of January 30, 2021 No. 86
About approval of Inference rules of power generation facilities in repair and from operation, and also about introduction of amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation concerning enhancement of procedure for conclusion of power generation facilities in repair and from operation
According to the Federal Law "About Power Industry" Government of the Russian Federation decides:
1. Approve enclosed:
Inference rules of power generation facilities in repair and from operation;
changes which are made to acts of the Government of the Russian Federation concerning enhancement of procedure for conclusion of power generation facilities in repair and from operation.
2. To the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation in 3-month time:
establish the normative level of balance sheet reliability for Power pool system of Russia used in case of assessment of possibility of conclusion of the generating equipment from operation;
approve application forms about conclusion of subject to scheduling from operation, the rule of filling of the specified form and the requirement to format of the statement for conclusion of subject to scheduling from operation, and also form of the conclusions of the subject of supervisory control of possibility (impossibility) of conclusion of subjects to scheduling from operation.
3. Determine that:
from the date of entry into force of this resolution it is terminated the conclusions about possibility of conclusion of subjects to scheduling from operation, about approval of conclusion of subjects to scheduling from operation, and also the conclusions about need of refusal for conclusion of the subjects to scheduling from operation issued by the system operator (subjects of supervisory control in power industry in technology isolated territorial electric utility systems) according to Inference rules of power generation facilities in repair and from operation, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 26, 2007 No. 484 "About conclusion of power generation facilities in repair and from operation", about day of entry into force of this resolution, concerning subjects to scheduling, which are part of facilities for production of electrical energy (capacity) and of which actual conclusion from operation about day of entry into force of this resolution is not performed;
consideration of the applications for conclusion of subjects to scheduling submitted to authorized dispatch centers from operation on which before entry into force of this resolution by the subject of supervisory control the decision on leaving of such statements without consideration was not made and also was not issued the conclusion about approval of conclusion of subject to scheduling from operation or about need of refusal for conclusion of subject to scheduling from operation, and preparation of the conclusions on them are performed by the subject of supervisory control according to the Rules approved by this resolution;
consideration by authorized federal executive body of statements for conclusion from operation according to which before entry into force of this resolution by authorized body the decision on approval or suspension of conclusion of subject to scheduling from operation is not made stops until obtaining by authorized body from the subject of supervisory control in power industry of the conclusions about possibility (impossibility) of conclusion of the subjects to scheduling from operation which are drawn up according to the Rules approved by this resolution;
consideration of the applications, the decisions specified in paragraph four of this Item, and acceptance by authorized federal executive body on them are performed according to the procedure, established by the Rules approved by this resolution based on the conclusions of the subject of supervisory control which are drawn up according to the Rules approved by this resolution;
from the date of entry into force of the Federal Law "About Introduction of Amendments to the Federal Law "About Power Industry" regarding Enhancement of Procedure for Conclusion of Power Generation Facilities in Repair and from Operation" it is terminated decisions on approval of conclusion of the facilities for production of electrical energy (capacity) from operation received about day of entry into force of the specified Federal Law;
consideration of question of approval of conclusion from operation of the subjects to scheduling specified in paragraphs the second and sixth this Item is performed based on the applications submitted according to the Rules approved by this resolution.
4. Determine that before approval by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation of the document forms specified in paragraph three of Item 2 of this resolution, filing of applications about conclusion of subjects to scheduling from operation and preparation of the conclusions about possibility (impossibility) of conclusion of subjects to scheduling from operation are performed in any form with observance by the established Rules approved by this resolution, requirements to contents of the specified documents.
