of December 8, 2020 No. 385-FZ
About the federal budget for 2021 and for planning period of 2022 and 2023
Accepted by the State Duma on November 26, 2020
Approved by the Federation Council on December 2, 2020
1. Approve the main characteristics of the federal budget for 2021 determined proceeding from the predicted amount of gross domestic product in the amount of 115 533 billion rubles and the rate of inflation which is not exceeding percent 3,7 (December, 2021 by December, 2020):
1) the predicted total amount of the income of the federal budget in the amount 18 765 101 678, 2 thousand rubles;
2) the total amount of expenses of the federal budget in the amount 21 520 068 140, 5 thousand rubles;
3) upper limit of the public internal debt of the Russian Federation for January 1, 2022 in the amount 18 315 272 293, 1 thousand rubles;
4) upper limit of the public external debt of the Russian Federation for January 1, 2022 in the amount 72, 0 billion US dollars, or 61, 0 billion euros;
5) federal budget deficit in the amount 2 754 966 462, 3 thousand rubles.
2. Approve the main characteristics of the federal budget for 2022 and for 2023, determined proceeding from the predicted amount of gross domestic product in the amount of respectively 124 223 billion rubles and 132 822 billion rubles and the rate of inflation which is not exceeding respectively percent 4,0 (December, 2022 by December, 2021) and percent 4,0 (December, 2023 by December, 2022):
1) the predicted total amount of the income of the federal budget for 2022 in the amount 20 637 497 128, 9 thousand rubles, including the predicted amount of additional oil and gas incomes of the federal budget in the amount 702 650 667, 8 thousand rubles, and for 2023 in the amount 22 262 676 600, 8 thousand rubles, including the predicted amount of additional oil and gas incomes of the federal budget in the amount 787 335 156, 2 thousand rubles;
2) the total amount of expenses of the federal budget for 2022 in the amount 21 884 992 095, 9 thousand rubles, including conditionally approved expenses in the amount 547 124 802, 4 thousand rubles, and for 2023 in the amount 23 671 297 852, 6 thousand rubles, including conditionally approved expenses in the amount 1 183 564 892, 6 thousand rubles;
3) upper limit of the public internal debt of the Russian Federation for January 1, 2023 in the amount 20 519 245 962, 7 thousand rubles and for January 1, 2024 in the amount 22 946 941 124, 0 thousand rubles;
4) upper limit of the public external debt of the Russian Federation for January 1, 2023 in the amount 73, 2 billion US dollars, or 61, 0 billion euros, and for January 1, 2024 in the amount 73, 6 billion US dollars, or 60, 9 billion euros;
5) federal budget deficit for 2022 in the amount 1 247 494 967, 0 thousand rubles and for 2023 in the amount 1 408 621 251, 8 thousand rubles.
1. According to Item 2 of Article 184.1 of the Budget code of the Russian Federation to approve standard rates of income distribution between budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation for 2021 and for planning period of 2022 and 2023 according to appendix 1 to this Federal Law.
2. The income from the federal taxes and charges, including the taxes provided by special tax regimes, arriving from payers in the territory of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug is subject to transfer in the budget of the Arkhangelsk region on the established Budget code of the Russian Federation and this Federal Law to standard rates, except for the income from the federal taxes and charges, including the taxes provided by special tax regimes, enlisted in the budget of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug for standard rates according to appendix 2 to this Federal Law.
3. The income from the federal taxes and charges, including the taxes provided by special tax regimes, arriving from payers in the territories of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area is subject to transfer respectively in budgets of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area on the established Budget code of the Russian Federation and this Federal Law to standard rates, except for tax income from the income tax of the organizations enlisted in the budget of the Tyumen region for the standard rate according to appendix 2 to this Federal Law.
4. The income from payment of excises on the automobile gasoline, straight-run gasoline, diesel fuel, engine oils for diesel and (or) carburetor (injector) engines made in the territory of the Russian Federation, which are subject to transfer in budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation is distributed in the following procedure:
1) in 2021:
77,7 of percent of the income specified in paragraph one of this part - according to the standard rates established in the table 1 of appendix 3 to this Federal Law;
22,3 of percent of the income specified in paragraph one of this part - according to the standard rates established in the table 2 of appendix 3 to this Federal Law;
2) in 2022:
69,9 of percent of the income specified in paragraph one of this part - according to the standard rates established in the table 1 of appendix 3 to this Federal Law;
30,1 of percent of the income specified in paragraph one of this part - according to the standard rates established in the table 2 of appendix 3 to this Federal Law;
3) in 2023:
63,5 of percent of the income specified in paragraph one of this part - according to the standard rates established in the table 1 of appendix 3 to this Federal Law;
36,5 of percent of the income specified in paragraph one of this part - according to the standard rates established in the table 2 of appendix 3 to this Federal Law.
