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of February 24, 2021 No. 103

About the State program "Energy saving" for 2021-2025

(as amended on 28-12-2023)

The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Approve the State program "Energy saving" for 2021-2025 (further - the State program) it (is applied).

2. To provide to customers of the State program in the State committee on standardization information on the accomplishment course:

target indicators of energy saving, indicators on share of local fuel and energy resources in boiler and oven fuel and on share of renewable energy resources in boiler and oven fuel following the results of in quarter - to the 27th following reporting quarter following the results of in year - till January 29 of the following for reporting years;

indicators on economy of light oil products following the results of in quarter - to the 18th day of the second month following reporting quarter following the results of in year - till February 25 of the following for reporting years.

3. To provide to the state committee on standardization in Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus analytical information on the accomplishment course:

target indicators of energy saving, indicators on share of local fuel and energy resources in boiler and oven fuel and on share of renewable energy resources in boiler and oven fuel - quarterly to the 30th following reporting quarter;

indicators on economy of light oil products - quarterly to the 27th day of the second month following reporting quarter.

4. Confer the personal responsibility for accomplishment of target indicators, timely and high-quality implementation of actions, target and effective use of the financial resources provided on their realization on heads of the state bodies which are customers of the State program.

5. This resolution becomes effective after its official publication and extends the action to the relations which arose since January 1, 2021.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

R. Golovchenko

Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of February 24, 2021 No. 103

The state program "Energy saving" for 2021-2025

Chapter 1. General provisions

The state program is developed taking into account the purpose of social and economic development of the country in decrease in dependence of economy on hydrocarbons and to increase in energy efficiency and is directed to increase in efficiency of the production sphere of national economy and strengthening of energy security of the Republic of Belarus.

Strategic tasks in the field of energy saving are:

decrease in dependence of the Republic of Belarus on the imported energy resources due to the greatest possible involvement in fuel and energy balance of the country of own fuel and energy resources (further - TER), including renewable energy resources (further - RES);

control of growth of gross consumption of TER in case of economic development of the country and rapprochement of power consumption of gross domestic product (further - GDP) the Republic of Belarus at par purchasing power with the average world value of this indicator.

For the four-year period of implementation of the State program "Energy saving" for 2016-2020 approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of March 28, 2016 No. 248 (further - the State program for 2016-2020), considerable work on increase in efficiency of use of TER and involvement in fuel balance of local TER, including RES is done.

According to International Energy Agency, in 2018 power consumption of GDP of Belarus made 0,15 of t of oil equivalent on 1 thousand dollars of the USA of GDP at par of purchasing power in the prices of 2015 and is reduced more than twice in relation to 2000.

Power consumption of GDP of the Republic of Belarus in relation to the level of power consumption of GDP of developed countries with similar climatic conditions improved in comparison with Canada (0,18 of t of oil equivalent on 1 thousand dollars of the USA of GDP at par of purchasing power in the prices of 2015) and approached similar indicator of Finland (0,14 of t of oil equivalent on 1 thousand dollars of the USA of GDP at par of purchasing power in the prices of 2015). Among industrially developed neighboring countries of the CIS power consumption of GDP of Belarus is 30 percent lower in relation to similar indicator of the Russian Federation and for 40 percent - Ukraine.

The amount of economy of TER for the realization account of actions for energy saving in general on the republic made 4,1 of one million tce that is equivalent to economy of consumption of the imported fuel in the amount of about 3,5 of one billion cubic meters.

The main amount of economy of TER is received for the account of implementation in production modern energy efficient and increases in efficiency of the operating technologies, the equipment and materials (27 percent from general economy). Actions for involvement in fuel and energy balance of the country of such renewable energy resources as energy of water, wind, the sun, and also self-produced waste allowed to save more than 400 thousand tons u.t., or percent 10,5 from general economy of TER in the country.

The share of local TER in gross consumption of TER reached 16,5 of percent and increased on 2, percent to the level of 2015. The share of RES in gross consumption of TER reached 7,1 of percent and increased on 1, percent to the level of 2015. Along with such local types of TER, traditional for our country, as wood fuel, peat, considerable increase was reached by nonconventional renewable energy resources - biogas (5-fold increase in consumption to the level of 2010), vetro-, gidro-and solar energy (15-fold increase in development of electrical energy to the level of 2010).

Thanks to systematically carried out work on rational use of TER at the companies of the republic decrease in energy costs per unit of products is provided.

Specific fuel consumptions to the level of 2015 on such power-intensive products as mineral fertilizers, glass, cardboard, tractors, fabrics decreased. At the same time by separate types of products decrease in power consumption constituted more than 20 percent: chemical fibers and threads, automotor-tires, pitches synthetic, plastic.

