of November 11, 2020 No. PP-4889
About measures for complex social and economic development of the Republic of Karakalpakstan in 2020 - 2023
For the purpose of effective use of the available social and economic, including potential and investment potential of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, improvement of engineering and communication, social and production infrastructure in the region, stable development of industries of economy, providing on this basis of employment and increase in level of living of the population:
1. Determine the following priority directions of complex social and economic development of the Republic of Karakalpakstan in 2020 - 2023:
a) in the field of development of engineering and communication and road and transport infrastructure:
connection more than 141 thousand inhabitants to centralized network of water supply and finishing level of security of the population with clear drinking water by means of centralized networks with percent 61,5 to percent 70,1;
connection to sewer networks more than 105 thousand houses of the population of the city of Nukus, the centers of Takhiatashsky and Hodzheyliysky districts and finishing level of providing services for the sewerage with percent 14,1 to percent 20,2;
complete reconstruction of internal heating systems of apartment houses in the city of Nukus and Takhiatashsk the area;
capital repairs of networks of natural gas in 9 settlements and uninterrupted providing 246 settlements with household gas cylinders;
construction and reconstruction of 442 transformer Items and 1 023,8 km of networks of electricity transmissions, increase in capacity of electric power consumption with 1,5 of one billion kW/hour to 2,1 of one billion kW/hour;
construction and reconstruction of 444,7 of km of highways of the international and republican value, and also 408,1 of km of provincial and internal highways;
carrying out fiber optic networks in more than 290 settlements, construction of 150 new base stations and upgrade of 200 stations, connection of each settlement to the Internet with speed at least 10 MB/hour;
improvement of water supply of 90,9 thousand hectares of agricultural land holdings, meliorative condition of 208 thousand hectares of the areas, implementation of water saving technologies on 45 thousand hectares of sowing lands;
b) in the field of development of social infrastructure:
construction of buildings of 21 state preschool educational organizations, 400 family preschool educational organizations, reconstruction and capital repairs of 55 buildings, creation of 20 preschool educational organizations on the basis of public-private partnership;
construction of 7 high comprehensive schools, reconstruction and capital repairs of 101 schools, providing on this basis of coefficient of student places at high comprehensive schools in limits no more than percent 1,1;
construction, reconstruction of 32 medical institutions, creation of the private medical organizations, on this basis bringing capacity of acceptance of patients of medical institutions to 20,4 thousand, and the number of places - to 7,1 thousand;
construction and reconstruction of 21 objects of culture, on this basis, improvement of quality of cultural servicing of the population, satisfaction of his cultural requirements and ensuring useful carrying out free time;
inclusion of 181 schools in the Million Programmers project, training of leading experts in the direction of digital technologies by training more than 3 thousand young people to bases of computer programming, provision by it of necessary knowledge and skills;
construction and reconstruction of 39 sporting venues, creation of conditions for sports in addition 83 thousand inhabitants, including youth, on this basis promoting of physical culture and sport among youth;
c) construction of 235 modern apartment housing estates on 7 004 apartments, and also improvement of housing conditions for young families and needy citizens by the organization of construction of 36 available apartment houses on 2 084 apartments;
d) in the field of active investment attraction and development of the export potential of the region:
within regional investment projects in 2020 - 2022 start of 1 359 projects total cost of 12,3 of trillion sum, creation of 17,5 thousand new workplaces, and also development of direct foreign investments in the amount of 523 million dollars;
the direction of means of the international financial institutions in the amount of 1 billion dollars on implementation of important infrastructure projects;
increase in annual export volume to 347 million dollars, the number of the exporting companies - to 250, bringing export geography to 45 countries, increase in export-oriented types of products to 30;
start worth 9 projects of 21, of 2 million dollars in free economic zones, 81 projects worth 28 million dollars - in small industrial zones;
e) creation of new capacities on production of industrial output, including establishing production of 9 new types of industrial output, creation of 27 industrial clusters, start at least 50 new industrial enterprises in Takhtakupyrsky, Bozatausky and Shumanaysky districts with the low level of industrialization;
e) in the field of development of agricultural industry, in particular, the organizations of livestock, fish clusters, and also clusters for cultivation and conversion of rice and sesame:
cancellation of cultivation of cotton on 12 thousand hectares of land;
development of 35 860 hectares of not used land;
creation of greenhouses on 875 hectares of land which is again included for use in agricultural industry;
increase in capacity of refrigerated warehouses at 40,8 thousand tons;
increase in number of agricultural machinery up to 1,4 thousand;
increase in livestock of thoroughbred cattle in addition on 30 thousand heads;
cultivation of sesame on 30 thousand hectares of land and the direction of products completely for export;
due to increase twice amount of cultivation of fish, bringing fish products to 35 thousand tons in 2021, to 50 thousand tons in 2022;
g) the growth in volumes of servicing is at least, than in time 2,5 by means of creation support annually 900 - 950 new objects of servicing;
h) bringing number of foreign tourists to 80 thousand, export of tourist services - to 45 million dollars, and also increase in number of internal tourists up to 800 thousand, construction of new hotels at 210 places and finishing number of travel agents to 45;
i) removal of the population 45 makhally and auls with severe conditions from heavy category due to improvement of their living conditions and improvement of the territories, and also strengthening of the place and role waved, in particular, construction and reconstruction of the complexes "The Centers Waved" in 12 district centers, construction of 157 administrative complexes makhally and auls;
j) employment of 19,7 thousand citizens, ensuring increase in the income of 15,5 thousand families brought in "Iron notebook" by means of training of profession of 6 thousand citizens, ensuring not exceeding of 4 percent of share of such families in the region;
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