5. To the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation in 18-month time to develop together with Federal Antimonopoly Service and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and to provide in accordance with the established procedure to the Government of the Russian Federation offers on modification of legislative and other regulatory legal acts, directed on:
enhancement of mechanisms of conclusion from operation of power generation facilities in the territories of not price zones of the wholesale market and technology isolated territorial electric utility systems, including for the purpose of carrying out possibility in such territories of competitive selections of projects on construction (reconstruction) of facilities for production of electrical energy (capacity) for creation of possibility of conclusion from operation technically and economically inefficient generating objects, determination of financing sources of actions for possibility of conclusion of power generation facilities from operation;
determination of procedure for conclusion from operation of power generation facilities to which action of the Rules approved by this resolution does not extend including with use of which is performed activities in the territories of the decentralized electric utility service which are technology not connected with Power pool system of Russia and technology isolated territorial electric utility systems, but which are used for ensuring electric utility service of the unrestricted group of people.
6. To the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation together with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation to submit within 4-month term in accordance with the established procedure in the Government of the Russian Federation suggestions for improvement of the mechanism of competitive selections of capacity of the new generating objects proceeding from optimization of aggregate value of development of electrical energy and capacity.
7. To provide to the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation till December 31, 2021 to the Government of the Russian Federation the report on analysis results of practice of application of the Rules approved by this resolution.
8. Recognize invalid:
the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 26, 2007 No. 484 "About conclusion of power generation facilities in repair and from operation" (The Russian Federation Code, 2007, No. 31, the Art. 4100);
Item of 75 changes which are made to acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 10, 2009 No. 219 "About introduction of amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation" (The Russian Federation Code, 2009, No. 12, the Art. 1429);
Item of 2 changes which are made to acts of the Government of the Russian Federation concerning the organization of long-term selection of capacity on competitive basis in the wholesale market of electrical energy (capacity), approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 24, 2010 No. 89 "About some questions of the organization of long-term selection of capacity on competitive basis in the wholesale market of electrical energy (capacity)" (The Russian Federation Code, 2010, No. 15, the Art. 1803);
Item of 2 changes which are made to acts of the Government of the Russian Federation concerning the organization of functioning of the wholesale market of electrical energy and capacity approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2010 No. 1172 "About approval of Rules of the wholesale market of electrical energy and capacity and about introduction of amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation concerning the organization of functioning of the wholesale market of electrical energy and capacity" (The Russian Federation Code, 2011, No. 14, the Art. 1916);
item 4 of changes which are made to acts of the Government of the Russian Federation in connection with adoption of the Federal Law "About Computation of Time", approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 31, 2012 No. 63 "About introduction of amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation in connection with adoption of the Federal Law "About Computation of Time" (The Russian Federation Code, 2012, No. 6, the Art. 695);
Item 2 of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 6, 2012 No. 889 "About conclusion in repair and from operation of sources of heat energy and thermal networks" (The Russian Federation Code, 2012, No. 37, the Art. 5009);
Item of 1 changes which are made to acts of the Government of the Russian Federation concerning functioning of the wholesale market of electrical energy and capacity, and also the carrying out competitive selection of capacity in 2014 approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 16, 2014 No. 820 "About change and about recognition voided some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation concerning functioning of the wholesale market of electrical energy and capacity, and also carrying out competitive selection of capacity in 2014" (The Russian Federation Code, 2014, No. 34, the Art. 4677);
Item 3 of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 29, 2016 No. 152 "About establishment of features of pricing concerning certain subjects of power industry and about modification of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2010 No. 1172" (The Russian Federation Code, 2016, No. 10, the Art. 1422);
Item of 3 changes which are made to acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2018 No. 937 "About approval of Rules of technology functioning of electric utility systems and about introduction of amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation" (The Russian Federation Code, 2018, No. 34, the Art. 5483);
Item of 2 changes which are made to acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 5, 2018 No. 1057 "About introduction of amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation" (The Russian Federation Code, 2018, No. 37, the Art. 5759).
