of November 30, 2020 No. KR DSM-215/2020
About approval of Rules of evaluating technologies of health care and their application
According to Item 2 of article 133 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About health of the people and health care system" PRIKAZYVAYU:
1. Approve the enclosed Rules of evaluating technologies of health care and their application according to appendix, to this order.
2. Declare invalid the order of the acting minister of health care of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 22, 2019 No. KR DSM-85 "About approval of Rules of evaluating technologies of health care" (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts at No. 18717, it is published on May 28, 2019 in Reference control bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan).
3. To provide to department of medicinal policy of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan after its official publication;
4. Within ten working days after state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan submission to Legal department of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan of data on execution of the actions provided by subitems 1) and 2) of this Item.
5. To impose control of execution of this order on the supervising vice-Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
6. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.
Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan
A. Tsoi
to the Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 30, 2020 No. KR DSM-215/2020
1. These rules of evaluating technologies of health care and their application (further - Rules) are developed according to Item 2 of article 133 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About health of the people and health care system" (further - the Code) and determine procedure for evaluating technologies of health care and their application.
2. In Rules the following concepts are used:
1) fund of social medical insurance (further - Fund) - the non-profit organization making accumulation of assignments and fees, and also performing purchase and fee of the subjects of health care providing medical care in amounts and on conditions which are provided by the agreement of purchase of medical services, and other functions determined by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) technology of health care - use of knowledge and skills which are used for strengthening of health, prevention, diagnostics, treatment of disease, rehabilitation of patients and rendering palliative medical care, including vaccines, medicines and medical products, procedures, manipulations, transactions, screening, preventive programs, including information systems;
3) assessment of technologies of health care (further - OTZ) - the complex assessment of the comparative proved clinical and kliniko-economic (pharmakoekonomichesky) efficiency and safety of technologies of health care, and also economic, social and ethical consequences of their application which is carried out for decision making in the field of health care;
4) authorized body in the field of health care (further - authorized body) - the central executive body performing management and cross-industry coordination in the field of protection of public health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, medical and pharmaceutical science, medical and pharmaceutical education, sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population, drug circulation and medical products, qualities of rendering medical services (help);
5) the clinical protocol - scientifically proved recommendations about prevention, diagnostics, treatment, medical rehabilitation and palliative medical care in case of certain disease or the patient's condition;
6) medical intervention - the direct or mediated impact and (or) other manipulation which are carried out by the health worker in case of delivery of health care to patients for the purpose of the prevention, prevention, diagnostics, treatment, rehabilitation, research and directed to recovery or improvement of health.
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