5. The income from excises on alcoholic products with volume fraction of ethyl alcohol over 9 percent, except for beer, wines, fruit wines, sparkling wines (sparkling), wine drinks made without addition of the rectified ethyl alcohol made from food raw materials, and (or) the alcoholized grape or other fruit mash, and (or) wine distillate, and (or) fruit distillate, subject to transfer in budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation for the standard rate established by the Budget code of the Russian Federation goes territorial authorities of the Federal Treasury to authorized territorial authority of the Federal Treasury for their subsequent distribution between budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation and city budget of Baikonur in the following procedure:
1) in 2021:
62,5 of percent of the income specified in paragraph one of this part:
about one day (inclusive) achievements by the income specified in the paragraph the second this Item, the size specified in appendix 4 to this Federal Law:
20 percent - according to the standard rates established in the table 1 of appendix 5 to this Federal Law;
80 percent - in proportion to volumes of retail sales of the specified products according to the procedure, established by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation;
from the date of, the excess by the income specified in the paragraph the second this Item, the size specified in appendix 4 to this Federal Law following behind day, - in proportion to volumes of retail sales of the specified products according to the procedure, established by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation;
37,5 of percent of the income specified in paragraph one of this part - according to the standard rates established in the table 2 of appendix 5 to this Federal Law;
2) in 2022:
62,5 of percent of the income specified in paragraph one of this part:
about one day (inclusive) achievements by the income specified in the paragraph the second this Item, the size specified in appendix 4 to this Federal Law:
10 percent - according to the standard rates established in the table 1 of appendix 5 to this Federal Law;
90 percent - in proportion to volumes of retail sales of the specified products according to the procedure, established by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation;
from the date of, the excess by the income specified in the paragraph the second this Item, the size specified in appendix 4 to this Federal Law following behind day, - in proportion to volumes of retail sales of the specified products according to the procedure, established by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation;
37,5 of percent of the income specified in paragraph one of this part - according to the standard rates established in the table 2 of appendix 5 to this Federal Law;
3) in 2023:
62,5 of percent of the income specified in paragraph one of this part, - in proportion to volumes of retail sales of the specified products according to the procedure, established by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation;
37,5 of percent of the income specified in paragraph one of this part - according to the standard rates established in the table 2 of appendix 5 to this Federal Law.
6. The income from cash penalties (penalties) arriving in budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation on account of debt repayment formed till January 1, 2020 is subject to transfer in the relevant budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation for the standard rates existing in 2019.
7. The income from payment of excises on alcohol ethyl, made from food or non-food raw materials in the territory of the Russian Federation, excises on the alcohol-containing products made in the territory of the Russian Federation, subject to transfer in budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation in the amount of 50 percent of amount of the specified income, goes territorial authorities of the Federal Treasury to authorized territorial authority of the Federal Treasury for their subsequent distribution between budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation for standard rates according to appendix 7 to this Federal Law.
8. The income from excises to the average distillates made in the territory of the Russian Federation, which are subject to transfer in budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation for the standard rate established by the Budget code of the Russian Federation goes territorial authorities of the Federal Treasury to authorized territorial authority of the Federal Treasury for their subsequent distribution between budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation for standard rates according to appendix 6 to this Federal Law.
9. The income from the payment for the public servitude provided by the decision of authorized body on establishment of the public servitude concerning the parcels of land which are not provided to citizens or legal entities (except for public authorities (state bodies), local government bodies (municipal authorities), governing bodies of state non-budgetary funds and state organizations), is subject to transfer in budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation in the following procedure:
1) concerning the parcels of land which are in federal property, in property of subjects of the Russian Federation (including the federal cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol if the legislation of the federal city of Moscow, St. Petersburg or Sevastopol does not establish other), in municipal property (except for the parcels of land specified in Items 2 and 3 of this part), - in the budget of the corresponding public legal entity in which property there is parcel of land, according to the standard rate of 100 percent;
2) concerning the parcels of land which are in federal property, implementation of powers of the Russian Federation on management and the order by which it is transferred to public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation:
in budgets of the federal cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol for the standard rate of 100 percent if the legislation of the federal city of Moscow, St. Petersburg or Sevastopol does not establish other;
in budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation for the standard rate no more than 50 percent, and also:
in budgets of municipal districts, city districts and city districts with intracity division concerning the parcels of land which are located in borders of municipal districts, city districts, city districts with intracity division, according to the standard rate at least 50 percent if the legislation of appropriate subject of the Russian Federation does not establish other;
in budgets of municipal districts concerning the parcels of land which are located in the mezhselenny territories, according to the standard rate at least 50 percent if the legislation of appropriate subject of the Russian Federation does not establish other;
in budgets of residential locations and rural settlements concerning the parcels of land which are located in borders of residential, rural locations, according to the standard rate at least 50 percent if the legislation of appropriate subject of the Russian Federation does not establish other;
3) concerning the parcels of land on which state-owned property is not differentiated and which are located:
in borders of the federal cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol, - in budgets of the federal cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol for the standard rate of 100 percent if the legislation of the federal city of Moscow, St. Petersburg or Sevastopol does not establish other;
in borders of municipal districts, city districts, city districts with intracity division, residential, rural locations, - in the budget of the municipality in the territory of which there is parcel of land, for the standard rate of 100 percent if other is not established by paragraphs the fourth and fifth this Item;
in borders of rural settlements and the mezhselenny territories of municipal districts, - in budgets of municipal districts for the standard rate of 100 percent;
in borders of residential locations, - in budgets of municipal districts for the standard rate of 50 percent and in budgets of residential locations for the standard rate of 50 percent.
10. The income from transactions on management of remaining balance of means on the single treasurer account, according to Article 242.13 of the Budget code of the Russian Federation distributed in the federal budget and budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation, is subject to transfer respectively in the federal budget and budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation for the standard rate of 100 percent.
1. Approve the list of chief managers of the income of the federal budget according to appendix 8 to this Federal Law.
2. Approve the list of chief managers of sources of financing of federal budget deficit according to appendix 9 to this Federal Law.