9. This resolution becomes effective from the date of its official publication.
Russian Prime Minister
M. Mishustin
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 30, 2021 No. 86
1. These rules determine procedure for conclusion in repair and from operation of the power lines, the equipment and devices which are the part of facilities for production of electrical energy (capacity) and objects of electric grid economy including conditions and procedure for temporary stop of the work of the specified power generation facilities performed for the purpose of carrying out complex of the technical actions directed to maintenance or recovery of serviceable condition of the specified objects, change of technical and economic indicators of condition of these objects, long-term preserving operating state of such objects in idle time or maintenance of the devices of relay protection and automatic equipment, means of dispatching and technology management which are their part (further - conclusion in repair), and also conditions and procedure for final stop of the work of such objects which is carried out including for the purpose of their liquidation (further - conclusion from operation).
According to these rules is subject to approval:
conclusion in repair and from operation of the following objects included according to the Rules of supervisory control in power industry approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2004 No. 854 "About approval of Rules of supervisory control in power industry" (further - Rules of supervisory control), in the list of subjects to scheduling of the subject of supervisory control in power industry (further - the subject of supervisory control) which is till December 31, 2023 inclusive - the system operator of electric utility systems of Russia (further - the system operator) or the subject of supervisory control in technology isolated territorial electric utility system, and since January 1, 2024 - only the system operator:
the power lines, the equipment and devices which are part of objects of electric grid economy;
the equipment and structures of power plants which installed capacity constitutes 5 MW or more (in technology isolated territorial electric utility systems - irrespective of the size of installed capacity);
the equipment and devices of systems of accumulating of electrical energy installed capacity of 5 MW or more with which use production (transformation to electrical energy) and issue of electrical energy in power network is performed;
scope change of corrective actions of antiemergency or regime automatic equipment, readiness of the equipment for participation in regulation of frequency of electric current, change of size of available capacity, adjusting range on active capacity of the generating equipment and other parameters of technology operating mode of the equipment in operational zone of dispatch center (further - change of technology parameters) carried according to Rules of supervisory control to subjects to scheduling of this dispatch center owing to conclusion in repair or from operation of power lines, the equipment and devices of the power generation facilities which are not subjects to scheduling.
In addition to the specified in paragraphs four - the seventh this Item of subjects to scheduling, according to these rules conclusion from operation of the following power generation facilities which are not carried to subjects to scheduling is subject to approval:
the objects of electric grid economy (the power grid equipment) which are not carried to subjects to scheduling, being part of the facility for production of electrical energy (capacity), used for transfer of electrical energy to consumers, in case of conclusion from operation of all units of the generating equipment which are part of the facility for production of electrical energy (capacity), carried to subjects to scheduling;
the generating equipment which is not carried to subjects to scheduling being part of facilities for production of electrical energy (capacity) which installed capacity constitutes 5 MW or more, functioning as a part of Power pool system of Russia or technology isolated territorial electric utility system provided that the specified facilities for production of electrical energy (capacity) are used for electric utility service of the unrestricted group of people (the electrical energy made by the specified facilities for production of electrical energy (capacity) is sold in the wholesale market of electrical energy and capacity or in the retail market of electrical energy under the agreement with the guaranteeing supplier of electrical energy or the power sales organization).
2. Conclusion in repair and from operation of facilities for production of electrical energy (capacity) and the objects of electric grid economy which are not specified in Item 1 of these rules is performed by owners or other legal owners of such objects independently if other is not provided by these rules or agreements with other organizations having technology accession to these objects of electric grid economy or facilities for production of electrical energy (capacity).
The owner of such facility for production of electrical energy or person authorized by it shall notify the subject of supervisory control on conclusion from operation of the corresponding object in 10-day time from the date of conclusion it from operation with application of a copy of the act of conclusion from operation or other supporting document.
Conclusion in repair or from operation of the power lines relating to subjects to scheduling providing interstate overflows of electrical energy is performed according to these rules in coordination with the organization performing functions of the subject of supervisory control of the relevant foreign electric utility system taking into account the features provided by international treaties of the Russian Federation.
