output in the republic, accelerations of processes of localization in industries and regions, development of production of accessories, spare parts and materials by full and effective use of production capacities, and also expansions of cooperation communications in the industry and optimization of import volume:

1. Determine, along with stimulation of export and investment attraction, one of the most important priority tasks of activities of heads of the Cabinet of Ministers, bodies of the public and economic board and executive bodies on places acceleration of cooperation communications in industries of economy and localization of production of finished goods, accessories and materials based on industrial cooperation and domestic raw materials by implementation of results of scientific researches and modern innovative technologies in production process of industrial output.

2. Enter into structures of khokimiyats of areas and the city of Tashkent position of the assistant to hokim concerning localization of production and expansion of cooperation communications in the industry (further - the assistant to hokim). Determine the main objectives of the assistant to hokim:

forming of the specific list of finished goods, accessories, spare parts and materials which are subject to localization in the region on the basis of the deep analysis of amount and the nomenclature of import in the republic, and also in view of the available resources of the region;

development of offers on broad involvement of foreign partners to production cooperation on development of the most demanded types of import-substituting products on the basis of studying of potential and offers of the foreign companies and the organizations;

forming of drafts of regional programs of localization, rendering on permanent basis of the practical help to initiators of projects in the organization of their realization, and also in search of partners and establishing long-term partner communications;

conducting system monitoring of achievement of the target parameters determined in drafts of the regional program of localization;

entering into the Ministry of Economy and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan of offers on elimination of the system problems and shortcomings revealed as a result of monitoring;

placement and updating of data on amount and technical parameters of the industrial output made in the region on the electronic cooperation portal;

realization of complex measures for development of regional industrial cooperation and the organization of regular regional industrial fairs by provision of the detailed information to the subjects conducting economic activity in the region about types, technical characteristics and qualitative indexes of the industrial output made in the republic.

3. Determine that the assistant to hokim:

conducts joint activities with the first deputy of hokim of area and the deputy of hokim of area - the head of department of investments and foreign trade of areas and the city of Tashkent on effective fulfillment of objectives;

under the terms of compensation, medical and transport attendance it is equated to deputies of hokim of area and city of Tashkent;

has the separate secretariat consisting of one established post.

4. Create under the leadership of the assistant to hokim the permanent working group on questions of localization and expansion of cooperation communications in the industry and to approve its standard structure according to appendix.

5. Recommend to the Jokargi Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan to review structure of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan according to the requirements established in this resolution to approve new structure and the staff list of managerial personnel.

6. To agency on management of the state assets of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the ministries and departments in two-month time at meetings of governing bodies of legal entities from shares of the state in authorized fund (capital) of 50 percent and more (further - the companies with the prevailing share of the state), and also legal entities, in authorized fund which (capital) of 50 percent and more belongs to the companies with the prevailing share of the state, to initiate:

introduction of position of the first deputy director concerning localization, expansions of cooperation communications in the industry and information technologies, and also approval of key performance indicators and productivity of its activities;

coordination with the first deputy director concerning localization, expansions of cooperation communications in the industry and information technologies of import contracts (supplementary agreements to them) on purchases of products and their specifications;

implementation of the mechanism of carrying out quarterly external audit of purchases on import and effective use of currency resources taking into account transparency and justification of process of purchases, including compliance of domestic production to the set high-quality and price parameters;

consideration at meetings of governing bodies of questions of implementation of practice of hearing of reports proceeding from the overall performance which is carried out by leading employees and employees based on results of actions for development of localization of production and industrial cooperation at the companies, for the purpose of their encouragement or application of measures of punishment;

implementation of the software directed to wide use of modern information technologies and increase in production efficiency at the companies.

7. To agency on management of the state assets together with the Ministry of Economy and Industry and the Ministry of investments and foreign trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan in two-month time to create annually updated list of legal entities to whom requirements of Item 6 of this resolution are applied (further - the companies behind which monitoring is conducted).


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