1. Determine that in 2021:
1) return of the tax amount which is subject to compensation according to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation is subject to reflection by the code of classification of the income of budgets provided for accounting of the income from the specified tax;
2) interest payment, the amounts added in case of violation of term of return of excessively paid or excessively collected tax (advance payment), collection, the corresponding penalty fee and penalties, and percent added on the amounts of excessively collected tax, collection, the corresponding penalty fee and penalties is subject to reflection by the code of classification of the income of budgets provided for accounting of the income from the specified tax (advance payment), collection, the corresponding penalty fee and penalties using separate code of subspecies of the income;
3) interest payment, the amounts added in case of violation of term of return (offsetting) of excessively paid or excessively collected export customs duties, the corresponding penalty fee, customs fees, and percent added on the amounts of excessively collected export customs duties, the corresponding penalty fee, customs fees is subject to reflection by the code of classification of the income of budgets provided for accounting of the income from the specified export customs duties, customs fees using separate code of subspecies of the income;
4) interest payment, the amounts added in case of violation of term of return (offsetting) of excessively paid or excessively collected import customs duties, the special, anti-dumping, compensatory duties, the corresponding penalty fee, and percent added on the amounts of excessively collected import customs duties, the special, anti-dumping, compensatory duties, the corresponding penalty fee is subject to reflection by the code of classification of the income of budgets provided for accounting of the amounts transferred into the federal budget after distribution of import customs duties, the special, anti-dumping, compensatory duties paid in the territory of the Russian Federation using separate code of subspecies of the income;
5) advance payments on account of future customs payments and the cash guarantees in providing customs payment which arrived into the separate treasurer account for implementation and reflection of transactions on accounting and distribution of receipts, in full are subject to transfer in the income of the federal budget;
6) payment of cash penalties (penalties) arriving on account of debt repayment, formed till January 1, 2020, is subject to reflection by the separate code of budget classification of the income of budgets provided for accounting of the income of the relevant budget of the budget system of the Russian Federation;
7) return of excessively paid amounts of cash penalties (penalties) which arrived till January 1, 2020 is performed from the budget of the budget system of the Russian Federation in which they were enlisted;
8) administration of the income of budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation from cash penalties (penalties) arriving on account of debt repayment, formed till January 1, 2020 is performed by the administrator of budget receipts by whom it is recorded the specified debt.
2. Determine that the fact of payment of obligatory payments in the cases established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the public (municipal) institution for which according to the budget legislation of the Russian Federation the personal account in territorial authority of the Federal Treasury (financial body of the subject of the Russian Federation or financial body of the municipality) is opened is confirmed by the order about money transfer with mark of the relevant territorial authority of the Federal Treasury (financial body of the subject of the Russian Federation or financial body of the municipality).
3. Determine that in 2021 the obscure receipts enlisted in the federal budget till January 1, 2018 on which as of January 1, 2021 are not performed return, offsetting, refining are subject to reflection by the Federal Treasury by the code of classification of the income of budgets provided for accounting of other non-tax income of the federal budget.
4. The other non-tax income of the federal budget specified in part 3 of this Article is not subject to return, offset, refining.
1. Determine that in 2021 in the cases provided by this Article, territorial authorities of the Federal Treasury according to the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation perform treasurer maintenance of the means in currency of the Russian Federation specified in part 2 (taking into account provisions of parts 3 - 6) this Article, including the remaining balance of means provided by parts 10 and 11 of this Article (further - target means).
In case of treasurer support of target means of transaction of transfer and write-off of target means are performed on the treasurer accounts opened in territorial authorities of the Federal Treasury and are reflected in the personal accounts opened in the procedure established by the Federal Treasury in territorial authorities of the Federal Treasury to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.
In case of treasurer maintenance of target means, except for the target means specified in Item 7 of part 2 of this Article, territorial authorities of the Federal Treasury in the procedure established by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation perform authorization of expenses which source of financial provision are target means.
In case of treasurer maintenance of target means legal entities according to the established Government of the Russian Federation rather keep separate account of results of financial and economic activities for each agreement, public (municipal) contract (the contract, the agreement) on delivery of goods, performance of works, rendering services.