Owners or other legal owners of the objects of electric grid economy entering single national (all-Russian) power network approve conclusion from operation of the specified objects also with the organization for management of single national (all-Russian) power network in accordance with the terms of the agreements on procedure for use of such objects signed between them.
Conclusion in repair or from operation of power generation facilities on nuclear power plants is performed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of use of atomic energy and these rules.
Requirements of these rules to conclusion in repair and from operation of facilities for production of electrical energy, power plants and the generating equipment extend to systems of accumulating of electrical energy taking into account the features provided by these rules.
3. Conclusion in repair of the power lines, the equipment and devices carried to subjects to scheduling and change of the technology parameters carried to subjects to scheduling owing to conclusion in repair of power lines, the equipment and devices of the power generation facilities which are not subjects to scheduling (further - conclusion in repair of subjects to scheduling), is performed in coordination with the subject of supervisory control.
Conclusion in repair of subjects to scheduling is performed based on results of consideration of dispatching requests for conclusion of the subjects to scheduling in repair (further - the dispatching request) given to the dispatch center of the subject of supervisory control authorized according to Rules of supervisory control on implementation of supervisory control concerning the corresponding subject to scheduling (further - authorized dispatch center).
Dispatching applications are submitted by the following persons (further - applicants):
requests for conclusion in repair of power line, the equipment or device carried to subjects to scheduling - the owner or other legal owner of this subject to scheduling;
requests about change of the technology parameter carried to subjects to scheduling - the subject of power industry determined according to the rules of registration, giving, consideration and approval of dispatching requests approved by subject of supervisory control taking into account the established distribution of subjects to scheduling by method of management (maintaining).
The dispatching request is considered and approved according to these rules, Rules of supervisory control and rules of registration, giving, consideration and approval of dispatching requests approved on their basis by subject of supervisory control.
4. Conclusion from operation of the power lines, the equipment and devices relating to subjects to scheduling and change of the technology parameters relating to subjects to scheduling owing to conclusion from operation of power lines, the equipment and devices of the power generation facilities which are not subjects to scheduling (further - conclusion from operation of subjects to scheduling), is performed based on results of consideration of the applications about the conclusion from operation of the subjects to scheduling given according to the procedure established by these rules.
Consideration of the applications about conclusion from operation of subjects to scheduling concerning which about day of entry into force of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 30, 2021 No. 86 "About approval of Inference rules of power generation facilities in repair and from operation, and also about introduction of amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation concerning enhancement of procedure for conclusion of power generation facilities to repair and from operation" submitted applications for conclusion from operation of subject to scheduling, but the actual conclusion from operation is not performed, is performed according to the features established by these rules.
The application for conclusion from operation of subject to scheduling is submitted by the owner of subject to scheduling (the owner of power line, the equipment or structure of power generation facility which are not subjects to scheduling which conclusion from operation leads to change of the technology parameters relating to subjects to scheduling).
Transition of the property right to power generation facility or the subject to scheduling which is its part from the applicant to other person during the period after filing of application about conclusion from operation of subject to scheduling does not attract cancellation of notifications, conclusions, decisions concerning conclusion from operation, directed (issued, accepted) according to these rules concerning such subject to scheduling. The specified notifications, the conclusions, decisions are valid, from the moment of transition of the property right to subject to scheduling continue to act on the same conditions concerning the new owner of subject to scheduling and renewal do not require.
5. If capital costs concerning the facility for production of electrical energy (capacity) or separate units of the generating equipment in its structure were considered in the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation in case of determination of the price of the capacity delivered on the wholesale market of electrical energy and capacity (further - the wholesale market) with use of such object or such units of the generating equipment under the agreement signed according to the Rules of the wholesale market of electrical energy and capacity approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2010 No. 1172 "About approval of Rules of the wholesale market of electrical energy and capacity and about introduction of amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation concerning the organization of functioning of the wholesale market of electrical energy and capacity" (further - Rules of the wholesale market), the owner of such object or the corresponding units of the generating equipment in its structure is forbidden to take the specified objects or units of the generating equipment out of service within 25 years from start date of delivery of capacity to the wholesale market at the prices considering the capital costs stated above.
