Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC

It is registered

Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

November 6, 2020

No. 1086/35369


of August 25, 2020 No. 125

About approval of Requirements to format of registers of the created qualified certificates of public keys, and also information mediums and procedure for record of documents on them electronically

(as amended of the Order of the Ministry of digital transformation of Ukraine of 06.04.2024 No. 54)

According to Items 5, 8 Procedures for storage of documentary information and its transfer to the central certifying body in case of the termination of activities of the qualified Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine providing electronic confidential services, approved by the resolution of October 10, 2018 821, ORDER to No.:

1. Approve such which are applied:

1) Ceased to be valid according to the Order of the Ministry of digital transformation of Ukraine of 06.04.2024 No. 54

2) Requirements to format of the created registers of qualified certificates of public keys, and also information mediums and procedure for record of documents on them electronically.

2. To the administrator of information and telecommunication system of the central certifying body - to the state company "DEYSTVIYE" (Easy V.S.):

To accept 1) on storage and to store documents electronically taking into account requirements of the paragraph of the fourth Item 3 of the Procedure for storage of documentary information and its transfer to the central certifying body in case of the termination of activities of the qualified Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine providing electronic confidential services, approved by the resolution of October 10, 2018 No. 821;

2) to post this order on the official website of the central certifying body after the introduction it in force.

3. To submit to management of functional development of digitalization this order on state registration to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in the procedure established by the legislation.

4. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.

5. To impose control of execution of this order on the deputy minister Rabchinsky H.p.

First Deputy Minister

A. Vyskub

It is approved:

Acting as Chairman of the Public regulatory service of Ukraine


A. Miroshnichenko

Approved by the Order of the Ministry of digital transformation of Ukraine of August 25, 2020, No. 125

The plan of the termination of activities for provision of the qualified electronic confidential services ceased to be valid according to the Order of the Ministry of digital transformation of Ukraine of 06.04.2024 No. 54

Approved by the Order of the Ministry of digital transformation of Ukraine of August 25, 2020 No. 125

Requirements to format of the created registers of qualified certificates of public keys, and also information mediums and procedure for record of documents on them electronically

1. These Requirements determine technical and technological conditions, to format of the created registers of qualified certificates of public keys, and also information mediums and procedure for record of documents on them electronically to which skilled suppliers of electronic confidential services in transmission time on storage to the central certifying body of documents electronically in case of the termination of its activities for provision of qualified electronic confidential services shall adhere.

2. In these Requirements terms are used in the value given in the Law of Ukraine "About electronic confidential services".

3. Before record of qualified certificates of public keys (further - certificates of keys) and registers of the created certificates of keys the skilled supplier of electronic confidential services (further - the skilled supplier) performs canceling of all certificates of keys which were issued by the skilled supplier, except certificates of the official - the head of the skilled supplier which imposes the qualified digital signature on the register of the created certificates of keys, and the official whose availability of the existing certificate of key is provided by technology of canceling of certificates of keys.

4. Registers of the created certificates of keys which were created by the skilled supplier are created in the form of the file of the tabular .xls or .xlsx format with headings of the columns given in Appendix 1 to these requirements.

5. Filling of fields of the register of the created certificates of keys is performed in the presence of the corresponding data in the register of the existing, blocked and cancelled certificates of public keys of the skilled supplier and in certificates of the keys created by the skilled supplier.

6. The qualified digital signature of the official - the head of the skilled supplier is imposed on the register of the created certificates of keys.

7. If the certificate of key of the official - the head of the skilled supplier not acting any more, is allowed imposing by the head of the skilled supplier of the qualified digital signature with use of the certificate of the key issued to any other skilled supplier.

8. After imposing on the register of the created certificates of keys of the qualified digital signature the skilled supplier performs canceling of the appropriate certificate of key.

9. The skilled supplier provides software distribution kit for verification of the qualified digital signature of the file of the register of the created certificates of keys on the separate optical carrier which has unique serial (factory) number, in duplicate.

10. The format of the table of the electronic register of the created qualified certificates of public keys is determined in appendix 1 to these Requirements.

11. Electronic documents register in the optical information mediums having unique serial (factory) numbers, in duplicate and are reflected in the corresponding directories. The structure of directories and their assignment are given in appendix 2 to these Requirements.

Director of management of functional development of digitalization 

A. Haleeva

Appendix 1

to Requirements to format of registers of the created qualified certificates of public keys, and also information mediums and procedure for record of documents on them electronically (Item 4)

Format of the table of the electronic register of the created qualified certificates of public keys


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