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of November 27, 2020 No. UP-6119

About approval of Strategy of upgrade, the accelerated and innovative development of building sector of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2021-2025

(as amended of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 28.08.2023 No. UP-151)

For the purpose of further enhancement of building sector, forming of mechanisms of consecutive development of bodies and organizations of architecture and construction, ensuring system effectiveness of public administration, progressive implementation to the sphere of digital technologies:

1. Determine the main directions of upgrade, the accelerated and innovative development of building sector of the Republic of Uzbekistan:

town-planning development of the territories and ensuring effective participation of the public in this process;

improvement of quality and safety of town-planning activities;

ensuring efficiency, rationality and transparency of ministerial procedures in the field of town-planning activities, and also increase in efficiency of organization activity of building sector;

digitalization of town-planning activities, implementation in industry of modern information and communication technologies;

enhancement of system of preparation, retraining and advanced training of personnel, development of scientific potential in the field of town-planning activities.

2. Approve:

The strategy of upgrade, the accelerated and innovative development of building sector of the Republic of Uzbekistan 2021 - 2025 (further - Strategy) according to appendix No. 1;

"Road map" on realization in 2021 - 2025 of the Strategy of upgrade, the accelerated and innovative development of building sector of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to appendix No. 2.

3. Establish Target indicators on strategy implementation of upgrade, the accelerated and innovative development of building sector of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2021 - 2025 according to appendix No. 3, providing:

improvement of line item of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the international Doing Business Index in the Dealing with Construction Permits direction with flowing point 61,7 to point 78,2 by the end of 2025;

achievement by 2025 of harmonization of national town-planning regulations and rules with the international standard rates and standards at the level of at least 50 percent taking into account geological, climatic, seismological and other features of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

achievement by 2025 of scope master plans of all cities and 25 percent of city settlements;

providing to 2025 to year of establishment in addition four electronic platforms within the National information system "Transparent Construction", and also their integration with interdepartmental information systems and databases;

achievement by 2025 of share of implementation of "volume" method of development of the design estimates to 50 percent from total quantity of construction objects in the republic;

occurrence by 2025 of one of the highest educational institutions in the field of architecture and construction in the list of the best highest educational institutions of the countries of Asia (top 1000) in the ratings of internationally acknowledged organizations.

4. Establish procedure according to which since January 1, 2021 for the purpose of ensuring public control over construction:

a) master plans of settlements affirm taking into account results of public discussion. At the same time public discussion of master plans of settlements is performed in the following procedure:

The I stage - acquaintance of citizens with terms, the place and procedure for carrying out public discussion;

The II stage - carrying out public discussion (discussion, social polls, collection of opinions of inhabitants, land users and owners of real estate objects and other methods) according to the draft of the master plan of the settlement;

III stage - the analysis of public opinion on the basis of the fixed results of public discussion;

The IV stage - informing the population on results of public discussion in mass media, including on the Internet;

b) the possibility of implementation of public examination of master plans of settlements regarding compliance to the rights and legitimate interests of legal entities and physical persons, to interests of society and state takes root;

c) the mechanism of development of the alternative master plan of the settlement or entering of changes (adjustment) into it at the initiative of the subjects of public control not concordant with the offered master plan of the settlement is entered;

d) the organization of public discussion of drafts of master plans of settlements is assigned to public authorities on places.

5. Determine that since March 1, 2021:

a) the construction and reconstruction of buildings and constructions, including individual apartment houses, number of storeys more than two floors (without the first floor), more than 12 meters high from earth surface and (or) with a total area more than 500 square meters are performed with obligatory conducting examination of the project documentation of object and establishment of the state construction supervision of object by territorial inspectorates for control in the field of construction and housing and communal services under the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services;

b) it is forbidden:

to physical persons and legal entities, except for the organizations which are carrying out building and construction works as core activity, independently (economic method) without the conclusion of the construction contract with the construction organization to perform construction and reconstruction of buildings and constructions number of storeys more than two floors (without the first floor), more than 12 meters high from earth surface and (or) with a total area more than 500 square meters;

implementation of construction of multi-storey apartment houses on the parcels of land located in functional zones of the territories of the settlements which are not intended for such type of construction;

increase in number of storeys (superstructure) in the existing buildings and constructions, including individual housing, without conducting examination of the project documentation;

increase in number of storeys of buildings under construction and constructions (by change of the project documentation) without conducting examination of the changed project documentation;

c) the positive expert opinion according to the project documentation is recognized valid on condition of its entering by the expert organization into "The unified register of expert opinions" of the National information system "Transparent Construction", except for the expert opinions according to the project documentation containing the data which are the state secret.