6. Filing of application about conclusion from operation of the equipment of the facility for production of electrical energy (capacity) according to the Section III of these rules and approval of conclusion of such equipment from operation with the subject of supervisory control and federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation on implementation of functions on development and realization of state policy and normative legal regulation in fuel and energy complex (further - authorized body), according to these rules are not required in case of observance of the following condition:
conclusion from operation of the equipment of thermal power plant is performed within realization of action which is provided concerning such equipment in the list of the generating objects which capacity is delivered according to purchase and sale agreements (delivery) of capacity of the modernized generating objects, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation according to Item 278 of Rules of the wholesale market based on results of selection of projects of upgrade of the generating objects of thermal power plants (further - the list of the selected projects on upgrade of thermal power plants), and assumes upgrade of the equipment within one power plant without change of quantity and location of the turbine units which are its part;
paragraph third ceased to be valid
In the cases specified in this Item the owner of power plant for the purpose of conclusion of the corresponding equipment of power plant relating to subjects to scheduling from operation draws up and approves the statement of conclusion it from operation, submits to authorized dispatch center the dispatching change order of operational condition of such subject to scheduling for the purpose of conclusion it from operation and carries out technology transactions on conclusion of subject to scheduling from operation according to the Section XI of these rules.
7. Planned repair of subjects to scheduling (planned change of the technology parameters carried to subjects to scheduling) is made according to summary annual and the monthly schedules of repair of subjects to scheduling approved by subject of supervisory control.
The subject of supervisory control performs forming and approval of the following summary annual and monthly schedules of repair:
schedule of repair of the energy equipment of power plants;
schedule of repair of power lines and power grid equipment;
schedule of maintenance of devices of relay protection and automatic equipment;
schedule of maintenance of means of dispatching and technology management.
The schedulings of means of dispatching and technology management relating to objects join in summary annual and monthly schedules of repair regarding the equipment and devices providing functioning of local automatic equipment of prevention of violation of stability, centralized system of antiemergency automatic equipment and regime automatic equipment.
The equipment of systems of accumulating of electrical energy relating to subjects to scheduling turns on in the schedule of repair of the energy equipment of power plants.
8. Summary annual and monthly schedules of repair are developed and affirm the subject of supervisory control based on results of consideration of offers on conclusion in repair of the subjects to scheduling given to authorized dispatch centers the applicants determined according to Item 3 of these rules.
Offers on conclusion in repair of the power lines, the equipment and devices carried to subjects to scheduling shall contain information on the dispatching name of the subject to scheduling removed in repair, type of repair (maintenance), amounts of the main planned activities, terms of carrying out repairs with discretization one hour and data on results of assessment of technical condition of the capital processing equipment removed in repair.
If within carrying out repair it is going to perform dismantle of the equipment, devices with their replacement by others the equipment, devices, the specified offers on conclusion in repair also shall contain information on it with indication of the list planned to dismantle and installation of the equipment, devices and data on their technical parameters (in the presence).
Offers on change of the technology parameters carried to subjects to scheduling shall contain information on the name of changeable technology parameter and size of its expected change, the name of power line, the equipment and the devices which are not relating to subjects to scheduling which conclusion in repair leads to change of technology parameter, and also about terms of change of technology parameter with discretization one hour.
By preparation and submission of offers on conclusion in repair determination of the list of power lines, the equipment and devices concerning which proposals are submitted of types, amounts and frequency of works on repair and maintenance shall be performed by applicants according to requirements to frequency of carrying out, terms, types and amounts of works on repair and maintenance, the statutory rules of the organization of maintenance and repair of power generation facilities and rules of maintenance of devices and complexes of relay protection and automatic equipment approved by authorized body.
