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Approved by the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan of February 22, 2021, No. ZRU-676


(as amended on 10-09-2024)

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Purpose of this Code

The purpose of this Code is regulation of the relations in the field of town-planning activities.

Article 2. Legislation on town planning

The legislation on town planning consists of of this Code and other acts of the legislation.

If the international treaty of the Republic of Uzbekistan, establishes other rules, than those which are stipulated by the legislation the Republic of Uzbekistan about town planning then are applied rules of the international treaty.

Article 3. Basic concepts

In this Code the following basic concepts are applied:

the settlement - the administrative and territorial unit of the Republic of Uzbekistan (the city, the settlement, kishlak, the aul) designated by legal status, the name and border;

the master plan of the settlement - the town-planning document determining the main directions of territorial development of the settlement and condition of complex forming of favorable living environment of citizens;

the mezhselenny territories - the territories outside borders of settlements, between two and more settlements;

line of border of the settlement - the external border of lands of the settlement established by town-planning documentation separating them other categories of land fund;

system of resettlement - the main directions of regulated placement of the population determined by town-planning documentation in the corresponding territory by development existing and creations of new settlements;

the building - the construction system consisting from the bearing, protecting or combined designs forming the closed amount, depending on functional purpose intended for accommodation or temporary stay of people, accomplishment of production processes;

the customer - the physical person or legal entity providing implementation of construction, reconstruction, repair and demolition of objects, and also signing for this purpose contracts for production of design and survey, expert, construction and supervising works with the relevant organizations;

zoning - division of the territory on functional purpose in case of town-planning development planning of the territory with determination of types of town-planning use and restrictions for their use;

construction - the volume, sheet or linear construction system consisting from the bearing, protecting or combined designs, intended for accomplishment of production processes of different type, placement and storage of material values, temporary stay (movement) of people, and also placement (laying, posting) the equipment or communications;

production facilities - the buildings and constructions intended for production placement in which necessary conditions for work of people and processing equipment are provided;

red lines - the borders established by town-planning documentation separating the territories of quarters, residential districts and other elements of planning structure streets, drives and the areas of settlements;

unique and especially important objects - buildings, constructions and their complexes which are characterized separately or in total special, unique according to the space-planning, constructive, engineering or technology solutions and architectural intention, realizing high technological level of achievement and architecture;

objects (designs) of advertizing and information - specially developed and applied means for placement (distribution) of external advertizing, and also technical means (designs) performing functions of bringing information to the population;

residential objects - the buildings intended for accommodation of people, apartment houses (apartments) for permanent residence, and also the hostel, hotel, boarding schools, retirement homes for temporary residence;

urbanization - the process of increase in role of the cities in development of society and economy promoting positive changes in social and professional and demographic structure of the population, rise on qualitatively new level of its conduct of life and culture, and also forming of city infrastructure. The urbanization, as a rule, is followed by inclusion of suburbs in the urban area, consolidation of several settlements in single space;

civil objects - the buildings and constructions intended for placement of organizations and organizations of culture, physical culture, sport, science, education, health care, trade, public catering, consumer services, bank financial institutions, the construction and utility organizations, telecommunications agencies and transport;

town planning - the theory and the practice of the layout and building of settlements, the mezhselenny territories providing complex of social and economic, construction and technical, architectural and art decisions taking into account health regulations, regulations and hygienic standard rates;

town-planning regulations - set of statutory rules of building of the territories and settlements of parameters and types of use of the parcels of land and other real estate objects of settlements and the mezhselenny territories when implementing town-planning activities;

town-planning activities - activities of state bodies, self-government institutions of citizens, legal entities and physical persons in the field of town-planning development planning of the territories and settlements, determinations of types of use of the parcels of land, productions of construction materials and products, designings, constructions and reconstruction of buildings, constructions and their complexes taking into account interests of the personality, society and state, and also national, historical and cultural, ecological, natural peculiarities of the specified territories and settlements;

town-planning documentation - the approved documentation on town-planning development planning of the territories and settlements and on their building;

the individual apartment house - one or several residential buildings with the subsidiary and economic structures and domestic constructions located on one parcel of land intended for individual housing construction and maintaining subsidiary farm relating to them.