6. Permit the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services to conduct public procurements of works (goods, services) in development and conversion of national regulating documents in the field of technical regulation, state standards, and also adaptation of foreign regulating documents in the field of town-planning activities for direct contracts with the subsequent placement of information on them on special information portal of public procurements no later than three days from the date of the conclusion.

7. (B. I. Zakirov) together with the interested ministries and departments to provide to the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services:

in two-month time entering into the Cabinet of Ministers of the draft of the regulatory legal act providing enhancement of the mechanism of legal regulation in the field of individual housing construction, having paid special attention on ensuring seismic and fire safety in this sphere;

till December 1, 2020 introduction on approval into the Cabinet of Ministers of the draft of Provisional regulations for procedure for carrying out electronic public procurements in the field of construction;

till June 1, 2021 development of the Single administrative construction regulations providing regulation of all processes of construction from source allowing documents, developments of the design estimates, its examination before input of objects in operation;

till June 1, 2021 entering into the Cabinet of Ministers of offers on step-by-step implementation of the principles of insurance into design and survey and construction activities on the basis of studying of the best international practices;

till August 1, 2021 implementation of system of anti-corruption komplayens of the Ministry of construction, and till January 1, 2022 - receipt of the certificate of conformity to the international standard ISO:37001 (System of management of anti-corruption);

till September 1, 2021 creation of the electronic system "Attentive Citizen" allowing citizens to obtain independently information on objects under construction, to reveal illegal construction, to fix (in the form of photo and video content) the revealed violations on construction objects and to send them to authorized bodies on control in the field of construction;

till March 1, 2022 development of the "Zero Injury Rate on Construction Sites" Program based on implementation of the Concept of International association of social security (ISSA);

till July 1, 2022 development and deployment of territorial "design code" taking into account purpose of elements of the urban environment, traditional architecture and culture, and also climatic conditions of the area;

since 2022, annually till December 1 development and entering into the Cabinet of Ministers of scheduled plans of the actions realized within this Strategy next year with carrying out the deep analysis of execution of tasks of the current year.

8. To the ministry of employment and employment relationships (N. B. Khusanov) and to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (A. H. Kamilov) together with the interested ministries and departments till June 1, 2021 to study feasibility of accession of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the International Labor Organization Convention No. 167 about safety and occupational health in construction (Geneva, on June 20, 1988) and to make by results reasonable offers in the Cabinet of Ministers.

9. To the Ministry of Finance (T. A. Ishmetov), to the Ministry of Economic Development and reducings poverty (I. I. Norkulov) annually when forming parameters of the Government budget to provide allocation of the necessary means in the directions in case of implementation of measures specified in "Road map" on strategy implementation.

10. Transfer Head department of construction and Head department of housing and communal services of the city of Tashkent, and also their district departments in subordination of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services.

To the ministry of construction (B. I. Zakirov) in two-month time to review tasks, functions and organizational structures of Head department of city building of Tashkent and departments of construction of districts of the city of Tashkent and to make offers in Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

11. Recommend to chambers of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan:

establishment of parliamentary control of timely and effective strategy implementation;

quarterly hearing at meetings of the Senate and Legislative house of reports on the done work of the ministries and departments, and also hokim of areas and the city of Tashkent within strategy implementation.

12. Make changes to some acts of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to appendix No. 4.

13. To the ministry of construction (B. I. Zakirov) together with other interested ministries and departments in two-month time to make in the Cabinet of Ministers offers on the changes and amendments in the legislation following from this Decree.

14. For the purpose of the effective organization of execution of this Decree to deputy prime ministers (A. Zh. Ramatov, D. A. Kuchkarov, S. U. Umurzakov):

determine priorities of the responsible ministries and departments of ensuring complete and timely achievement of the indicators provided by this Decree and to coordinate their activities;

provide timely allocation, address expenditure and complete development of necessary means;


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