At the same time by preparation and submission of offers on conclusion in repair of power lines, the equipment and devices the applicant should consider that carrying out repair and reconstruction of the power lines, the equipment and devices which are in critical and unsatisfactory condition is priority in relation to power lines, the equipment and devices in other technical condition. The degree of product availability of power lines, the equipment and devices is determined according to technique of complex measure definition of technical and economic condition of power generation facilities, including indicators of physical wear and the energy efficiency of objects of electric grid economy approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 19, 2016 No. 1401 "About complex measure definition of technical and economic condition of power generation facilities, including indicators of physical wear and energy efficiency of objects of electric grid economy and about implementation of monitoring of such indicators".
Irrespective of the applied repair organization type by preparation of offers on conclusion in repair for inclusion in the schedule of repair of the energy equipment of power plants by applicants requirements of Item 11 of these rules shall be observed.
By preparation and submission of offers on conclusion in repair for inclusion in the schedule of repair of power lines and the power grid equipment possible combination of repair of power lines and repair of the power grid equipment which is switched-off for carrying out repair work shall be provided.
Terms of carrying out repair of power lines and the corresponding (functionally related) power grid equipment on the power generation facilities belonging to different persons shall be previously approved by all owners of such power lines and power generation facilities. The specified preliminary approval of terms of carrying out repair is performed before giving in dispatch center of offers on conclusion in repair for inclusion in summary annual and monthly schedules of repair.
By preparation and submission of offers on conclusion in repair for inclusion in schedules of maintenance of devices of relay protection and automatic equipment, graphics of maintenance of means of dispatching and technology management of applicants requirements of Item 14 of these rules shall be observed.
Terms of carrying out maintenance of devices of relay protection and automatic equipment, the means of dispatching and technology management which are functionally connected with the corresponding devices on the adjacent or other technology related power generation facilities belonging to other persons shall be previously approved by owners of devices of relay protection and automatic equipment, means of dispatching and technology management with all owners of technology related power generation facilities. Such preliminary approval is performed before giving in dispatch center of offers on conclusion in repair for inclusion in summary annual and monthly schedules of maintenance of devices of relay protection and automatic equipment, means of dispatching and technology management.
9. Offers on conclusion in repair for inclusion in summary annual and monthly schedules of repair go applicants to authorized dispatch center by means of specialized hardware and software system which operation and technical support is performed by the subject of supervisory control, and in case of absence at the applicant of technical capability of its use - in writing with observance of requirements to form of the offers on conclusion in repair established by the subject of supervisory control.
10. The summary annual schedule of repair is created and affirms the subject of supervisory control based on results of consideration of offers on conclusion in repair of the subjects to scheduling given with observance of requirements of Items 8 and 9 of these rules no later than June 30 of the year preceding the planned year.
The proposals on conclusion in repair submitted after June 30, but no later than August 1 of the year preceding the planned year are considered by the subject of supervisory control after consideration of the proposals submitted at the scheduled time.
The proposals on conclusion in repair submitted after August 1 are not taken cognizance.
11. When forming summary annual schedule of repair of the energy equipment of power plants taking into account regime and balance sheet conditions of the period of carrying out repair shall be provided:
a) planning of repair taking into account features of the different periods of year (the period of extremely high temperatures of outside air, the autumn and winter period, the flood period);
b) total minimization of the annual repair power deceleration caused by repair of the service, all-station equipment and constructions, including minimization of the time spent of the equipment in forced idle time, by combination of carrying out the specified repair on time with repair of the corresponding capital equipment;
c) combination of repair of the boiler equipment working for the main steam line of queue of power plant, with repair of units of the generating equipment of the same queue for thermal power plants with cross communications on vapor;
d) carrying out short-term repair and maintenance of the capital energy and service equipment in days off and holidays.