For the purpose of increase in energy security and energy independence in the Republic of Belarus in 2016-2019 are put into operation:

106 power sources on total local TER the established electric power of 2,69 of MW, thermal - 340, MW, including 2 mini-combined heat and power plants on local types of total fuel the established electric power of 2,69 of MW, thermal - 24,5 of MW;

17 total photo-electric stations electric power of 141,8 of MW;

4 total hydroelectric power stations installed capacity about 61,8 of MW;

36 total wind power installations by installed capacity of 56,9 of MW;

14 total biogas complexes the established electric power of 13,6 of MW.

Within implementation of the State program for 2016-2020 active work on promotion of rational use of TER, including way was carried out:

the organizations and carrying out republican tenders in the field of energy saving, including republican tender of school projects on economy and economy of Energomarafon, international contest of energy efficient and resource-saving technologies and the equipment;

editions of the monthly specialized scientific and practical magazine "Energoeffektivnost", educational and methodical literature, posters and other evident propaganda on energy saving;

holding seminars, conferences, round tables on the most interesting subjects and the directions;

representations at specialized forums and exhibitions of results of work in the field of energy saving;

creations of social advertizing, popular scientific and information and propaganda movies about energy saving.

Results of work in the field of energy saving will allow to mitigate, but not to eliminate difficulty on providing with energy carriers.

In the developing economic situation it is necessary to speed up the work on realization of state policy on increase in energy efficiency of social and economic complex providing austerity of TER, unit cost reduction of the made products, including heat and electrical energy.

The main measures for increase in energy efficiency and energy independence of the country are realization of complex of actions for energy saving, including within the international projects, actions for increase in consumption of electrical energy in all industries of national economy, construction of power sources on local types of fuel, including RES, implementation of system of power management and annual decrease in specific expenses of TER on production (works, services), including production of heat and electrical energy.

Implementation of the State program will allow to provide in 2021-2025 interconnected activities for energy saving of the republican state bodies, other organizations subordinated to the Government of the Republic of Belarus, regional executive committees and Minsk Gorispolkom (further, unless otherwise specified, - state bodies).

Chapter 2. Purposes, tasks and structure of the State program

The purposes of the State program are:

control of growth of gross consumption of TER in case of economic development of the country;

further ensuring use of local TER, including RES.

For achievement of these purposes it is necessary to solve the following problems:

within the subprogramme 1 "Increase in energy efficiency" to provide economy of TER;

within the subprogramme 2 "Development of use of local TER, including RES" to increase share of local TER, including share of RES in gross consumption of TER.

Summary target indicator of the State program is decrease in power consumption of GDP by 2026 for 7 percent at least to the level of 2020 in case of growth rates of GDP in 2021-2025 of percent 121,5.

Subprogrammes provide the following target indicators in general on the republic:

amount of economy of TER - 2,5-3,0 of one million tce;

providing by 2026 the relation of production volume (production) of primary energy (without atomic energy) to gross consumption of TER (further - share of local TER in gross consumption of TER) is at least percent 16,1;

increase by 2026 in the relation of production volume (production) of primary energy from RES (further - share of RES in gross consumption of TER) to gross consumption of TER of 7-8 percent.

The specified purposes and tasks of the State program are directed to achievement by the Republic of Belarus of the Sustainable development goals containing in the resolution of the General Assembly of the United Nations of September 25, 2015 No. 70/1 "Transformation of our world: The agenda in the field of sustainable development for the period till 2030", including the Purposes 7 "Ensuring general access to inexpensive, reliable, steady and modern power sources for all" regarding development of RES and decrease in power consumption of GDP.

Data about summary target and target indicators of the State program according to appendix 1 provide comparability summary target and target indicators of the State program with indicators of goal achievement of sustainable development (the table 1), and also values of such indicators (the table 2).

Responsible customer of the State program is the State committee on standardization.

Customers of the State program are the State committee on standardization, the Department of Energy, the Ministry of Architecture, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of information, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of forestry, the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Industry ministry, the Ministry of Communications and Informatization, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the Ministry of Sport and tourism, the Ministry of Transport and Communications, the State military-industrial committee, the State boundary committee, the Belarusian state concern of the food industry Belgospishcheprom, the Belarusian state concern on oil and chemistry, the Belarusian state concern on production and sales of goods of light industry, the Belarusian production and trade concern forest, woodworking and pulp and paper industry, regional executive committees and Minsk Gorispolkom.

