Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of November 8, 2019 No. PP-4513

About improvement of quality and further expansion of scope with the medical care provided to women of reproductive age, pregnant women and children

(as amended on 11-01-2025)

For the purpose of further enhancement of system of rendering modern high-technology specialized medical care to women of reproductive age, to pregnant women and children, and also according to the Concept of development of health care system of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2019 - 2025:

1. Determine the priority directions of improvement of quality and further expansion of scope with the medical care provided to women of reproductive age, pregnant women and children:

expansion of amount and improvement of quality of primary medical care provided to women of reproductive age, pregnant women and children;

forming of modern infrastructure for rendering qualified specialized high-technology medical care to women and children;

strengthening of material and technical resources, and also reconstruction, capital repairs and construction of new buildings of organizations on rendering specialized high-technology medical care to expectant mothers and children;

implementation of actions on creation of conditions for medico-social resettlement and improvement, participation in public life of children with disability;

improvement of quality of the medical care provided to women of reproductive age, pregnant women and children by preparation, retrainings and advanced trainings of the highly qualified medical personnel which are meeting the modern requirements and seized advanced technologies;

strengthening of explanatory work among the population concerning the birth, development and education of the healthy child, forming of skills of healthy lifestyle among youth.

2. Approve the program of measures (further - the Program) on improvement of quality and further expansion of scope with the medical care provided to women of reproductive age, pregnant women and children for 2019 - 2023 according to appendix No. 1.

3. Create under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan Council for strengthening of reproductive health of the population, health protection of mother and the child (further - Council) according to appendix No. 2.

4. Determine the main objectives of Council:

ensuring realization in each area, each area (city) and unconditional accomplishment by executives in charge of the adopted programs and actions for strengthening of reproductive health of the population, health protection of mother and the child;

the organization and carrying out among the population, first of all youth, together with medical and educational institutions, self-government institutions of citizens, Committee of family and women and mass media of broad propaganda and explanatory activities on forming of healthy family, strengthening of reproductive health of teenagers, especially teenage girls, health protection of mother and child;

ensuring development and the implementation of measures including efficient mechanisms according to the deep analysis of activities of organizations of system of health protection of mother and child, coordination of activities of the relevant ministries and departments in this direction, to reduction of maternal and children's incidence and death rate.

Determine that:

The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan is working body of Council;

the relevant ministries and departments within the powers render comprehensive assistance to Council in implementation of its tasks, provide necessary required information;

the working body of Council quarterly introduces in the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan relevant proposals on execution of the adopted programs and measures in the field of strengthening of reproductive health of the population, health protection of mother and the child.

5. Approve the Project on improvement of quality and availability of the perinatal help given to expectant mothers and babies in the Republic of Karakalpakstan (further - the Project) developed by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, representative offices of UNICEF and Fund of the population of the UN in Uzbekistan, intended for realization in case of financial support of Multipartner trust fund on human safety for the region Priaralya according to appendix No. 3.

Determine that within the Project:

one-time state registration is carried out and the registration certificate on the imported medicines, products of medical appointment and medical equipment is issued, and also results of the registration of medicines performed outside the Republic of Uzbekistan without their inclusion in the state register and collections of the established charges are recognized;

The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan together with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan renders comprehensive assistance to representative offices of UNICEF and Fund of the population of the UN in Uzbekistan on timely and high-quality project implementation with acceptance of necessary organizational practical measures.

6. To the Ministry of Health together with the Ministry of investments and foreign trade, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and also khokimiyats of areas and the city of Tashkent till March 1, 2020 to carry out the deep analysis of system of the perinatal help given to women and babies in areas and the city of Tashkent, to develop and submit in accordance with the established procedure for approval in the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan regional projects (further - regional projects) on increase in its quality and availability.

Determine that:

main objectives of implementation of regional projects are improvement of quality of the perinatal help, reduction of level of infrastructure of medical institutions, their equipment by the medical equipment and staffing in compliance with the standards recommended by the World Health Organization in the sphere of maternity welfare and the childhood;

regional projects are developed taking into account specific features of each region, including influence of its geographical arrangement on health of the population, level of maternal and children's incidence and death rate, equipment and personnel capacity of medical institutions, medical literacy of the population.

7. To the Ministry of Health together with the Ministry of investments and foreign trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan within regional projects to take measures for equipment of organizations of maternity welfare and the childhood the medical, including high-technology equipment with attraction of soft credits and grants of the foreign states and international financial institutions, and also other extrabudgetary funds.

8. Agree with offers of the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Economy and Industry, and also Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan on education:

The republican specialized scientific and practical medical center of children's surgery (further - the Center of children's surgery);

The republican center of medical rehabilitation of children (further - the Center of rehabilitation);


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