Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of January 24, 2019 No. PP-4126

About the organization of activities of Committee on development of the competition and consumer protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan

(as amended on 19-04-2024)


In pursuance of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of January 14, 2019 No. UP-5630 "About Measures for Radical Enhancement of Management System State Assets, Anti-monopoly Regulation and Capital Market":

1. Ceased to be valid according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 06.07.2023 No. UP-108

2. Provide to the chairman of Committee on development of the competition and consumer protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - Committee on development of the competition and consumer protection) the right:

approve structure of central office of Committee on development of the competition and consumer protection and to make, if necessary, changes to it;

approve structures of territorial administrations of Committee on development of the competition and consumer protection in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, areas and the city of Tashkent;

approve the extreme number of managerial personnel of territorial administrations of Committee on development of the competition and consumer protection within the total established number;

enter additional established posts of specialists of managerial personnel of Committee on development of the competition and consumer protection by extrabudgetary funds of Committee on development of the competition and consumer protection;

attract as employees and consultants of qualified domestic and foreign specialists with establishment by it, according to the procedure of exception, the sizes of the salary and other payments by extrabudgetary funds of Committee on development of the competition and consumer protection;

establish for employees of Committee on development of the competition and consumer protection of the allowance and other stimulating payments to official pay rates (tariff charges) for the main post, regardless of other payments, stipulated by the legislation, by extrabudgetary funds of Committee on development of the competition and consumer protection;

make changes to the approved structure of central office of Committee on development of the competition and consumer protection, territorial administrations of Committee in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, areas and the city of Tashkent, and also the departmental organizations, if necessary, by transfer of established posts from one to another within the total number of their managerial personnel;

determine, proceeding from the international practice and market conditions, the amount of compensation of the qualified foreign specialists attracted on contractual basis for realization of the tasks assigned on Committee on development of the competition and consumer protection.

3. Determine that:

The Antimonopoly Committee is legal successor of the State committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on assistance to the privatized companies and development of the competition (further - Goskomkonkurention) by all its rights, obligations and agreements regarding anti-monopoly regulation, development of competitive environment, control of activities of subjects of natural monopolies and licensing of the commodity and raw exchanges;

drafts of regulatory legal acts on the questions including the field of activity of Committee on development of the competition and consumer protection, without fail are subject to approval of it;

checks on the questions entering competence of Committee on development of the competition and consumer protection in all organizations irrespective of pattern of ownership, are performed according to the procedure of the notification of authorized body on coordination of checks of activities of subjects of entrepreneurship and are subject to obligatory registration in the Single system of electronic registration of checks;

the chairman of Committee on development of the competition and consumer protection is elected by the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan on representation of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, his deputies are appointed to position and dismissed by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, according to the status, to conditions of medical and transport attendance are equated respectively to the minister and the deputy minister;

to employees of Committee on development of the competition and consumer protection medical attendance is provided by consulting and diagnostic polyclinic No. 2 of the Head medical department under Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

the documents which are earlier issued to Goskomkonkurention and his territorial authorities and decisions made by them keep the force and are not subject to cancellation or change in connection with its transformation.

4. Provide to Committee on development of the competition and consumer protection the right:

involve employees of economic, financial, tax and other bodies in the performed actions for questions of development of competitive environment and control of activities of subjects of natural monopolies.

5. Establish procedure according to which since August 1, 2022 for issue of prior consent to transactions on merge and joining of business entities, and also on transactions on acquisition by person and group of persons of shares (shares) in the authorized capital (fund) of business entity collection in the amount of 0,05 of percent of proceeds from sales of goods for the last calendar year (in case lack of revenue - book value of assets) the parties of the transaction is levied, but the sevenfold and no more thousandfold size of basic settlement size suffices.

6. Form under Committee on development of the competition and consumer protection off-budget fund of assistance to competition development (further - Fund) without formation of legal entity, having determined it sources:

the amount of unreasonably gained income collected for violations of the law about the competition and natural monopolies;

the means which arrived from the administrative penalties collected by Committee on development of the competition and consumer protection in the procedure established by the legislation from officials of business entities for violation of the law about the competition, natural monopolies and failure to carry out of instructions of the Antimonopoly Committee;

charges for issue of prior consent to transactions on merge and joining of business entities, and also on transactions on acquisition by person and group of persons of shares (shares) in the authorized capital (fund) of business entity;


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