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of July 19, 2006 No. 999

Some questions of social protection of persons with disability

(as amended on 27-12-2023)

According to the subitem "e" of Item, with article 26 of the Law of Ukraine "About rehabilitation of persons with disability in Ukraine", articles 6 and 11-1 of the Law of Ukraine "About the humanitarian assistance" the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides 9 parts one of Article 87 of the Budget code of Ukraine:

1. Approve the Procedure for providing persons with disability cars which is applied.

1-1. Determine that the funds transferred by persons with disability (including persons with disability owing to labor accident or occupational disease) for the received cars on favorable terms (7 or 30 percent of cost) paid by members of families of the died persons with disability (including persons with disability owing to labor accident or occupational disease) for the cars left to them, and means which arrived from realization of the cars returned (withdrawn) by structural divisions concerning social protection of the population regional and Kiev city public administrations (military authorities) (further - structural divisions concerning social protection of the population) in the government budget, can be used by Social Security Fund of persons with disability for ensuring functioning of the public rehabilitation institutions (the centers of complex rehabilitation) for persons with disability, the children with disability belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of social policy.

2. Recognize invalid resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine according to the list which is attached.

Prime Minister of Ukraine


Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of July 19, 2006, No. 999

Procedure for providing person with disability cars

General part

1. This Procedure determines the mechanism of providing with the cars determined by the paragraph the eighth article 1 of the Law of Ukraine "About road transport" (further - the car), persons with disability, in particular children with disability who have the right to their obtaining free of charge or on favorable terms, are citizens of Ukraine, at the registered/declared place of residence in Ukraine (further - the registered residence) in the procedure established by the legislation.

For providing with cars children with disability are registered for providing with the car (further - accounting) on reaching them five-year age.

Providing persons with cars with disability at the registered place of residence is performed by structural divisions concerning social protection of the population regional and Kiev city public administrations (military authorities) (further - structural divisions concerning social protection of the population).

The persons with disability living in organizations of social protection of the population on complete state content or being in places of detention are not provided with cars. In case of the device of person with disability which is provided with the car, on accommodation at organization of social protection of the population or his condemnation to imprisonment the car received by person with disability, the legal representative of incapacitated person with disability, the child with disability through structural division concerning social protection of the population or management of executive directorate of Social Insurance Fund of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, areas, Kiev and Sevastopol (further - management of executive directorate of Fund) returns to structural division concerning social protection of the population at the registered place of residence of person with disability in complete set. In case when such person with disability is provided with the car on favorable terms (7 or 30 percent of cost), according to its statement, according to the statement of the legal representative of incapacitated person with disability, the child with disability given not later than in six months from the date of withdrawal of the car to it the amount paid to them for the car taking into account the settlement cost of the car on the date of filing of application returns.

Persons with disability which during stay on accounting were arranged in organization of social protection of the population on complete state content or are sentenced to imprisonment, are struck off the register. Based on the certificate of disposal from organization of social protection of the population or about departure of term of punishment in the place of detention of person with disability are registered from the date of filing of application about providing with the car taking into account the stay period on accounting to the device in organizations of social protection of the population on complete state content or condemnation to imprisonment.

2. Financing of the expenses connected with receipt of cars and preparation them to operation is performed at the expense of the means provided on such purpose in the Government budget and other sources which are not prohibited by the legislation.

The paragraph two is excluded according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 27.12.2023 No. 1397

The paragraph third is excluded according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 27.12.2023 No. 1397

The paragraph the fourth is excluded according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 27.12.2023 No. 1397

The paragraph the fifth is excluded according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 27.12.2023 No. 1397

Minsotspolitiki on Ukraine provided by the law on the Government budget for the corresponding year to the budget program for providing persons with disability cars transfers means to account of Social Security Fund of persons with disability, opened by bodies of Treasury.

Funds from other sources which are not prohibited by the legislation are transferred directly to the contractor according to the signed agreements.

Purchase of works and services in production and delivery of cars at the expense of public funds is performed by Social Security Fund of persons with disability according to the legislation.

Payment for work on production and delivery of cars is performed by Social Security Fund of persons with disability in the procedure established by the legislation.

Creation and provision of the financial reporting about use of budgetary funds, and also control of their target and effective expenditure are performed in the procedure established by the legislation.

3. The basis for providing persons with disability cars is the statement, documents specified in Item 34 presents of the Procedure and the conclusion regional, central city in Kiev and Sevastopol, republican medico-social commission of experts in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (further - respectively OBLMSEK, TsMSEK, KRMSEK) about availability at person with disability of medical indications for providing with the car and availability or lack of contraindications to management of it depending on the conditions of providing with the car specified in Items 29-31 of this Procedure.

Irrespective of medical indications have the right to providing with cars:

Persons with disability of I and II groups of number of participants of recovery from the accident on the Chernobyl NPP and victims of the Chernobyl catastrophic crash concerning which the causal relationship of disability is established with the Chernobyl catastrophic crash, and also citizens who participated in liquidation of other nuclear damages and testing, in military exercises using automatic weapon (category 1):

persons with disability owing to war of the I group on sight or without both hands;

persons with disability with stumps of both legs and hands.


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