2. Determine that the following target funds allocated including on implementation of national projects are subject to treasurer maintenance:
1) subsidies to legal entities (except for subsidies to federal budget and autonomous institutions) and the budget investments to legal entities provided according to Article 80 of the Budget code of the Russian Federation;
2) fees in the authorized (share) capital of legal entities (subsidiaries of legal entities), the deposits to property of legal entities (subsidiaries of legal entities) which are not increasing them the authorized (share) capital which source of financial provision are the subsidies and budget investments specified in Item 1 of this part;
3) advance payments under contracts (agreements) on delivery of goods, performance of works, rendering services signed by receivers of the subsidies and budget investments specified in Item 1 of this part and also receivers of fees (deposits) specified in Item 2 of this part with contractors under contracts (agreements) which source of financial provision are such subsidies, budget investments and fees (deposits);
4) advance payments according to the public contracts about delivery of goods, performance of works, rendering services (except for the public contracts signed for the purpose of implementation of the state defensive order) concluded on the amount of the 100th 000, of 0 thousand rubles and more;
5) payment under the public contracts signed according to Item 2 of part 1 of article 93 of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ "About contractual system in the sphere of purchases of goods, works, services for ensuring the state and municipal needs" on the amount more 600, of 0 thousand rubles, and also contract settlements (agreements) concluded for the purpose of execution of the specified public contracts on the amount more 600, of 0 thousand rubles;
6) advance payments under contracts (agreements) on delivery of goods, performance of works, rendering services signed on the amount of the 100th 000, of 0 thousand rubles and more federal budget and autonomous institutions personal accounts for which are opened in territorial authorities of the Federal Treasury which source of financial provision are the subsidies provided according to the paragraph to the second Item 1 of Article 78.1 and Article 78.2 of the Budget code of the Russian Federation;
7) payment under the public contracts signed for the purpose of implementation of the state defensive order on the amount more 600, of 0 thousand rubles, and also contract settlements (agreements), concluded within execution of the specified public contracts on the amount more 600, of 0 thousand rubles;
8) advance payments under the public (municipal) contracts about delivery of goods, performance of works, rendering services signed on the amount of the 100th 000, by thousand rubles and more state customers for ensuring the state needs of the subject of the Russian Federation (municipal customers for ensuring municipal needs), advance payments under contracts (agreements) on delivery of goods, performance of works, rendering services imprisoned on the amount of the 100th 000, of 0 thousand rubles and more budget and autonomous institutions of the subject of the Russian Federation (local budget and autonomous government offices), subsidies to legal entities (except for subsidies to budget and autonomous institutions of the subject of the Russian Federation (local budget and autonomous government offices), the budget investments according to concessionary agreements provided from the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation (local budget) if source of financial provision of payment commitments of the subject of the Russian Federation (municipality) are the interbudget transfers having purpose, provided from the federal budget to the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation on joint financing of the capital investments in objects of state-owned property of the subject of the Russian Federation (municipal property);
9) advance payments under contracts (agreements) on delivery of goods, performance of works, rendering services signed by contractors and collaborators within execution of the public (municipal) contracts (contracts, agreements) on delivery of goods, performance of works, rendering services, agreements (agreements) on provision of subsidies, concessionary agreements specified in Items 3, of 4, to the 6 and 8 this part;
10) the means received by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the cases established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
3. Provisions of Items 1 - 9 parts 2 and parts 7 of this Article do not extend to means:
1) provided from the federal budget:
to banks and state corporation of development "Ð’ÐБ.РФ";
to legal entities according to the procedure of compensation of the half-received income or compensation of actually incurred costs in connection with production (realization) of goods, performance of works, rendering services;
to the socially oriented non-profit organizations performing activities, the stipulated in Article 31.1 Federal Laws of January 12, 1996 No. 7-FZ "About non-profit organizations", to the organizations of cinematography, regional and municipal mass media, and also political parties for the purpose of compensation of finance costs following the results of their participation in elections;
to legal entities for merits before the state in science and technology, educations, cultures, art and mass media (grants, except grants which conditions of provision establish the requirement of their use after confirmation on compliance to the conditions and (or) purposes established by their provision, grants of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, award, grant and other encouragement);
to non-profit organizations in the form of property fee on ensuring cultural, educational and other socially useful activities for the decision of the President of the Russian Federation;
2) provided based on the public (municipal) contracts (contracts, agreements, agreements), signed:
for the purpose of acquisition of communication services on acceptance, processing, storage, transfer, delivery of messages of telecommunication or mailings, utilities, the electric power, hotel services, services in the organization and implementation of transportation of goods and passengers by railway transport public, aviation and railway tickets, tickets for journey by urban and suburban transportation, subscriptions to periodicals, leases, implementation of works on transfer (reorganization, accession) of the engineering networks belonging to legal entities, communications, constructions, and also conducting state examination of the project documentation and results of engineering researches in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation about town-planning activities, implementation of insurance according to the insurance legislation, services in acceptance of payments from the physical persons performed by payment agents;
in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation about contractual system in the sphere of purchases of goods, works, services for ensuring the state and municipal needs which execution is subject to bank maintenance;
with the public (municipal) state institutions, being contractors of the public (municipal) contracts (contracts, agreements);
3) provided for accomplishment of the state defensive order:
for the purpose of carrying out the transactions performed on the separate accounts opened in authorized banks according to the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 275-FZ "About the state defensive order";
for the purpose of providing bodies of foreign intelligence of the Russian Federation with means of intelligence activities;
for the purpose of providing bodies of the Federal Security Service with means of counterintelligence activities, fight against terrorism;
for the purpose of implementation by Federal Guard Service of the Russian Federation of design and exploration work, capital repairs, construction and reconstruction of capital construction projects for the benefit of objects of the state protection;
for the purpose of providing State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" with goods, works, services in development, testing, production, dismantling and utilization of nuclear ammunition and nuclear charges, ensuring their reliability and safety at all stages of lifecycle, to maintenance of basic and critical technologies at all stages of lifecycle of nuclear ammunition, nuclear charges, including on ensuring nuclear and radiation safety, forming of the state inventory of special raw materials and the sharing materials;
based on public contracts, contracts (agreements) signed for the purpose of acquisition of communication services on acceptance, processing, storage, transfer, delivery of messages of telecommunication or mailings, utilities, the electric power, hotel services, services in the organization and implementation of transportation of goods and passengers by railway transport public, aviation and railway tickets, tickets for journey by urban and suburban transportation, subscriptions to periodicals, leases, implementation of works on transfer (reorganization, accession) of the engineering networks belonging to legal entities, communications, constructions, and also conducting state examination of the project documentation and results of engineering researches in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation about town-planning activities, implementation of insurance according to the insurance legislation, services in acceptance of payments from physical persons performed by payment agents;
based on public contracts (contracts, agreements), head contractors whose contractors are the public (municipal) state institutions;
based on the public contracts signed according to Item 5 of part 1 of article 93 of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ "About contractual system in the sphere of purchases of goods, works, services for ensuring the state and municipal needs" within accomplishment of the state defensive order;
4) according to the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation, received by legal entities, individual entrepreneurs based on contracts (agreements), agreements (agreements) on provision of subsidies (budget investments) signed within execution.
