of January 25, 2021 No. PP-4963
About measures for support of research activities and implementation of system of continuous professional development in the field of preschool and school education
For the purpose of enhancement of system of retraining and advanced training of the heads, specialists and pedagogical workers performing activities in the field of preschool and school education (further - workers of preschool and school education), creations of scientific bases of general secondary education, and also ensuring execution of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of November 6, 2020 No. UP-6108 "About Measures for Development of Education and Education, and Science during the New Period of Development of Uzbekistan":
1. Establish procedure according to which since March 1, 2021:
a) district (city) departments of preschool and school education:
needs of workers of preschool and school education for advanced training are studied and by means of the special electronic platform "Life-long Professional Education" trajectories of their individual professional development are constituted;
electronic portfolios of each worker of preschool and school education with introduction in them of data on individual trajectories, results of professional development and the training programs mastered by workers are created;
b) Ministry of preschool and school education (H. Umarov) and Ministry of the higher education, science and innovations (K. Sharipov):
practice of training of workers of preschool and school education in the differentiated programs of advanced training corresponding to their skill level, knowledge, scientific and pedagogical potential, work experience, psychological preparation and trajectories of individual professional development is adjusted;
along with traditional advanced training also other types of professional training take root harmonized, carried out along with working process, remote;
c) Ministry of preschool and school education (H. Umarov):
the minimum amount of the credits (the number of class periods) which shall be gained by workers of preschool and school education in system of continuous professional development affirms;
the list of alternative forms of advanced training of workers of preschool and school education affirms and the amount of the credits (the number of class periods) corresponding to each form is determined. At the same time development of alternative forms of advanced training means accumulating by workers of preschool and school education of amount of the credits (the number of class periods) determined for the corresponding form;
d) The ministry of preschool and school education (H. Umarov) and the Ministry of the higher education, science and innovations (K. Sharipov) carry out teaching efficiency evaluation according to programs of advanced training and measures for enhancement of programs on permanent basis are taken.
2. Determine that since September 1, 2021:
certification of pedagogical personnel of preschool, general averages, average special, professional and out-of-school educational institutions for assignment and preserving qualification category (further - pedagogical personnel) is carried out for all year;
the pedagogical personnel which did not undergo certification for reasonable excuses (disability, maternity leave, to child care and others), is involved in certification in year after return to labor activity and during the specified period their qualification category remains (except for the pedagogical personnel which showed willingness to undergo certification for the initiative).
3. Take into consideration that according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of November 6, 2020 No. UP-6108 "About Measures for Development of Education and Education, and Science during the New Period of Development of Uzbekistan" workers of preschool and school education at discretion at the expense of means of the Government budget can improve the skills in the highest educational institutions preparing pedagogical personnel and the non-state educational organizations.
4. Determine that:
the means necessary for financing of the expenses connected with advanced training of workers of preschool and school education at National institute of pedagogical skill of A. Avloni Ministerstva of preschool and school education (further - Institute), the centers of pedagogical skill of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and areas, the highest educational institutions preparing pedagogical personnel and the non-state educational organizations, are allocated Ministerstva of preschool and school education from the republican budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan as to the manager of budgetary funds of the first level;
for the purpose of effective use of means of the Government budget by the Ministry of preschool and school education the electronic register of the non-state educational organizations which are engaged in activities for advanced training of workers of preschool and school education is kept (further - the Register);
funds of the Government budget are allocated to exclusively non-state educational organizations entered in the Register.
5. To the ministry of national education together with the Ministry of the higher and secondary vocational education, and also other interested ministries and departments till March 1, 2021 to develop and bring in the Cabinet of Ministers in accordance with the established procedure procedure for compensation from the Government budget of expenses of Institute, the regional centers, the highest educational institutions preparing pedagogical personnel and the non-state educational organizations, and also maintaining the Register.
6. To the ministry of the higher education, science and innovations (K. Sharipov) to render assistance to the highest educational institutions organizing professional development course of workers of preschool and school education on:
to implementation of the advanced forms and methods, development of educational and methodical base and enhancement of educational programs of advanced training of workers of preschool and school education;
the organizations of high-quality educational process on the basis of the conventional international educational standards and requirements, and also the advanced pedagogical, information and communication and innovative technologies.
To the ministry of preschool and school education (H. Umarov) together with the Ministry of the higher education, science and innovations (K. Sharipov) to take measures for expansion of interaction of workers of system of preschool and school education and professors-teachers of the highest educational institutions in the priority directions of science (chemistry, biology, mathematics, physics, psychology, the native language and literature, foreign languages, psychology, primary education) on the basis of The Mentor — the Pupil system.
7. To the ministry of preschool and school education (H. Umarov) till June 1, 2021 to develop and implement in practice of Institute and the regional centers modules of pedagogical preparation for students of not pedagogical directions of formation of bachelor degree of the highest educational institutions.
Determine that:
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