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The document ceased to be valid since February 26, 2023 according to the Order of Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation of February 1, 2023 No. 52

It is registered

Ministry of Justice

Russian Federation

On January 22, 2021 No. 62184


of December 29, 2020 No. 642

About approval of Administrative regulations of Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation on provision of the state service in licensing of activities for development, production, realization and acquisition for the purpose of sale of the special technical means intended for secret receipt of information

According to Articles 11 - 14 Federal Laws of July 27, 2010 No. 210-FZ "About the organization of provision of the state and municipal services" <1>, the Rules of development and approval of administrative regulations of provision of the state services approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 16, 2011 No. 373 "About development and approval of administrative regulations of implementation of the state control (supervision) and administrative regulations of provision of the state services" <2> and Item 2 of the Regulations on licensing of activities for development, production, realization and acquisition for the purpose of sale of the special technical means intended for the secret receipt of information approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 12, 2012 No. 287 "About approval of the Regulations on licensing of activities for development, production I order to realization and acquisition for the purpose of sale of the special technical means intended for secret receipt of information" <1>:


<1> Russian Federation Code, 2010, No. 31, Art. 4179; 2019, No. 52, Art. 7790.

<2> Russian Federation Code, 2011, No. 22, Art. 3169; 2018, No. 46, Art. 7050.

<1> Russian Federation Code, 2012, No. 16, Art. 1885.

1. Approve the enclosed Administrative regulations of Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation on provision of the state service in licensing of activities for development, production, realization and acquisition for the purpose of sale of the special technical means intended for secret receipt of information.

2. Declare invalid the order of FSB of Russia of March 25, 2013 No. 157 "About approval of Administrative regulations of Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation on provision of the state service in implementation of licensing of activities for development, production, realization and acquisition for the purpose of sale of the special technical means intended for secret receipt of information" <2>.


<2> Registration No. 28594 is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 30, 2013.


A. Bortnikov

Approved by the Order of Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2020, No. 642

Administrative regulations of Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation on provision of the state service in licensing of activities for development, production, realization and acquisition for the purpose of sale of the special technical means intended for secret receipt of information

I. General provisions

Subject of regulation of regulations

1. The administrative regulations of Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation for the purpose of sale of the special technical means intended for secret receipt of information <1> determine terms and the sequence of ministerial procedures (actions) by provision of the state service in licensing of activities for development, production, realization and acquisition by provision by the Center for licensing, certification and protection of the state mystery of FSB of Russia and territorial authorities of safety (except for the Departments of FSB of Russia for the city of Moscow and the Moscow region) <2> state services in licensing of activities for development, production, realization and acquisition for the purpose of sale of the special technical means intended for secret receipt of information>, and also order of interaction of licensing authorities with legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, their authorized representatives, other public authorities and local government bodies, organizations and the organizations in the course of provision of the state service.


<1> Further - Regulations.

<2> Further - licensing authorities.

<3> Further - the state service.

Circle of applicants

2. Applicants by provision of the state service are the legal entities and individual entrepreneurs planning to perform (performing) activities for development, production, realization and acquisition for the purpose of sale of the special technical means intended for secret receipt of information <1>.


<1> Further - applicants.

3. If receipt of the information on the specific license provided according to article 21 of the Federal Law of May 4, 2011 to No. 99-FZ "About licensing of separate types of activity" <2> by applicants is result of provision of the state service legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and physical persons are.


<2> Russian Federation Code, 2011, No. 19, Art. 2716; 2020, No. 31, Art. 5029. Further - the Federal Law No. 99-FZ.

Requirements to procedure for informing on provision of the state service

4. Informing concerning provision of the state service is performed by means of the federal state information system "Federal Register of the State and Municipal Services (Functions)" <3>, the federal state information system "Single Portal of the State and Municipal Services (Functions)" <4>, the official site of FSB of Russia on the Internet <5>, the information stands located in premises of licensing authorities, services of mail service, consultation by phone and in case of personal acceptance.


<3> Further - the federal register.

<4> Further - the Single portal.

<5> Further - the website of FSB of Russia.

On the Single portal and the website of FSB of Russia the following information is placed:

the exhaustive list of the documents necessary for provision of the state service, the requirement to execution of the specified documents;

the list of documents which the applicant has the right to provide on own initiative in case of the request for receipt of the state service;

circle of applicants;

terms of provision of the state service;

results of provision of the state service, procedure for provision of the document which is result of provision of the state service;

the list of the regulatory legal acts regulating provision of the state service;

the amount of the state tax or payment levied for provision of the state service;

the exhaustive list of the bases for suspension or refusal in provision of the state service;

data on licensing authorities: postal addresses, working schedules, addresses of the websites of FSB of Russia and licensing authorities, e-mail for the direction in licensing authorities of addresses electronically concerning provision of the state service, telephone numbers for enquiries of licensing authorities <1>;


<1> Further - reference information.

about the applicant's right to pre-judicial (extrajudicial) appeal of actions (failure to act) and the decisions made (performed) during provision of the state service.

Information on the Single portal and the website of FSB of Russia on procedure for provision of the state service based on the data containing in the Federal register is provided to the applicant free of charge.

The information access about procedure for provision of the state service is provided without accomplishment by the applicant of any requirements, including without use of the software which installation on technical means of the applicant requires the conclusion of license or other agreement with the owner of the software providing collection of payment, registration or authorization of the applicant or provision of personal data by it.

5. The possibility of receipt of data on the course of provision of the state service with use of the Single portal and the website of FSB of Russia is not provided.

6. Reference information is provided by the following methods:

by use of services of mail service;

by placement on the Single portal;

by placement on the website of FSB of Russia;

by placement in the federal register;

by consultation by phone;

in case of personal acceptance of applicants;

by placement at information stands, premises of licensing authorities, located in available to applicants, and also at information stands of other state bodies and organizations in coordination with the specified bodies or the organizations.

7. Consultation duration by phone and in case of personal acceptance shall not exceed 15 minutes.

II. Standard of provision of the state service

Name of the state service

8. The state service in licensing of activities for development, production, realization and acquisition for the purpose of sale of the special technical means intended for secret receipt of information <1>.


<1> Further - the activities connected with turnover of the special technical means intended for secret receipt of information.

The name of the body providing the state service

9. The state service is provided by Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.

10. The center for licensing, certification and protection of the state mystery of FSB of Russia provides the state service to the applicants registered in the territory of the city of Moscow and the Moscow region, planning (performing) performance of works, rendering the services constituting the licensed activities, determined by Item 3 of the Regulations on licensing of activities for development, production, realization and acquisition for the purpose of sale of the special technical means intended for the secret receipt of information approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 12, 2012 No. 287 <2>.


<2> Further - the Provision.

11. Territorial authorities of safety provide the state service to the applicants registered in the territory of appropriate subject of the Russian Federation, planning (performing) performance of works, rendering the services constituting the licensed activities, determined by Provision Item 3.

12. It is forbidden to demand from the applicant of implementation of actions the, including coordination necessary for receipt of the state service and connected with the appeal to other state bodies and the organizations, except for receipts of the services included in the list of services which are federal executive bodies, State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" of the state services, necessary and obligatory for provision, and are provided by the organizations participating in provision of the state services, No. 352 <1> approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011.


<1> Russian Federation Code, 2011, No. 20, Art. 2829; 2020, No. 1, Art. 51.

Description of result of provision of the state service

13. Results of provision of the state service are:

provision (refusal in provision) licenses for the activities connected with turnover of the special technical means intended for secret receipt of information <2>;


<2> Further - the license.

renewal (refusal in renewal) licenses;

cancellation of the license;

provision of data on the specific license.


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