of March 13, 2021 No. 336-VI
About prevention of infectious diseases
This Law determines legal, organizational, economic and social bases of prevention of infectious diseases.
In this Law the following basic concepts are used:
1) infectious diseases - the diseases resulting from impact on human body of the microorganisms causing infectious diseases which quickly or consistently, infecting people around, lead to various disorders of the state of health of the person (from the asymptomatic carrier to clinical forms of various weight);
2) prevention of infectious diseases - complex of the actions directed to elimination of risk factors of emergence of infectious diseases;
3) dangerous infectious diseases - the infectious diseases which are characterized by heavy and (or) essential disorders of the state of health at certain patients also constitute danger to their life and health;
4) especially dangerous infectious diseases - the infectious diseases (including quarantine) which are characterized by heavy and (or) essential disorders of the state of health at considerable number of patients, the high mortality rate, bystry spread of these diseases among the population;
5) the insulator - the specialized place (chamber, the building, object and others) intended for inspection, preventive treatment of infectious ill, contact persons and implementation of medical observation of them;
6) epidemic - mass spread of infectious diseases among the population of the corresponding territory for short period;
7) anti-epidemic actions - complex of the organizational, medical and sanitary, veterinary and sanitary, technical, administrative and other measures performed for the purpose of prevention of spread of infectious diseases, localization and liquidation of their centers, one-time and group flashes;
8) epidemic situation - the indicator of wellbeing of the territory (object) in certain time which is characterized by the level and dynamics of disease of people of the infectious diseases, availability or lack of the corresponding factors of transmission of infection and other circumstances influencing spread of infectious diseases;
9) the strengthened medical control - the work which is carried out for the purpose of identification of symptoms of infectious diseases at people without impact on activity (condition) of the territory, the settlement, individual farms, organizations and organizations, departments and others;
10) immunobiological medicines - vaccines, anatoksina, immunoglobulins and other means intended for creation of specific immunity to infectious diseases;
11) quarantine - the administrative, medical and sanitary, veterinary and sanitary and other actions directed to prevention of spread of infectious diseases and providing the special procedure for economic and other activity limiting movement of the population, vehicles, freights, goods and animals;
12) observation - medical observation over the persons suspected on availability of infectious disease, dangerous to society, and isolated in the certain place throughout certain term;
13) preventive inoculations - introduction in human body of immunobiological medicines for immunoprevention for the purpose of creation of specific immunity to infectious diseases;
14) vaccine-challenged complications - heavy and (or) permanent violations of the state of health owing to preventive inoculations;
15) sanitary and quarantine control - complex of the actions performed by organizations of the Public sanitary and epidemiologic service Ministries of Health and the Medical Industry of Turkmenistan in check-points through Frontier of Turkmenistan concerning the arrived persons, vehicles and goods;
16) sanitary protection of the territory of Turkmenistan - system of the organizational, medical and sanitary, sanitary and hygienic, treatment-and-prophylactic and anti-epidemic actions directed to prevention of entering and distribution in the territory of Turkmenistan of especially dangerous infectious diseases, and in case of their origin - on non-admission of spread of these diseases out of limits of Turkmenistan, and also on non-admission of import to the territory of Turkmenistan of goods, chemical, biological and radioactive materials, waste and other freights, life-threatening and health of the person;
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