of May 30, 2019 No. PP-4348
About additional measures for creating favorable conditions for further development of the electrotechnical industry and to increase in the investment and export potential of industry
In recent years in the republic the package of measures for development of the electrotechnical industry, the effective organization of activities of the companies of industry, full support and stimulation of extension of the nomenclature of electrotechnical and household products with high value added is implemented.
For the purpose of further deepening of the undertaken reforms on development of the electrotechnical industry, attraction in industry of direct foreign investments and modern technologies, deep conversion of local raw material resources, expansions of production of electrotechnical and household products, import-substituting, competitive in the export markets, with high value added:
1. Determine the main directions of development of the electrotechnical industry:
production of import-substituting, energy saving, available and high-quality electrotechnical and household products taking into account requirements of the domestic market;
implementation of advanced technologies in processes of deep conversion of the available raw materials, expansion and diversification of production of finished goods with high value added;
development of mutual cooperation bonds between industry of the electrotechnical industry and other industries of economy and on this basis increase in level of localization of production of the component parts and the equipment used in the electrotechnical industry;
implementation in industry of the electrotechnical industry of modern methods of quality management and international standards, creation of system of certification of the made local products according to the international requirements;
production of new types of perspective products, implementation of research and developmental developments and the innovative ideas in the electrotechnical industry.
2. Approve developed by Uzeltekhsanoat Association, the Ministry of Economy and Industry, the Ministry of investments and foreign trade:
"Road map" on the accelerated development of the electrotechnical industry in 2019-2020 (further - "Road map") according to appendix No. 1;
the list of implementable and perspective investment projects in industry of the electrotechnical industry in 2019 - 2021 according to appendix No. 2;
the list of types of products recommended for localization and expansion of production in industry of the electrotechnical industry in 2019 - 2021 according to appendix No. 3.
Assign to heads of the responsible ministries and departments the personal responsibility for timely, complete and high-quality implementation of actions provided by "Road map".
3. Create the Working group on assistance to development of the electrotechnical industry in structure according to appendix No. 4 with assignment of the following main objectives on it:
assistance to deepening of conversion of copper and other raw materials, to expansion of production with high value added in the electrotechnical industry;
the analysis of cost of the made electrotechnical and household products and factors limiting possibility of its decrease, preparation of offers on increase in product competitiveness;
development of industry and cross-industry cooperation, organization of works on expansion of production of import-substituting and export-oriented products;
ensuring implementation of innovative developments and technologies in industry of the electrotechnical industry, including in engineering procedures of production;
establishment of system monitoring of timely, complete and high-quality implementation of actions, provided by "Road map";
introduction each fifteen days in the Cabinet of Ministers of information on condition of projects implementation and about execution of "Road map".
Provide to the Working group (D. Sultanov) the right to make, if necessary, changes and amendments to the list of implementable and perspective investment projects in industry of the electrotechnical industry in 2019 - 2021 according to appendix No. 2.
4. Establish procedure according to which since July 1, 2019:
a) when implementing public procurements of electrotechnical and household products in relation to local producers price preference to 20 percent is applied. At the same time in case of the public procurements conducted by corporate customers for resale of goods for commercial purposes or their uses in these purposes in production, preferences are not applied;
b) purchase by the contractor of electrotechnical and household products which production is arranged in the republic is provided in the tender documentation on construction of facilities on a turnkey basis or reconstruction at the expense of means of the State customers.
5. Support the offer of the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economy and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Uzeltekhsanoat Association on determination by sources of forming of fund of the development of the electrotechnical industry under Uzeltekhsanoat Association (further - Fund) formed according to the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of February 13, 2017 No. PP-2772:
the funds allocated from the Government budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
grants of the international financial institutions and other foreign donors, and also other sources which are not prohibited by the legislation.
To provide to the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan transfer to the settlement account of Fund of means in the amount of 20 billion sum in equal shares in 2019-2020.
