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of December 8, 2020 No. 394-FZ

About the State Council of the Russian Federation

Accepted by the State Duma on November 25, 2020

Approved by the Federation Council on December 2, 2020

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Subject of regulation of this Federal Law

This Federal Law according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation and for the purpose of ensuring the approved functioning and interaction of the bodies entering single system of the public power determines bases of functioning of the public power, and also the status, organization-legal bases of forming and activities of the State Council of the Russian Federation (further - the State Council).

Article 2. Concept of single system of the public power

1. The single system of the public power is understood as federal bodies of the government, public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation, other state bodies, local government bodies in their sets performing in constitutionally the set limits on the basis of the principles of the approved functioning and established based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation and according to the legislation of organization-legal, functional and financial and budget interaction including concerning delegation of power between levels of the public power, the activities for the purpose of observance and protection of rights and freedoms of man and citizen, creation of conditions for social and economic development of the state.

2. Coordination of activities of the bodies entering single system of the public power represents system of actions and decisions which are aimed at providing the approved functioning and interaction of the bodies entering single system of the public power are performed and accepted according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation by the President of the Russian Federation, and also within the competence the Government of the Russian Federation, the State Council, other bodies of the public power.

Article 3. The State Council in single system of the public power

1. The State Council is the constitutional state body created by the President of the Russian Federation for the purpose of ensuring the approved functioning and interaction of the bodies entering single system of the public power, determination of the main directions of domestic and foreign policy of the Russian Federation and the priority directions of social and economic development of the state.

2. The State Council within the competence participates in development of strategic tasks and purposes of domestic and foreign policy of the Russian Federation, in forming of state policy in the field of social and economic development of the Russian Federation, subjects of the Russian Federation and municipalities, promotes the approved functioning and interaction of the bodies entering single system of the public power for the purpose of observance and protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation.

Article 4. Legal basis of activities of the State Council

The legal basis of activities of the State Council is constituted by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal constitutional Laws, this Federal Law, other Federal Laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation.

Chapter 2. Main objectives and functions of the State Council

Article 5. Main objectives of the State Council

1. The main objectives of the State Council are:

1) assistance to the President of the Russian Federation concerning ensuring the approved functioning and interaction of bodies of the public power, determination of the main directions of domestic and foreign policy of the Russian Federation and the priority directions of social and economic development of the state;

2) preparation of offers to the President of the Russian Federation on the questions connected with determination of the priority directions and purposes of social and economic development of the state, the main directions of regional and municipal development and also forming of mechanisms of effective implementation of such development and assistance of their realization, including in the federal territories created according to the Federal Law;

3) preparation of offers to the President of the Russian Federation on the most important questions of the state construction, strengthening of bases of federalism and local self-government, and also on the questions concerning relations of the Russian Federation, subjects of the Russian Federation, municipalities;

4) preparation of offers to the President of the Russian Federation concerning forming of mechanisms of the approved functioning and interaction of federal bodies of the government, public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation and local government bodies, increase in efficiency of activities of management officials of subjects of the Russian Federation (heads of the supreme executive bodies of the government of subjects of the Russian Federation), heads of municipalities (heads of local administrations);

5) assistance to the President of the Russian Federation when using of conciliation procedures by it for permission of disagreements between federal bodies of the government and public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation, and also between public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation;

6) consideration according to the proposal of the President of the Russian Federation of drafts of the Federal Laws and presidential decrees of the Russian Federation having nation-wide value;

7) discussion of key parameters of the federal law draft about the federal budget for the next financial year and for planning period, and also information of the Government of the Russian Federation on course of execution of the federal budget and on realization of the national purposes of development of the Russian Federation;

8) discussion of the main questions of personnel policy in the Russian Federation.

2. The president of the Russian Federation can assign other tasks having important state value to the State Council.

Article 6. Functions of the State Council

For the solution of the main objectives the State Council performs the following functions:

1) considers the questions concerning interaction of bodies of the public power, discusses the main directions of domestic and foreign policy of the Russian Federation and the priority directions of social and economic development of the state, including the main directions of regional and municipal development;

2) considers the questions concerning the approved functioning and interaction of federal bodies of the government, public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation and local government bodies including concerning delegation of power between the called bodies, for the purpose of achievement of the approved their decision;

Analyzes 3) practicians of the public and municipal authority, develops offers on their enhancement;


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