12. Forming of summary annual schedule of repair of the energy equipment of power plants is performed taking into account the following priority of accomplishment of repair (in decreasing order):
conclusion in the repair of the equipment of nuclear power plants caused by requirements to ensuring safe operation of nuclear power plants, and also need of carrying out overload of fuel according to parameters of fuel cycle;
carrying out capital and average repair and reconstruction.
At the same time when forming summary annual schedule of repair of the generating equipment the priority of accomplishment of repair and reconstruction of the generating equipment determined by the applicant according to Item 8 of these rules is considered.
13. Forming of summary annual schedule of repair of power lines and the power grid equipment is performed taking into account summary annual schedule of repair of the energy equipment of power plants and the following priority of accomplishment of repair (in decreasing order):
input (reconstruction, upgrade) of power generation facilities (equipment) and accomplishment necessary for input (reconstruction, upgrades) power generation facilities (equipment) of works on adjacent power generation facilities;
carrying out capital repairs.
At the same time when forming summary annual schedule of repair of power lines and the equipment of objects of electric grid economy the priority of accomplishment of repair and reconstruction of power lines and the equipment of objects of electric grid economy determined by the applicant according to Item 8 of these rules is considered.
Carrying out repair of power lines and the power grid equipment of more high-class tension is priority in relation to repair of power lines and the power grid equipment of lower class of tension.
14. Forming of summary annual schedules of maintenance of devices of relay protection and automatic equipment, means of dispatching and technology management is performed in coordination with terms of repair of power lines and the equipment of power plants and substations. When forming of the specified schedules the maximum combination of work on maintenance of devices of relay protection and automatic equipment with repair of power lines and the equipment on which these devices are established shall be provided.
When forming schedules of maintenance of devices of relay protection and automatic equipment, means of dispatching and technology management combination of conclusion for maintenance of several devices of relay protection and automatic equipment, means of dispatching and technology management is not allowed if at the same time there is decline in the performance of relay protection, violation of selectivity of relay protection in amount bigger, than in case of conclusion of one device, there is violation of mutual reservation of devices, loss of information necessary for functioning of devices of antiemergency automatic equipment.
When forming schedules of maintenance of devices of relay protection and automatic equipment, means of dispatching and technology management which hardware or are functionally connected among themselves (including high-frequency protection of power lines, differential protection of power lines, receivers and transmitters of high-frequency channels on power lines and digital channels on fiber-optic communication links, devices of single-phase automatic repeated inclusion of power lines, devices of antiemergency automatic equipment) or with other devices of systems of technology management, it is necessary to provide combination of terms of accomplishment of maintenance of these devices.
15. The subject of supervisory control approves the summary annual schedule of repair no later than August 31 of the year preceding planned.
The subject of supervisory control notifies the applicant who provided the relevant proposal on conclusion to repair on inclusion (about refusal in inclusion) subject to scheduling in the summary annual schedule of repair within 15 days from the date of approval of summary annual schedule of repair.
16. If in case of approval of summary annual schedule of repair conclusion terms in repair of subjects to scheduling were changed by the subject of supervisory control in comparison with the terms containing in proposals of applicants on conclusion in repair, such applicants have the right to address the subject of supervisory control in writing for explanation of the reasons, and the subject of supervisory control shall provide written motivated explanation with indication of the reasons of technology nature which formed the basis for adoption of such decision within 20 days from the date of receipt of the corresponding request.
17. Summary monthly schedules of repair are created by the subject of supervisory control taking into account summary annual schedules of repair.
When forming summary monthly schedules of repair conclusion terms in repair and structure of the subjects to scheduling removed in repair are determined taking into account the proposals on conclusion in repair submitted by applicants in authorized dispatch center with observance of requirements of Items 8 and 9 of these rules.
The specified offers shall contain information, stipulated in Item 8 these rules, and also information on the preliminary terms of emergency readiness of power lines, the equipment and devices carried to subjects to scheduling (terms of inclusion in work of power lines, the equipment and the devices which are not subjects to scheduling which conclusion in repair leads to change of the technology parameters carried to subjects to scheduling).
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