4. Determine that in case of treasurer maintenance of means of the state defensive order:
1) the state customer of the state defensive order shall:
notify to the conclusion of the public contract of the head contractor about need of opening for territorial authority of the Federal Treasury of the corresponding personal account;
send the notification on complete execution of the public contract to territorial authority of the Federal Treasury;
2) the head contractor, the contractor according to the public contract, the contract (agreement) signed within accomplishment of the state defensive order shall:
open the personal accounts specified in the paragraph the second Item 1 of this part;
observe the mode of the personal accounts specified in the paragraph the second Item 1 of this part;
notify to the conclusion of contracts (agreements) of contractors about need of opening for territorial authority of the Federal Treasury of the personal account specified in the paragraph the second Item 1 of this part;
represent at the request of territorial authority of the Federal Treasury and Federal Service for Financial Monitoring within five working days from the date of receipt of the specified request information on each attracted contractor (identification taxpayer number, reason code of registration in tax authority).
5. In case of treasurer maintenance of the means of the state defensive order in conditions of the public contract, contract (agreement) concluded within accomplishment of the state defensive order join:
1) regulations on application of treasurer maintenance of means in case of execution of the public contract, contract (agreement);
2) the provisions containing in paragraphs the second - the fifth Item 2 of part 4 of this Article;
3) regulations on the transfer of profit in the amount of approved by the parties in case of the conclusion of the contract (agreement) and provided by its conditions after execution of the contract (agreement) and submission to territorial authority of the Federal Treasury of the delivery-acceptance certificate of goods (the act of the performed works, the rendered services);
4) regulations on money transfer of the state defensive order by the head contractor in the size approved by the state customer which is not exceeding the size of profit which is subject to application by the state customer as a part of products price according to the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation for determination of the starting (maximum) price of the public contract or the price of the public contract signed with the single head contractor in case of partial execution by the head contractor of the public contract if the goods accepted by the state customer, works, services are result of such partial execution.
6. In case of treasurer maintenance of means of the state defensive order the Government of the Russian Federation determines:
1) the mode of the personal accounts specified in the paragraph the second Item 1 of part 4 of this Article and procedure of control of its observance, and also features of closing of such personal accounts;
2) procedure for authorization of expenses which source of financial provision are means of the state defensive order;
3) procedure for suspension of opening (refusal in opening) the personal accounts specified in the paragraph the second Item 1 of part 4 of this Article by the criteria established by the Federal Treasury in coordination with Federal Service for Financial Monitoring;
4) procedure for suspension (suspension cancellation) of transactions on the personal accounts specified in the paragraph the second Item 1 of part 4 of this Article, and refusal in carrying out the suspended transaction by territorial authorities of the Federal Treasury by the criteria established by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation in coordination with Federal Service for Financial Monitoring;
5) other provisions in case of treasurer maintenance of means of the state defensive order.
7. Determine that territorial authorities of the Federal Treasury perform in the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation specified regarding 1 this Article, based on the appeal of financial body of the subject of the Russian Federation (municipality) treasurer maintenance:
1) the subsidies (grants in the form of subsidies) provided from budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation (local budgets) to legal entities, peasant farms, individual entrepreneurs whose source of financial provision are the interbudget transfers having purpose, provided from the federal budget to budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation for the purpose of joint financing of payment commitments of the specified subjects of the Russian Federation on support of industries and agricultural industry, and also advance payments under contracts (agreements) which source of financial provision are the specified subsidies;
2) the subsidies provided from the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation to fund of capital repairs of the subject of the Russian Federation, fund of development of the industry of the subject of the Russian Federation on ensuring their activities, the means received by fund of capital repairs of the subject of the Russian Federation at the expense of fees on capital repairs of common property in the apartment houses paid by owners of rooms in apartment houses and also advance payments under contracts (agreements) which source of financial provision are the specified subsidies and means;
3) the subsidies provided from the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation of the public and state organization created according to the presidential decree of the Russian Federation if according to part 2 of this Article of subsidy, provided to this organization from the federal budget, are subject to treasurer maintenance, and also the calculations connected with execution of contracts (agreements) which source of financial provision are the specified subsidies.
8. Determine that money transfer on payment of obligations of legal entities within the amount necessary for payment of actually delivered goods, the performed works, the rendered services (further - treasurer providing obligations), is performed according to this part in the relation:
1) the subsidies specified in Item 1 of part 2 of this Article, determined by legal acts of the main managers of the means of the federal budget performing as receivers of means of the federal budget provision of the specified subsidies (except for subsidies to the state corporations determined by decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation) and also advance payments by contracts (agreements) which source of financial provision are such subsidies;
2) the target means provided to legal entities based on public contracts, determined by legal acts of federal bodies of the government, the State corporation by space activities Roskosmos, State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom", performing the budget powers of the main manager of means of the federal budget concerning the public contracts signed by them and receivers of means of the federal budget, including public contracts subordinated to them whose subject is the construction (reconstruction) of the objects of state-owned property of the Russian Federation included in federal targeted investment program for 2021 and also contracts (agreements) signed within their execution;
3) the means received by legal entities in the cases established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
9. The condition about treasurer providing obligations joins in conditions of the corresponding public contracts, agreements (agreements) on provision of the subsidies specified in part 8 of this Article, and also contracts (agreements) signed within their execution.
Treasurer providing obligations in case of treasurer maintenance of target means is performed according to the procedure, established by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.
The Federal Treasury establishes document forms, obligations applied in case of treasurer providing in case of treasurer maintenance of target means, and procedure for their filling.