6. Determine that the funds allocated to Fund from the Government budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan are spent for the following purposes:
covering of 50 percent of the expenses connected with actions for implementation of international standards at the local companies making electrotechnical and household products and certification of products according to requirements of the foreign markets, but no more than the size in equivalent of 20 thousand dollars of the USA in one case;
financing startup projects, participation in forming of authorized funds (capitals) of production enterprises and companies for rendering services in industry of the electrotechnical industry, organization of the special engineering centers and developmental bureaus;
repair and reconstruction empty and unused buildings and constructions, improvement of their external engineering and communication systems, and also creation in regions of the industrial technoparks specializing in the electrotechnical industry for the purpose of involvement of potential investors for implementation of investment projects on production of electrotechnical and household products;
provision to the local companies making electrotechnical and household products, financial guarantees for the short-term period for participation in tenders;
covering of 50 percent of expenses of the companies of industry of the electrotechnical industry connected with their participation in the international exhibitions and fairs, but no more than the size in equivalent of 10 thousand dollars of the USA in one case;
covering in the amount of 50 percent of expenses of the companies of industry connected with carrying out marketing researches on increase in attractiveness of own products in the foreign markets, development of the preproject documentation (business plans, feasibility statements and others) industry projects, and also connection to the international databases (information resources) for studying of the world market and carrying out marketing analyses;
the organization in the republic and the foreign states of exhibitions and fairs, holding seminars, preparation of presentation materials and exhibition stands on promotion of local electrotechnical and household products;
complete financing of the expenses connected with involvement of foreign specialists and experts in executive office of Uzeltekhsanoat Association;
covering of 50 percent of the expenses connected with digitalization of production process on the domestic enterprises making electrotechnical and household products (with implementation of ERP systems, MES, PLM), but no more than the size in equivalent of 5 thousand dollars of the USA on one subject of entrepreneurship;
financing of the salary and all expenses of material security of managers (workers) in the field of electrical equipment of the Ministry of investments, the industry and trade under Embassies of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the foreign states.
7. Approve offers of the Uzstandart Agency and Uzeltekhsanoat Association on assignment for adoption of international standards in industry of the electrotechnical industry in 2019 - 2021:
1,2 of one billion sum at the expense of means of Special fund for development of standardization, metrology and certification under the Uzstandart Agency in 2019;
2,4 of one billion sum by fund in equal shares in 2020-2021.
8. In a month to provide to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan development and approval of the program of the accelerated development of the electrotechnical industry. At the same time to provide in 2019 - 2022:
increase by 5 times of amount of conversion of copper in industry;
increase twice production volume of electrotechnical and household products;
increase by 4 times of export volume of electrotechnical and household products;
production development at least 15 new types of products within implementable and perspective investment projects.
9. Exempt for up to January 1, 2027 the companies of industry of the electrotechnical industry, from payment of customs duties on the raw materials imported for own production needs, materials, component parts and the equipment which are not made in the Republic of Uzbekistan according to the lists created in accordance with the established procedure.
10. To the Ministry of Economy and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan together with:
To provide with committee on development of the competition and consumer protection stable exposure to the exchange biddings of copper, the polyethylene, polypropylene and other raw materials used in the electrotechnical industry proceeding from needs of local producers;
The ministry of investments and foreign trade, Uzeltekhsanoat Association and local khokimiyats till September 1, 2019 to make in the Cabinet of Ministers the offer on the organization in the city of Tashkent, the Fergana region and other regions of the republic of the industrial and innovative technoparks specialized on the electrotechnical industry.
11. To the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan together with Uzeltekhsanoat Association to bring in the Cabinet of Ministers:
till August 1, 2019 project of the Regulations on procedure for forming and use of fund of development of the electrotechnical industry;
till December 1, 2020, having studied efficiency of use of fund, the offer on their financing in the years ahead.
12. In a month to provide to the State Customs Committee together with the State Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan:
the analysis of the facts of illegal import of electrotechnical and household products to the territory of the republic and the factors promoting their origin;
development and program implementation of measures for enhancement of mechanisms of the prevention of illegal import of products to the republic territory proceeding from the best foreign practices.
13. To the Uzstandart agency till August 1, 2019:
taking into account the best foreign practices to develop and approve the standard test programs ensuring indicators of quality and safety of counterfeit and low-quality household products for the prevention of their realization in the territory of the republic;
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