of November 17, 2020 No. PP-4895
About measures for realization of provisions of the Convention on legal assistance and legal relations for civil, family and criminal cases of January 22, 1993 and the Convention on legal assistance and legal relations on civil, family and criminal cases of October 7, 2002
For the purpose of realization of the rights and effective implementation of the obligations of the Republic of Uzbekistan following from provisions of the Convention on the legal assistance and legal relations on civil, family and criminal cases signed on January 22, 1993 in the city of Minsk (further - the Minsk Convention), and Conventions on the legal assistance and legal relations on civil, family and criminal cases signed on October 7, 2002 in the city of Chisinau (further - the Chisinau Convention):
1. Take into consideration that the Republic of Uzbekistan:
The law of August 26, 2019 No. ZRU-554 joined the Chisinau Convention;
The law of December 13, 2019 No. ZRU-593 ratified the Protocol to the Minsk Convention (Moscow, on March 28, 1997).
2. Approve:
the list of the authorized bodies of the Republic of Uzbekistan performing interaction with competent authorities of the State Parties of the Convention on legal assistance and legal relations on civil, family and criminal cases (Chisinau, on October 7, 2002) according to appendix No. 2.
3. Determine that:
interaction with competent authorities of the State Parties of the Minsk Convention and Protocol to it (Moscow, on March 28, 1997), and also the Chisinau Convention on the questions provided in appendices to this resolution is performed by directly republican bodies specified in these appendices (further - authorized bodies), or their territorial authorities or the organizations which are under their authority;
authorized bodies make the decision on determination of the relevant structural divisions of their central offices or territorial subdivisions or the organizations which are under their authority, responsible for direct interaction within the Minsk Convention and the Chisinau Convention what they in three-day time inform the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on;
replacement of structural divisions of the authorized bodies responsible for interaction within the Minsk Convention and the Chisinau Convention, heads of these bodies without strong reasons is not allowed;
the ministries, departments and other organizations render practical assistance in provision of the relevant information to authorized bodies and their responsible structural divisions by consideration (execution) and the direction of requests by them within the Minsk Convention and the Chisinau Convention;
the questions provided in appendices to this resolution do not influence the competence of authorized bodies established by the legislation;
heads of authorized bodies bear the personal responsibility for realization of the rights and effective implementation of the obligations of the Republic of Uzbekistan following from provisions of the Minsk Convention and Chisinau Convention.
4. To authorized bodies:
in two weeks to approve the list of the structural divisions responsible for interaction for each of the tasks assigned to them provided in appendices to this resolution, to provide to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the approved list with appendix of information necessary for establishment of communication with them;
further to inform the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the changes made to this list at the scheduled time.
5. To the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (A. H. Kamilov) to create the final list of authorized bodies of their responsible structural divisions in a month and to send to depositaries of conventions of the notification on authorized bodies.
6. Confer on heads of authorized bodies the personal responsibility for the effective organization of execution of this resolution.
To impose discussion of execution of this resolution, coordination and control of activities of responsible departments on the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan A. N. Aripov and the head of Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Z. Sh. Nizomiddinov.
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Sh. Mirziyoev
Appendix №1
to the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of November 17, 2020 No. PP-4895
№ |
Name |
Questions of interaction |
1. |
Supreme Court |
The questions connected with legal proceedings on criminal, civil and family cases; the direction and consideration of orders about service of judicial documents and confirmation of their delivery; the direction and consideration of orders about production of judicial legal proceedings and their execution; recognition and execution of decisions on civil and family cases, including the voluntary settlements approved by court on them; other questions entering competence of judicial authorities. |
2. |
Prosecutor General's Office |
Carrying out the legal proceedings requiring the judgment or consent (sanction) of the prosecutor; petitions for recognition and execution of sentence; the direction and consideration of petitions for presence in case of execution of the order of authorized representatives of the state requesting legal assistance; the direction and consideration of requests about participation of the prosecutor in civil process; implementation of criminal prosecution, issue of persons for attraction them to criminal liability and (or) enforcement of the sentence; the orders connected with carrying out pretrial investigation; the questions connected with criminal cases, being in production; transfer for the period of the person who is held in custody or serving custodial sanction and also its transit transportation; other questions entering competence of bodies of prosecutor's office. |
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