The government of the Russian Federation establishes cases of treasurer providing obligations in case of bank support of public contracts, and also contracts (agreements) signed within their execution. The condition about treasurer providing obligations joins in conditions of the specified public contracts, and also contracts (agreements) signed within their execution.
Treasurer providing obligations in case of bank support of public contracts is performed according to the procedure, established by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the Central bank of the Russian Federation.
Central Bank of the Russian Federation in coordination with the Federal Treasury establishes document forms, obligations applied in case of treasurer providing in case of bank support of public contracts, and procedure for their filling.
10. Determine that the remaining balance of budget investments and remaining balance of the subsidies (except for the subsidies to federal budget and autonomous institutions provided on financial provision of accomplishment of the state task for rendering the state services by them, performance of works) in currency of the Russian Federation provided from the federal budget for the purpose of financial provision of costs of legal entities, which are on the personal accounts opened to legal entities in territorial authorities of the Federal Treasury, on accounts in the Central bank of the Russian Federation, in credit institutions, is not used as of January 1, 2021 are subject to use by these legal entities according to the decisions specified in part 11 of this Article with entering of corresponding changes into agreements (agreements) on provision of subsidies and budget investments to the specified legal entities.
11. Determine that the main managers of means of the federal budget who provided as the receivers of budgetary funds from the federal budget of means specified in part 10 of this Article make till May 1, 2021 the decision on use fully or partially of remaining balance of the specified means in the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation:
1) on the purposes which are earlier established by conditions of provision of target means;
2) on other purposes determined by this Federal Law with the subsequent reducing budgetary appropriations on provision in 2021 to the corresponding legal entities of fees in their authorized (share) capital.
12. The main managers of means of the federal budget according to the procedure, established by the Government of the Russian Federation, no later than the thirtieth working day from the date of receipt to legal entities of means as return of receivables which source of financial provision are the means specified in part 10 of this Article make decisions on use of the specified means for goal achievement established by their provision.
13. In the absence of the decisions specified in parts 11 and 12 of this Article as of May 1, 2021 or the thirtieth working day from the date of receipt of funds from return of receivables remaining balance of means (except for remaining balance of means which source of education are budget investments and also according to the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation of the means specified in paragraph four of Item 1 of part 3 of this Article) and the means from return of receivables specified in parts 11 and 12 of this Article are subject to transfer by legal entities in the income of the federal budget according to the procedure, established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
14. In case of non-execution by legal entities of the requirement established by part 13 of this Article, territorial authorities of the Federal Treasury list in the income of the federal budget the remaining balance of subsidies or means from return of receivables which are on the personal accounts opened to legal entities in territorial authorities of the Federal Treasury, according to the procedure and terms which are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
1. Approve the total amount of budgetary appropriations on execution of public normative obligations for 2021 in the amount 855 657 858, of 2 thousand rubles, for 2022 in the amount 474 220 494, of 9 thousand rubles and for 2023 in the amount 463 728 082, of 2 thousand rubles.
2. Approve distribution of budgetary appropriations to execution of public normative obligations of the Russian Federation for 2021 and for planning period of 2022 and 2023 according to appendices 10 and 11 (top secret) to this Federal Law.
3. Approve departmental expense structure of the federal budget for 2021 and for planning period of 2022 and 2023 according to appendices 12, 13 (confidentially) and 14 (top secret) to this Federal Law.
4. Approve distribution of budgetary appropriations according to Sections, subsections, target Articles (state programs of the Russian Federation and non-program activities), groups of expense types of classification of expenses of the federal budget for 2021 and for planning period of 2022 and 2023 according to appendices 15 and 16 (confidentially) to this Federal Law.
5. Approve distribution of budgetary appropriations under target Articles (state programs of the Russian Federation and non-program activities), groups of expense types, Sections, subsections of classification of expenses of the federal budget for 2021 and for planning period of 2022 and 2023 according to appendices 17 and 18 (confidentially) to this Federal Law.
6. Approve the main indicators of the state defensive order for 2021 and for planning period of 2022 and 2023 according to appendix 19 (confidentially) to this Federal Law.
7. Approve distribution of budgetary appropriations to implementation of federal target programs for 2021 and for planning period of 2022 and 2023 according to appendices 20 and 21 (confidentially) to this Federal Law.
8. Approve distribution of budgetary appropriations to provision of subsidies to the state corporations (companies), the public companies for 2021 and for planning period of 2022 and 2023 according to appendices 22 and 23 (confidentially) to this Federal Law.
9. Approve distribution of budgetary appropriations to provision of subsidies to legal entities (except for the state corporations (companies), the public companies) for 2021 and for planning period of 2022 and 2023 according to appendices 24, 25 (confidentially) and 26 (top secret) to this Federal Law.
10. In 2021 fees to subjects of international law on financial provision of activities of the interstate structures created by the states of the Commonwealth of Independent States are performed within the budgetary appropriations provided by this Federal Law in the amounts determined by the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation.
11. Determine that other interbudget transfers from the federal budget to budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation on compensation of part of costs on creation, upgrades and (or) reconstruction of infrastructure facilities of industrial parks or industrial science and technology parks provided on the subsection "Other Questions in the field of National Economy" of the Section "National economy" of classification of budgets expenses are provided according to the procedure, established by the Government of the Russian Federation, in case and within receipt of the income of the federal budget from payment by residents of the industrial park or industrial science and technology park of the taxes, charges and customs duties considered when calculating amount of the specified other interbudget transfers according to the rules approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in 2021 in amount to 9 164 732, of 4 thousand rubles in 2022 in amount to 9 634 001, of 5 thousand rubles, in 2023 in amount to 5 835 568, 0 thousand rubles.