The state program has cross-industry character, and the implementation of actions, its tasks and target indicators directed to accomplishment, is performed by means of interconnected activities for energy saving of state bodies within accomplishment of general complex of actions, data on which are provided according to appendix 2, including complex of actions of the State program (the table 1) and the actions which are carried out within other state programs in the corresponding fields of activity, the main activities of the organizations financed from the republican budget (the table 2).

Chapter 3. Financial provision of the State program

Financing sources of actions of the State program are means republican and (or) local budgets (including provided on financing of the State program), own means of the organizations, credit resources of banks of the Republic of Belarus, "Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus" open joint stock company, other sources which are not prohibited by the legislation (including means of off-budget investment funds, international financial institutions, grants, foreign investments).

Financing of general complex of actions at the expense of all sources will require 4 213 536 000 rubles, including in 2021 - 808 422 000 rubles, in 2022 - 962 683 000 rubles, in 2023 - 739 332 000 rubles, in 2024 - 841 455 000 rubles, in 2025 - 861 644 000 rubles.

Amounts and financing sources of complex of actions of the State program (the table 1) and general complex of actions of the State program (the table 2) are provided in data on amounts and financing sources according to appendix 3.

Procurement of the domestic equipment is conducted in case of realization within the State program of actions for construction of power sources on local TER by results of holding procedures of purchases according to the legislation of the Republic of Belarus or the international rules of carrying out purchases applied in case of implementation of the international projects. Amounts and financing sources of the perspective plan of purchase of such goods are determined according to appendix 4.

Capital investments according to the list of objects for implementation of thermal pumps according to appendix 5 and according to indicators of commissioning of power sources on local TER according to appendix 6 will be provided within regional complexes of actions (regional programs) and regional investing programs.

Chapter 4. The main risks in case of accomplishment of the State program. Controling mechanisms risks

Different risks can exert impact on goal achievement of the State program and accomplishment of its tasks, including:

risks of macroeconomic nature: decrease in rather planned values of growth rates of economy, growth rates of production (works, services) in different sectors of economy, investment activity of subjects of managing, growth of cost of TER and rates for energy;

the financial risks caused by insufficiency and (or) inopportuneness of financing, high debt load and insufficiency of current assets in contractors of actions;

the legal risks connected with change of the legislation.

The main controling mechanisms risks in case of implementation of the State program for the purpose of minimization of effects of their approach are:

timely adjustment of the summary target and target indicators characterizing goal achievement and tasks of the State program, and also actions taking into account macroeconomic indicators;

timely accounting of the planned changes in the legislation;

timely planning and selection of contractors of actions;

ensuring timely and effective use of means for implementation of actions of the State program;

attraction of additional resources from non-budgetary sources of financing;

annual refining of amounts of the financial resources provided on implementation of actions of the State program in case of change of the macroeconomic indicators applied in calculations;

determination of priorities for first-priority financing of actions of the State program;

adjustment of the State program according to the actual amount of financing and funds redistribution between the priority directions of the State program;

carrying out systematic monitoring and assessment of results of implementation of actions of subprogrammes of the State program;

information support, studying of foreign experience, exchange of the best practicians acquired in case of implementation of actions, similar included in the State program;

preparation, retraining of the managerial personnel, advanced training of the specialists participating in implementation of the State program.

In case of failure to carry out of actions of the State program in full in the last year of its realization completion of these actions is performed within the State program in the field of energy saving on the following five-years period.

Chapter 5. Technique of efficiency evaluation of implementation of the State program

The efficiency evaluation of implementation of the State program is performed on the basis of the analysis of achievement of values summary target and target indicators, development of the allocated financial resources, and also by comparison of actually reached values summary target and the target indicators characterizing tasks of the State program with their approved values.

For assessment of extent of goal achievement of the State program and the solution of tasks of subprogrammes extent of achievement of planned value is determined by each summary target indicator.

Extent of achievement of planned value of summary target indicator (target indicator) which desirable tendency is increase in value is calculated by formula

Sdpz = Zppf / STD,

where Sdpz - extent of achievement of planned value of summary target indicator (target indicator);

Zppf - the value of summary target indicator (target indicator) which is actually reached by the end of the reporting period;

STD - planned value of summary target indicator (target indicator).

Not achievement of the planned growth rate of GDP taking into account which accomplishment the summary target indicator on decrease in power consumption of GDP is calculated can have significant effect on efficiency of accomplishment of the State program.

Quantitative accounting of the risk factor connected with not achievement of the planned growth rate of GDP is performed by calculation of the given value of this indicator for decrease in power consumption of GDP for formula


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