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of May 29, 2019 No. 119

About approval of General aviation rules of the Republic of Tajikistan (OAP RT-11) "Organization and procedure for carrying out obligatory certification in civil aviation of the Republic of Tajikistan"

According to article 9 of the Air code of the Republic of Tajikistan and Item 8 of the Regulations on the Agency of civil aviation under the Government the Republic of Tajikistan (The order of the Government Republic of Tajikistan of December 29, 2017 596), and also for the purpose of safety of accomplishment of flights in civil aviation, I dispose No.:

1. Approve General aviation rules of the Republic of Tajikistan "The organization and procedure for carrying out obligatory certification in civil aviation of the Republic of Tajikistan" (OAP RT-11) (is applied);

2. To the agency of civil aviation under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan to organize constant control behind observance of procedure for carrying out obligatory certification in civil aviation of the Republic of Tajikistan.

4. Control of execution of this order to assign to the Deputy director of the agency.


Subkhonzoda Ikrom

Approved by the Order of the Agency of civil aviation under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan

General aviation rules of the Republic of Tajikistan (OAP RT-11) "Organization and procedure for carrying out obligatory certification in civil aviation of the Republic of Tajikistan"

Chapter 1. Scope

1. General aviation rules (OAP RT - 11) "The organization and procedure for carrying out obligatory certification in civil aviation of the Republic of Tajikistan (general requirements)" (further - Rules) according to international standards ICAO in civil aviation in the Republic of Tajikistan establish the purposes, the principles, the main requirements and procedures of obligatory certification of objects of civil aviation (further - GA), attraction to these activities of scientific and other organizations of civil aviation.

2. The requirements to the organization and procedure for carrying out obligatory certification in civil aviation established by general aviation rules within System of certification of works and services in the field of transport of the Republic of Tajikistan are obligatory for observance by all executive bodies, and also the legal entities and physical persons performing activities in the field of civil aviation.

3. Rules are developed according to the Convention on international civil aviation (further - the Convention), the international standards (Appendices to the Convention) and recommended practice accepted by Council of International Civil Aviation Organization (IKAO), the Air code of the Republic of Tajikistan, the order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of December 29, 2017 No. 596 "About the Agency of civil aviation under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan".

4. Rules are used together with other documents in the field of civil aviation published according to international standards, recommended practice by ICAO and the air legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Chapter 2. Determinations

5. For application within these rules the following determinations accepted in System of certification of works and services in the field of transport of the Republic of Tajikistan are used.

6. Subject to certification in civil aviation (further - object of GA) are objects which obligatory certification is stipulated by the legislation the Republic of Tajikistan in the field of civil aviation.

7. The agency of civil aviation under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan - executive body to which the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan assigns the organization and carrying out certification in the field of civil aviation.

8. Certification of objects of GA (further - certification) - the procedure of confirmation of conformity by means of which independent of the service provider (the manufacturer, the contractor) and the consumer, the Agency of civil aviation under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan certifies in writing that object of GA conforms to the established requirements.

9. The certificate of conformity (further - the certificate) - the document (the certificate of the operator, the certificate of the flight validity or other allowing document according to international standards for the approved, approved organizations for maintenance, educational and other organizations of civil aviation) issued according to these rules and confirming compliance of object of GA or the approved organization to the established requirements.

10. The attracted organization - the organization (the legal entity of any form of business) approved and attracted in accordance with the established procedure by the Agency of civil aviation under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan to assessment of conformity of object of GA to the established requirements.

11. The applicant - the legal entity or physical person which addressed with the work request on confirmation of conformity of object of GA to the established requirements.

12. Inspection check of object of GA - the certification stage providing assessment of conformity of object of GA to the established requirements and which is carried out in places of productive activity of the applicant.

13. Inspection check-up behind the certified objects of GA - the assessment of conformity performed for the purpose of establishment that objects of GA continue to conform to the established requirements confirmed in case of certification.

Chapter 3. Main objectives and the principles of certification in civil aviation of the Republic of Tajikistan

14. Main objectives of certification are:

- assistance to increase in safety of flights of aircrafts, aviation safety, safety for the environment, life, health and property of citizens;

- creation of conditions for effective activities of civil aviation of the Republic of Tajikistan;

- consumer protection from bad faith of the service provider in the field of civil aviation;

- assistance to consumers in the competent choice of the organizations offering aviation works and services;

- creation of conditions for mutual recognition of results of certification at national and international level.

15. Certification is based on the following basic principles:

- application of single rules of establishment of requirements to objects of GA corresponding to the air legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan and international standards ICAO;

- general aviation rules in the sphere of certification shall provide introduction and uniform application in the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan of the requirements provided by standards and recommended practice of International Civil Aviation Organization (IKAO) and the air legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan;


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