12. Determine that in 2021 the budgetary appropriations on realization of the state powers on conducting the state environmental assessment provided on the subsection "Other Questions in the field of Environmental Protection" of the Section "Environmental protection" of classification of budgets expenses are provided in amount to the 329th 094, 0 thousand rubles in case and within receipt of the income of the federal budget from the charges brought by customers of documentation which is subject to the state environmental assessment, the organization and which carrying out are performed by federal executive body in the field of environmental assessment, expected according to expense budget conducting the state environmental assessment.
13. Determine that the total amount of the budgetary appropriations provided on execution of the state guarantees of the Russian Federation in possible warranty cases constitutes:
1) on the budgetary appropriations provided on execution of the state guarantees of the Russian Federation in currency of the Russian Federation, planned at the expense of sources of financing of federal budget deficit - in 2021 56 108 634, 7 thousand rubles, in 2022 15 480 598, 8 thousand rubles, in 2023 26 354 798, 1 thousand rubles;
2) on the budgetary appropriations provided on execution of the state guarantees of the Russian Federation in currency of the Russian Federation, planned for the expenditure account of the federal budget - in 2021 1 926 068, 4 thousand rubles, in 2022 11 396 068, 4 thousand rubles, in 2023 8 412 991, 5 thousand rubles;
3) on the budgetary appropriations provided on execution of the state guarantees of the Russian Federation in foreign currency, planned at the expense of sources of financing of federal budget deficit - in 2021 62, 7 million US dollars, in 2022 39, 6 million US dollars, in 2023 116, 2 million US dollars.
1. The government of the Russian Federation has no right to make the decisions leading to increase in 2021 in the number of federal government employees, and also workers of federal executive bodies and federal state institutions, except for decisions concerning employees of the federal state institutions created by the Government of the Russian Federation for the purpose of implementation of actions on support of economy and the social sphere of the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol.
2. Determine that financial provision of courts in 2021 is performed proceeding from the number of staff:
1) judges of federal courts of the general jurisdiction in number of 25 433 units and workers of their devices (without personnel on protection and servicing of buildings, transport economy) in number of 68 616 units;
2) judges of federal Arbitration Courts in number of 4 493 units and workers of their devices (without personnel on protection and servicing of buildings, transport economy) in number of 12 204 units;
3) workers of the device of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation (without personnel on protection and servicing of buildings, transport economy) in number of 322 units;
4) workers of the office of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (without personnel on protection and servicing of buildings, transport economy) in number of 1 392 units;
5) employees of Judicial department under the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and its managements in subjects of the Russian Federation (without personnel on protection and servicing of buildings, transport economy) in number of 6 615 units, including employees of central office in number of 522 units;
6) personnel on the protection and servicing of buildings, transport economy determined by Judicial department under the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation within assignments for compensation for courts of law, Arbitration Courts, Judicial department under the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and its managements in subjects of the Russian Federation.
3. Determine that in 2021 from budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation who are not receivers of grants for equalization of fiscal capacity of subjects of the Russian Federation subsidies can be provided to the federal budget for the purpose of joint financing of execution of payment commitments of the Russian Federation on material logistics of activities of police.
4. Determine that in 2021 from the budget of the Tyumen region the subsidy can be provided to the federal budget for the purpose of joint financing of execution of payment commitment of the Russian Federation on construction (reconstruction) of objects of state-owned property according to Article 138.1 of the Budget code of the Russian Federation.
1. Determine what in 2021 the size of the maternity (family) capital provided by the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 256-FZ "About additional measures of the state support of the families having children" for persons who have right to additional measures of the state support of the families having children arose till January 1, 2020, and also for persons who have right to additional measures of the state support of the families having children arose in connection with the birth (adoption) of the first child since January 1, 2020, constitutes 483rd 881, 83 rubles.
The size of the maternity (family) capital for persons who have right to additional measures of the state support of the families having children arose in connection with the birth (adoption) of the first child, in case of the birth (adoption) of the second child 550, 0 rubles increase by the 155th.
The size of the maternity (family) capital for persons who have right to additional measures of the state support of the families having children arose in connection with the birth (adoption) of the second or third child and the subsequent children since January 1, 2020 if earlier such right at them did not arise, constitutes in 2021 the 639th 431, 83 rubles.
2. Establish in 2021 the size of accumulative fee on one participant of accumulative and mortgage system of the housing providing the military personnel included in the register of participants in the amount of the 299th 081, 2 rubles.
3. Determine that since January 1, 2021 the amount of indexation of the amounts paid according to monetary commitment it is direct on content of the citizen in indemnification caused to life or health based on the court resolution providing collection at the expense of means of the federal budget constitutes 1,037.
4. Establish the size of subsistence minimum of the pensioner in general across the Russian Federation for determination of the amount of federal social pension supplement according to article 4 of the Federal Law of October 24, 1997 No. 134-FZ "About subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation" for 2021 in the amount of the 10th 022, 0 rubles.
