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of November 6, 2020 No. PP-4884

About additional measures for further enhancement of education system and education

(as amended on 21-06-2024)

For the purpose of ensuring execution of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About measures for development of education and education, and science during the new period of development of Uzbekistan" of November 6, 2020 No. UP-6108 (further - the Decree):

1. To the ministry of preschool education:

a) together with the Ministry of national education and the State inspectorate for supervision of quality of education till August 1, 2021 to take measures for ensuring interrelation of training programs of obligatory free year training of children for primary education and primary education;

b) with the Ministry of development of information technologies and communications, the State inspectorate for supervision of quality of education and other interested ministries and departments till January 1, 2022 to implement modern forms of education and new pedagogical and information technologies in system of preschool education, including:

develop criteria and indicators of development evaluation of children of preschool age on the basis of international standards and requirements;

start management information system "Bolalar of bogchasa" on monitoring of developments and scope of children preschool education with ensuring transparency of the entered data;

implement electronic payment systems on payment of preschool educational services;

carry out integration of information and managerial system of the sphere of preschool education with information systems of other ministries and departments.

2. For the purpose of carrying out experiment on implementation of the National training program (further - the Program) up to standard to allocate the Republican center of education under the Ministry of preschool and school education with powers on:

to development of the state educational standard, baseline and variable curricula and programs of general secondary education on the basis of requirements of the Republican scientific and methodical center of development of education;

to carrying out selection of authors and originators, and also creation of single prototypes of textbooks and guidelines manuals for order-based teachers of the Ministry of preschool and school education;

to conducting examination of ready textbooks and guidelines manuals for teachers, to pronouncement of the conclusions about their application in education system;

to implementation of management of activities for approbation of curricula, programs, ready textbooks and guidelines manuals for teachers.

To the ministry of national education in three-months time to take measures for attraction to activities of the Republican center of education of the highly qualified personnel having scientific potential including foreign specialists.

3. To the deputy prime minister B. A. Musayev and State inspectorate for supervision of quality of education:

together with the Ministry of national education, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs till January 1, 2021 to study experience of Finland in the field of education, including training programs, textbooks, teaching methods, and also its system of preparation, retraining and advanced training of pedagogical personnel;

together with the Ministry of preschool education, the Ministry of national education and the Ministry of the higher and secondary vocational education to realize package of measures for implementation in education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Program of positive experience of Finland in the field of education.

4. To the ministry of national education together with the State inspectorate for supervision of quality of education and the Ministry of the higher and secondary vocational education till June 1, 2021:

transform process of advanced training of workers of national education to the system providing continuous advanced training on the basis of the principle "education during life";

implement procedure for development of programs of individual employee development of national education on the basis of diagnostics of professional requirements, and also increase in their qualification according to these programs;

step by step to implement credit and modular system in process of advanced training of workers of national education;

start the special electronic platform "Uzluksiz of Kasbiya Tajly" providing possibility of the organization of system of continuous professional development of workers of national education, and also implementation of monitoring of process of advanced training and conducting personal accounting of each worker.

5. Reorganize Institute of retraining and advanced training of heads and specialists of system of preschool and school education of A. Avloni into the National research institute of professional development and training of teachers in new techniques of A. Avloni under the Ministry of preschool and school education (further - Institute).

6. Determine that the Institute is head educational institution and performs management of educational, methodical and scientific activities of Institute of retraining and advanced training of directors and specialists of the preschool educational organizations, national centers of pedagogical skill of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and areas.

To the ministry of national education:

till February 1, 2021 to take measures for completion of Institute and the regional centers by highly qualified specialists with the scientific potential and practical experience of work having skills of use of information and communication technologies;

in three-months time together with the Ministry of the higher and secondary vocational education to turn on in curricula of advanced training of pedagogical personnel of the highest educational institutions and regional centers educational modules on training of class teachers.

7. Form the centers of social and psychological support of children without the status of the legal entity based on sectors on the organization of pedagogiko-psychological diagnostic activities of district (city) departments of preschool and school education within the established states.

Determine the main objectives of the centers:

protection of psychological health of the studying youth, ensuring its sustainable social and intellectual development;

social resettlement of teenagers, prevention of different forms of violence, early identification of the pupils inclined to suicide, and rendering social psychological assistance to them;

professional orientation and rendering psychology and pedagogical services in system of preschool and school education, implementation of the modern forms and methods of professional orientation based on the best practices;

enhancement of psychological service at schools, methodical support and professional development of psychologists, studying of professional suitability of workers of preschool and school education to pedagogical activities.

8. Determine that:

in the centers of social and psychological support of children depending on requirement on the basis of civil agreements the experienced psychologists conducting activities at comprehensive schools and who are engaged in private practice are attracted;


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