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of November 23, 2020 No. 105

About approval of Rules of determination of country of source of separate types of goods for the purposes of the public (municipal) procurements

(as amended on 18-10-2024)

Council of the Eurasian economic commission solved:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules of determination of country of source of separate types of goods for the purposes of the public (municipal) procurements (further - Rules).

2. Ask the governments of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union (further - state members) within 30 calendar days from acceptance date of this Decision to inform the Eurasian economic commission on bodies (organizations) authorized by state members on interaction with the Eurasian economic commission on questions of forming and maintaining the Eurasian register of manufactured goods of state members according to Rules and bodies, authorized to perform the verification provided by Rules according to the legislation of state members.

3. Reports on the Eurasian economic commission on execution of the order of Eurasian intergovernmental council of July 17, 2020 No. 18 at the regular meeting of Eurasian intergovernmental council.

4. This Decision becomes effective from the effective date decisions of the Supreme Eurasian economic council on modification of Regulations of work of the Eurasian economic commission, providing investment of Council of the Eurasian economic commission with powers according to Rules.

Items 1 - the 276th appendices No. 1(1) to Rules are effective till December 31, 2024 inclusive.

Members of council of the Eurasian economic commission:

From the Republic of Armenia

M. Grigoryan

From the Republic of Belarus

I. Petrishenko

From the Republic of Kazakhstan

A. Smailov

From the Kyrgyz Republic

A. Novikov

From the Russian Federation

A. Overchuk


Approved by the Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of November 23, 2020 No. 105

Rules of determination of country of source of separate types of goods for the purposes of the public (municipal) procurements

I. General provisions

1. These rules are developed according to the Protocol on procedure for purchasing control (appendix No. 25 to the Agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014 (further - the Agreement)) and establish procedure for determination of country of source of separate types of goods in the territory of state member of the Eurasian Economic Union (further - state member) for provision of national treatment with the assistance of suppliers of one state member in the public (municipal) procurements of other state member.

Action of these rules extends to the public (municipal) procurements of state member in which preferences, restrictions and prohibitions on the goods coming from other state member and (or) the third countries are set with observance of national treatment in the field of the public (municipal) procurements and does not extend to establishment cases state member of withdrawals from national treatment in the field of the public (municipal) procurements.

2. For the purposes of these rules concepts which mean the following are used:

"appraisal certificate" - the document confirming accomplishment in case of production of industrial goods of state member of conditions, production and technological operations in case of which accomplishment the goods are considered the events from state member, and issued by authorized body (organization) of state member according to its legislation;

"verification" - establishment of authenticity of the appraisal certificate or certificate of origin of ST-1 and (or) reliability of the data containing in them;

"the verifying body of state member" - body of state member, authorized to perform verification according to the legislation of this state member;

"industrial goods of state member" - the goods included in the Eurasian register of manufactured goods of state members;

"applicant" - the public authority (organization) of state member authorized on interaction with the Eurasian economic commission (further - the Commission) concerning forming and maintaining the Eurasian register of manufactured goods of state members;

"material" - any substance, ingredient, raw materials, part of goods or goods used or consumed in case of production of goods or which are physically included in goods;

"material of origin of the third countries" - the material which is not occurring from the territories of state members or origin of which it is not established;

"production" - accomplishment of any kinds of production or technological operations, including conversion, processing, assembly or any special transactions which purpose is goods receipt in the territory of state member;

"the certificate of origin of ST-1" - the document in the CT-1, form issued by authorized body (organization) of state member according to the Rules of determination of the country of goods' origin which are integral part of the Agreement on rules of the determination of the country of goods' origin in the Commonwealth of Independent States signed on November 20, 2009, and confirming goods origin in the territory of state member;


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