5. Determine that since January 1, 2021 the amount of indexation of the benefits provided by the Federal Law of June 4, 2011 No. 128-FZ "About benefit to children of the military personnel, persons who are serving in the troops of national guard of the Russian Federation and having special rank of police and employees of some federal executive bodies and federal state bodies, the dead (the dead declared the dead acknowledged it is unknown absent) in case of fulfillment of duties of military service (service duties), and to children of persons who died owing to military injury after dismissal from military service (service in troops, bodies and organizations)", Items 2 and 3 of part 1 of article 12 of the Federal Law of July 19, 2011 No. 247-FZ "About social guarantees to the staff of law-enforcement bodies of the Russian Federation and modification of separate legal acts of the Russian Federation" and Items 2 and 3 of part 1 of article 11 of the Federal Law of December 30, 2012 No. 283-FZ "About social guarantees to employees of some federal executive bodies and modification of separate legal acts of the Russian Federation", since January 1, 2021 the amount of indexation of compensation and since February 1, 2021 the amount of indexation of monthly allowance to children, provided by subitems "b" and "v" of Item 6 of the Presidential decree of the Russian Federation of January 26, 2012 No. 110 "About additional guarantees and compensations to employees, federal government civil servants and employees of investigating bodies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, performing office activities in the territory of North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation, and to members of their families", constitutes 1,037.
6. Establish since October 1, 2021 the amount of indexation of official pay rate (salary on position), surcharges for the class rank (salary on military rank, surcharges for special rank), surcharges for long service (percentage length-of-service allowance) and monthly pension supplement from which pensions according to Item 2 of Article 44, Items 1 and 2 of article 49 of the Federal law "About Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation", parts 13 - 13.3 Articles 35, parts 1, of the 2 and 11 article 40 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2010 No. 403-FZ "About the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation", 1,057 are estimated.
1. Approve distribution of budgetary appropriations to provision by the federal executive bodies, State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" and the State corporation on space activities Roskosmos performing functions in the corresponding field of activity, budget investments to legal entities, not being the public (municipal) institutions and the state (municipal) unitary enterprises for 2021 and for planning period of 2022 and 2023 according to appendices 27 and 28 (confidentially) to this Federal Law.
2. Determine that separate subsidies to legal entities and separate interbudget transfers and in planning period of 2022 and 2023 according to appendix 29 (confidentially) to this Federal Law are provided to budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation in 2021 according to the procedure, established by the Government of the Russian Federation, within receipt of the income of the federal budget according to appendix 30 (confidentially) to this Federal Law in 2021 in amount to 447 916 847, of 2 thousand rubles, in 2022 in amount to 479 750 512, 2 thousand rubles and in 2023 in amount to 511 037 661, 2 thousand rubles.
1. Approve budgetary appropriations on provision of the interbudget transfers to budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation and city budget of Baikonur for 2021 and for planning period of 2022 and 2023 according to appendix 31 to this Federal Law.
2. Approve the list of subsidies to budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation presented from the federal budget for the purpose of joint financing of accomplishment of powers of public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation and local government bodies for 2021 and for planning period of 2022 and 2023 according to appendix 32 to this Federal Law.
3. Approve distribution of the interbudget transfers to budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation and city budget of Baikonur for 2021 and for planning period of 2022 and 2023 according to appendix 33 to this Federal Law.
4. Grants for equalization of fiscal capacity of subjects of the Russian Federation are calculated separately for budgets of the Arkhangelsk region (without autonomous area), the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the Tyumen region (without autonomous areas), Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area.
Establish payment for use of budget credits on replenishment of balance on the single budget account in the amount of annual interest rate 0,1.
1. Approve the Program of provision of the public financial and public export loans for 2021 and for planning period of 2022 and 2023 according to appendix 34 (confidentially) to this Federal Law.
2. The public financial and public export loans are granted on condition of execution by foreign borrowers of earlier undertaken obligations on servicing and repayment of the public financial and public export loans granted according to the international treaties of the Russian Federation signed since January 1, 2003.
1. Approve the Program of the state internal borrowings of the Russian Federation for 2021 and for planning period of 2022 and 2023 according to appendix 35 to this Federal Law.
2. The government of the Russian Federation having the right in 2021 in coordination with the Central bank of the Russian Federation to make the decision on implementation of the redemption of the bonds of the State republican internal loan of RSFSR of 1991 belonging to the Central bank of the Russian Federation on their nominal value without implementation of interest payments.
3. Set upper limit of the public internal debt of the Russian Federation on the state guarantees of the Russian Federation in currency of the Russian Federation for January 1, 2022 in the amount 1 572 322 570, of 0 thousand rubles, for January 1, 2023 in the amount 1 602 322 570, of 0 thousand rubles and for January 1, 2024 in the amount 1 632 322 570, of 0 thousand rubles.
4. Approve the Program of the state guarantees of the Russian Federation in currency of the Russian Federation for 2021 and for planning period of 2022 and 2023 according to appendix 36 to this Federal Law.
5. The government of the Russian Federation has the right to agree in 2021 to prolongation till March 31, 2036 of the term of repayment of the loan (repayment of principal debt) according to the credit agreements signed by the Russian banks with the organizations of defense industry complex on which obligations are provided with the state guarantees of the Russian Federation and to make the decision on the corresponding increase in effective period of the specified state guarantees of the Russian Federation.
The list of such credit agreements and the state guarantees of the Russian Federation affirms the Government of the Russian Federation.
1. Approve the Program of the state external borrowings of the Russian Federation for 2021 and for planning period of 2022 and 2023 according to appendix 37 to this Federal Law.
2. Set upper limit of the public external debt of the Russian Federation on the state guarantees of the Russian Federation in foreign currency for January 1, 2022 in the amount 27, of 8 billion US dollars, or 23, 6 billion euros, for January 1, 2023 in the amount 28, of 4 billion US dollars, or 23, 7 billion euros, and for January 1, 2024 in the amount 29, of 0 billion US dollars, or 24, 0 billion euros.
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