of March 26, 2021 No. UP-6196
About measures for raising on qualitatively new activity level of law-enforcement bodies in the field of ensuring public safety and fight against crime
For the purpose of strengthening in the country of legality and law and order, ensuring peace of the population by means of forming of complete system of ensuring public safety, prevention of offenses and fight against crime, the organization of effective activities from the lowermost link to the republican level and implementation of modern methods of work of law-enforcement bodies:
1. Determine the following absolutely new mechanisms of the organization of activities of system of law-enforcement bodies:
the decision is direct on places of problems concerning prevention of offenses and fight against crime by means of identification and elimination of the reasons of making of crimes by everyone waved, families and persons;
separation of each area, city also waved on category, proceeding from crime condition in the corresponding territory, attraction together with khokimiyats, sectors and the public of all forces and means necessary for elimination of "the crime centers";
implementation of mechanisms of complete management and continuous control on the basis of the "republic-the area-the area-махалля" system, providing the world and stability in the country by means of effective coordination of activities for ensuring public safety of law-enforcement bodies and other state bodies;
creation of modern look of staff of law-enforcement bodies, increase in their responsibility and professional potential, forming of necessary skills for fight against new manifestations of crime, and also achievement of complete digitalization of the sphere.
2. Step by step to form makhallinsky Items of law and order based on strong points of law-enforcement bodies.
Determine that:
the makhallinsky Item of law and order is the main local link ensuring public safety, prevention of offenses and fight against crime on places;
based on makhallinsky Item of law and order the coordinated activities of the relevant industry services of territorial authorities of internal affairs, National guard and other state bodies will be organized;
the task on the organization and coordination of work of makhallinsky Item of law and order in the field of providing public safety, prevention of offenses and fight against crime is assigned to the prevention inspector.
To the Minister of Internal Affairs P. R. Bobozhonov and commander of National guard R. M. Dzhurayev:
in three-months time together with hokimy the city of Tashkent to organize model activities of makhallinsky Items of law and order of the capital in compliance to new requirements;
together with the Chairman of the board of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and hokimama of areas following the results of the current year to take measures for the organization of activities of makhallinsky Items of law and order in other regions of the republic proceeding from activities of makhallinsky Items of law and order of the city of Tashkent.
3. Take into consideration that the information system "Smart waved" allowing to send remotely appeals to prevention inspectors and to monitor process of their consideration, to conduct mutual operational dialogue with the population, to estimate activities of inspectors on prevention and heads of sectors is developed.
To the Cabinet of Ministers (O. M. Umarov) and to the Ministry of Internal Affairs (N. S. Turakhodzhayev) to implement this information program in the Tashkent and Samarkand regions till June 1, 2021, in other regions of the republic - until the end of the current year.
To the Ministry of Internal Affairs (P. R. Bobozhonov) to implement practice of "the precautionary and preventive appeal" of heads of law-enforcement bodies of areas, areas and cities to the population about condition of criminogenic situation in the corresponding territory following the results of every month by means of information resources of the Internet in a month.
4. For the purpose of increase in efficiency of activities of law-enforcement bodies of areas and cities:
optimize 24 Departments of Internal Affairs of the city of Tashkent and executive positions of separate divisions with the direction of the released established posts on strengthening of preventive and investigative and operational structures of law-enforcement bodies of the capital;
implement procedure for forming and periodic modification of organizational and regular structures of law-enforcement bodies of areas and cities taking into account criminogenic and social situation on places;
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