Article 4. Basic principles of town-planning activities

The basic principles of town-planning activities are:

sustainable development of the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its parts on the basis of town-planning development planning, taking into account interests of citizens, society and the state in the field of town planning;

creation of favorable living environment, protection of public health, respect for the environment, to natural resources and cultural heritage;

implementation of town-planning activities on the basis of the approved town-planning documentation with observance of requirements to safety and reliability of structures of buildings and constructions, their seismic stability, fire safety and energy efficiency;

implementation of the best practician of town-planning activities and construction production, improvement of quality of construction;

ensuring effective participation of the public in the course of town-planning development planning of the territories.

Article 5. Creation of competitive environment in the field of town planning

The competitive environment between subjects of town-planning activities is created in the way:

restrictions in the market of works (goods, services) of exclusive activities, including activities which bring or can lead to competition restriction;

creations of available electronic databases about subjects of town-planning activities and introduction on the created basis of ratings of assessment of their activities;

ensuring openness and transparency of town-planning activities;

ensuring compliance with the legislation on public procurements.

Article 6. Town-planning regulations and rules

Town-planning regulations and rules are fundamentals of town planning and are obligatory for execution by subjects of town-planning activities.

Town-planning regulations and rules are regulating documents in the field of technical regulation, the establishing mandatory requirements in case of:

town-planning development planning and buildings of the territories;

engineering researches;

designing, including, process design;

implementation of construction, reconstruction, general and running repair, and also demolition of objects;

operation, repair or recovery (organization, maintaining and acceptance of works) of objects;

device of engineering systems of objects;

cost determination of objects;

production and use of construction materials, products and designs.

Use of the international and foreign normative and technical documents in the field of town-planning activities adapted for geological, climatic, seismological and other features of the Republic of Uzbekistan is allowed.

Information on town-planning regulations and rules is posted on the official website of specially authorized state body in the field of town-planning activities.

Town-planning regulations and rules are the basis for decision making by state bodies concerning the rights of owners, owners and users of the adjacent parcels of land, objects (designs) of advertizing and information and other real estate objects, and also the rights of legal entities and physical persons which interests can be infringed when implementing town-planning activities.

Article 7. Departmental construction regulations

When implementing town-planning activities departmental construction regulations can be used.

The ministries and departments within the powers can develop, approve, review or cancel departmental construction regulations which can be applied within one ministry and department.

Departmental construction regulations shall not contradict the legislation on town planning, town-planning regulations and rules.

Departmental construction regulations before their approval are approved with specially authorized state body in the field of town-planning activities.

Article 8. Interests of legal entities and physical persons, societies and the states in the field of town planning

Their interests connected with implementation of town-planning activities belong to interests of legal entities and physical persons in the field of town planning.

Town-planning activities of legal entities and physical persons shall be limited if it interferes with realization of the rights and legitimate interests of owners, owners and users of the adjacent parcels of land, objects (designs) of advertizing and information and other real estate objects.

Interests of society in the field of town planning are the right of citizens to favorable living environment, non-admission of harmful effects of economic and other activity on the environment, improvement of environmental setting, development of engineering, transport and social infrastructures of settlements and the territories adjoining to them, preserving objects of cultural heritage, and also openness and transparency of town-planning activities.

Interests of the state in the field of town planning are providing conditions for sustainable development of settlements and the mezhselenny territories, functioning of systems of engineering, transport and social infrastructures, preserving natural resources and objects of cultural heritage, and also non-admission of conflict of interest.

Interests of legal entities and physical persons, societies and the states in the field of town planning are provided by means of observance of requirements of the legislation on town planning, town-planning regulations and rules, town-planning documentation, and also implementation of the state and public control over their observance.

If town-planning activities contradict interests of legal entities and physical persons, societies and the states, such activities shall be stopped.

Article 9. Right of citizens to favorable living environment

Each citizen has the right to favorable living environment.

The right of citizens to favorable living environment when implementing town-planning activities is provided:

state regulation of town-planning activities;

town-planning development planning of the territories and settlements;

participation of citizens in implementation of town-planning activities;

certification of construction materials, products and designs;

the state and public control over compliance with law about town planning, town-planning regulations and rules;

compensation of the losses caused to citizens and which entailed deterioration in living environment, and also indemnification, caused to life, health and property of citizens as a result of violations of the law about town planning.

Article 10. Main requirements to town-planning activities

The main requirements to town-planning activities are:


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