It is registered
Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
On December 30, 2020 No. 61965
of December 15, 2020 No. 529
About approval of federal regulations and rules of industrial safety of "Rule of industrial safety of warehouses of oil and oil products"
According to subitem (1) Item 5 of the Regulations on Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 2004 No. 401 (The Russian Federation Code, 2004, No. 32, Art. 3348; 2020, to No. 27, of the Art. 4248), I order:
1. Approve the federal regulations and rules of industrial safety attached to this order of "The rule of industrial safety of warehouses of oil and oil products".
2. This order becomes effective since January 1, 2021 and is effective till January 1, 2027.
A. V. Alyoshin
Approved by the Order of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation on ecological, technology and atomic supervision of December 15, 2020 No. 529
1. Federal regulations and rules of industrial safety of "The rule of industrial safety of warehouses of oil and oil products" (further - Rules) are developed according to the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ "About industrial safety of hazardous production facilities" (further - the Federal Law "About Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities") (The Russian Federation Code, 1997, No. 30, Art. 3588; 2018, No. 31, Art. 4860).
2. Rules establish the requirements aimed at providing industrial safety on hazardous production facilities of warehouses of oil and oil products - platforms of petroleum storage depots on storage and transfer of oil and oil products, reservoir parks and bulk stations of trunk oil pipelines and oil pipelines, commodity and raw parks of the central collection points for oil fields, oil processing productions, and also warehouses of the fuels and lubricants which are part of industrial enterprises and organizations, including heat-and-power and power industry on which the combustible substances specified in the subitem "v" of Item 1 of appendix No. 1 to the Federal Law "About Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities" are stored and transported.
3. Rules are not applied to objects of ore mining and metallurgical industry, objects of sea oil and gas complex, and also hazardous production facilities of storage of the oil products having elasticity of vapors kilopascal 93,3 is higher at temperature of 20 degrees Celsius (the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases, liquefied natural gas, wide fraction of light hydrocarbons).
4. Operation and repairs of slivonalivny platforms shall be made according to federal regulations and rules of industrial safety, developed according to requirements of part 3 of article 4 of the Federal law "About Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities", and these rules.
5. Acceptance and shipment of oil and oil products in cistern cars shall be performed via specially equipped slivonalivny devices providing safe carrying out slivonalivny transactions.
6. Slivonalivny platforms shall be equipped with operational folding bridges for transitions to the tank. Folding bridges in places of contact with metal surface of the tank shall have laying from not sparking material and to be vapors of oil products, steady against destruction.
7. Braking of tanks the brake boots made of the material giving sparking on sites of discharge filling is not allowed.
8. Filling oil products in cistern cars shall be performed on besshlangovy system pivotally of the jointed or telescopic devices equipped with automatic limiters of filling. When filling light oil products hermeticity of their filling with withdrawal of vapors in gas-collecting system shall be provided.
Technical solutions on sealing of filling are subject to reasons in the project documentation (documentation on modernization).
9. The filling light oil products made via the same bulk device shall be performed with providing the measures excluding mixing of products.
Separate bulk devices shall be used to aviation fuels in case of their leave to the consumer.
Slivonalivny railway platforms for oil products (except for high-viscosity oil products, including fuel oil, tar, bitumen) shall be equipped with devices of the lower pressurized discharge. The discharge of light oil products via hermetic upper drain devices is allowed.
The discharge of aviation fuels shall be made via the lower drain devices in separate reservoirs for the subsequent upholding and removal from them free (commercial) water.
10. The system of pipelines shall be executed so that to provide full relief of pipelines after shutoff valves from remaining balance of the poured or merged product.
Collectors and products pipelines shall be supplied with drainage devices and (or) pumps with dumping of the drained product into the closed hermetic system of collection and utilization or into the special technical device providing hermetic acceptance of the drained product.
11. For accomplishment of transactions on emergency release of defective tanks from oil products special places for their release shall be provided.
12. For collection and withdrawal of the atmospheric precipitation contaminated by oil products, and also for washout of the spilled oil products the zone of discharge and filling shall have the hard concrete surface equipped with branch devices in drainage system. Rails in this zone shall be laid on steel concrete cross ties. The hard surface shall be waterproof, be protected on perimeter with side height of at least 0,2 of meter and have biases at least 2 percent for liquid drain to intakes (trays, wells, priyamka).
13. The contaminated product from drain tank shall be sent to reservoirs reservoirs for department of water from oil products or to reservoirs reservoirs for waste oils.
14. On slivonalivny platforms the high-speed devices (automatic devices) which are disconnecting locking and (or) cutting shall be established. Reaction time of the locking and (or) cutting devices is determined by calculation and is subject to reasons in the project documentation (documentation on modernization).
Filling shall stop automatically in case of:
to issue of the set regulation of oil and oil products;
achievement of limit of filling of the cistern car;
violation of integrity of chain of grounding of the cistern car.
15. On pipelines on which flammable and combustible liquids arrive on platform (further - LVZh and GZh respectively) locking devices for shutdown of these pipelines in case of accident on platform shall be established. Control of the specified devices shall be exercised in the place of their installation and (or) remotely (from safe distance) and to be proved in the project documentation (documentation on modernization).
16. The maximum safe speed of filling oil and oil products shall be accepted taking into account properties of the poured product, diameter of the pipeline of the bulk device, material of the pipeline and to be proved in the project documentation (documentation on modernization).
17. The maximum speed limit of filling oil and oil products to safe limits shall be provided with regulation of their expense by means of the locking regulating armature on the line of supply of oil or oil product to railway platform, or restart-up of part of product in the soaking-up pump pipeline, or installation of the frequency and regulated electric drive of the pump. Automatic control of expense of product shall be made in case of restriction of the maximum pressure in pressure pipeline of giving of product upon bulk railway platform.
18. For exception of formation of explosive mixes when carrying out repair work in the project documentation (documentation on modernization) should provide supply in systems of pipelines and collectors of discharge and filling oil products to them inert gas or vapor with use of the equipment and (or) the stationary lines intended for removal from these systems of combustible substances. This requirement does not extend to warehouses of aviafuels.
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