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Ministry of Justice

Russian Federation

On December 18, 2020 No. 61561


of December 9, 2020 No. 871n

About approval of Rules on labor protection on road transport

According to article 209 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Russian Federation Code, 2002, No. 1, Art. 3; 2013, No. 52, the Art. 6986) and subitem 5.2.28 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2012 No. 610 (The Russian Federation Code, 2012, to No. 26, of the Art. 3528), I order:

1. Approve Rules on labor protection on road transport according to appendix.

2. Declare invalid the order of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of February 6, 2018 No. 59n "About approval of Rules on labor protection on road transport" (registration No. 50488) is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 23, 2018.

3. This order becomes effective since January 1, 2021 and is effective till December 31, 2025.


A. O. Kotyakov


to the Order of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of December 9, 2020 No. 871n

Rules on labor protection on road transport

I. General provisions

1. Rules on labor protection on road transport (further - Rules) establish the state normative requirements of labor protection under the organization and work connected with maintenance and operation of road transport (further - vehicles).

Rules do not extend to the workers occupied at the works connected with maintenance and operation of the floor vehicular wheeled equipment (auto-loaders and electric lift trucks, electric trucks and electrocars, load trolleys) used in technological transport transactions in the operated territories.

2. Requirements of Rules are obligatory for execution by employers - legal entities irrespective of their forms of business and physical persons (except for employers - the physical persons who are not individual entrepreneurs) under the organization and implementation of the works connected with operation, technical maintenance, repair and check of technical condition of vehicles by them.

3. The employer shall ensure the safety and working conditions conforming to the state normative requirements of labor protection; provide the workers performing works on operation, maintenance, repair and check of technical condition of vehicles (further - workers) with the equipment, tools, technical documentation and other means necessary for execution of labor obligations by them, to acquaint workers under list with the adopted local regulations which are directly connected with their labor activity.

4. The employer shall ensure safety of workers in case of operation of buildings, constructions, the equipment, implementation of engineering procedures, and also use of tools, raw materials and materials.

On the basis of Rules and requirements of technical (operational) documentation of the organization manufacturer of vehicles (further - the organization manufacturer) the employer instructions for labor protection for workers and (or) types of attended operations which affirm the local regulation of the employer, taking into account opinion of the relevant trade-union organ or other representative employees of representative body (in the presence) are developed and affirm.

5. In case of use of materials, the industrial equipment and production equipment, performance of works, the requirement to safe application and to which accomplishment are not regulated by Rules it is necessary to be guided by requirements of the corresponding regulatory legal acts containing the state normative requirements of labor protection and requirements of technical (operational) documentation of the organization manufacturer.

6. The employer shall provide:

1) operation, technical maintenance, repair and check of technical condition of vehicles (further - operation of vehicles) according to requirements of Rules, other regulatory legal acts containing the state normative requirements of labor protection, and technical (operational) documentation of the organization manufacturer;

2) training of workers in labor protection and examination of requirements of labor protection;

3) control of observance by workers of requirements of instructions for labor protection.

7. In case of operation of vehicles on workers impact of harmful and (or) dangerous production factors is possible, including:

1) moving machines and mechanisms, moving parts of production equipment, the tool, the moved products, procurements, materials;

2) the falling objects (elements of production equipment, the tool);

3) sharp edges, agnails and roughnesses on surface of production equipment, the tool;

4) the increased dust content and gas contamination of air of the working area;

5) the increased or lowered temperature of surfaces of production equipment, materials;

6) the increased or lowered air temperature of the working area;

7) the increased noise level on workplace;

8) the raised vibration level;

9) the increased or lowered air humidity;

10) absence or insufficient natural lighting;

11) insufficient illumination of the working area;

12) physical overworks;

13) psychological overloads.

8. Under the organization of the production processes connected with possible impact on workers of harmful and (or) dangerous production factors, the employer shall take measures for their exception or decrease to the admissible levels of impact established by requirements of the corresponding regulatory legal acts.

In case of impossibility of exception or decrease in levels of harmful and (or) dangerous production factors to levels of admissible impact in connection with nature and conditions of production process performance of works without providing workers with appropriate means of individual protection (further - SIZ) is forbidden.

9. The employer depending on specifics of the activities and proceeding from assessment of level of professional risk has the right:

1) to establish the additional requirements of safety which are not contradicting Rules. Requirements of labor protection shall contain in the corresponding instructions for labor protection, be led up to the worker in the form of orders, instructions, instructing;

2) for the purpose of control of safe works to use the devices, devices, the equipment and (or) complex (system) of devices, devices, the equipment providing remote video, audio or other fixing of production processes of works.

10. The possibility of conducting document flow in the field of labor protection in electronic form with use of the digital signature or any other method allowing to identify the identity of the worker, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation is allowed.

II. Requirements of labor protection imposed to the production territories

11. The territory of haulage contractor (further - the organization) shall be lit at night.

12. Hatches of drains and other underground constructions in the territory of the organization shall reside in closed position.

13. Storage of aggregates and details in the territory of the organization shall be organized on the racks, supports and devices providing their stability and possibility of capture or strapping in case of lifting and moving.

14. In case of production of repair, earth and other work in the territory of the organization open hatches and holes shall be protected. In places of transition through trenches catwalk bridges at least 1 m wide with handrail height of at least 1,1 of m shall be established.

15. For movement of vehicles on the territory of the organization and movement of workers the schematic plan with indication of the permitted and prohibited driving directions, turns, departures and congresses shall be constituted. The plan shall be hung out at gate of the organization together with text "Beware of the car" and shall be lit in night-time.

16. It is forbidden to pass on the territory of the organization through entrance gate.

III. Requirements of labor protection imposed to storage areas of vehicles

17. Storage areas of vehicles shall be located separately from factory buildings and constructions.

18. In winter time the surface of platforms shall be cleared of snow and ice.


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