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of November 6, 2020 No. UP-6108

About measures for development of education and education, and science during the new period of development of Uzbekistan

(as amended on 03-07-2023)

In recent years in the country system work on improvement of quality and system effectiveness of education and education, forming of modern knowledge and skills at pupils of kindergartens, pupils and students, to ensuring mutual close cooperation and integration of education systems and spheres of science, succession and continuity of education is conducted.

Along with it the current state of national education system and education requires realization of consecutive measures for its upgrade on the basis of modern requirements, education of youth as spiritually rich and physically developed persons having high knowledge and spirituality, increases in the authority of heads and teachers of educational institutions, creations of the conditions necessary for implementation of effective activities by them.

For the purpose of enhancement of education, education and science of the country, further increase in respect for teachers and pedagogical workers, the scientific and creative intellectuals in society, developments of professional skill of students, and also expansions of participation in education system of private sector:

1. Determine the main directions of further development of education and education, and science during the new period of development of Uzbekistan:

training of new generation, having high intellectual and spiritual potential, capable to come to the arena, to realize the new initiatives and the ideas for the sake of progress of the country, and also forming of the skills and knowledge necessary for mastering modern professions graduates of educational institutions;

the organization of the national education system capable to sustain today's keen competition at world level, enhancement of textbooks and education guidances on the basis of modern requirements, creation of new generation of textbooks and education guidances, optimization of training programs and standards;

increase in the society of role and the authority of leading employees, teachers and mentors, teachers and teachers, professors-teachers of organizations of education and education, and also representatives of the sphere of science, worthy honoring of their laborious work and material stimulation depending on efficiency of activities;

creation of the conditions necessary for increase in professional skill and efficiency of activities of pedagogical personnel on permanent basis, enhancement of system of advanced training on the basis of the principle "education during life";

expansion of share of private sector in rendering research and educational services, forming of competitive environment due to creation of the non-state educational organizations in regions, development of public-private partnership in the field of education;

management automation by education and creation of system of the comprehensive analysis using modern information and communication technologies, further development of electronic resources and remote education, promoting of IT professions among students;

transformation of science into the main driving force of economy, expansion of scale of scientific research, stimulation of innovative activities of young talented scientists, further strengthening and development of capacity of the operating scientific organizations;

implementation of highly effective international practice in education system, carrying out system work for inclusion of educational institutions of the republic in authoritative international ratings.

2. To the ministry of national education:

a) together with the State inspectorate for supervision of quality of education till March 1, 2021 to develop the National training program (further - the Program) with involvement of skilled teachers, scientists, psychologists and foreign experts (including qualified specialists from Finland), to provide in the Program:

enhancement of the basic curriculum and optimization of number of the interconnected objects due to their consolidation;

training of pupils for independent life and development by classes of the qualification requirements training to use of the knowledge and skills;

ensuring succession of training programs by classes with full compliance with interrelation of objects and frequency;

creation and the edition of textbooks of new generation in complex with the education guidance of the teacher, student's notebook and multimedia application;

implementation of system of assessment of literacy, competences and personal qualities, and also determinations of interest of pupils in professions along with the gained knowledge of objects;

b) together with the State inspectorate for supervision of quality of education and Agency on development of Presidential, creative and specialized schools till May 1, 2021 to provide conducting examination and extensive public discussion of the Program in research and educational institutions;

c) together with Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and the city of Tashkent to determine basic educational institutions, in 2021-2022 academic year to implement according to the procedure of experiment the Program in their educational process.

3. Provide since March 1, 2021 to the highest educational institutions preparing pedagogical personnel and also the non-state educational organizations having the license, the right of advanced training of the heads, specialists and pedagogical workers performing activities in organizations of general secondary education (further - employees of organizations of general secondary education).

At the same time:

employees of organizations of general secondary education have at discretion the right to improve skills in the national centers of training of teachers in new techniques of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the areas and the city of Tashkent, the highest educational institutions preparing pedagogical personnel or the non-state educational organizations having the license;

the expenses of the highest educational institutions and the non-state educational organizations connected with advanced training of pedagogical personnel become covered at the expense of the funds allocated to the Ministry of preschool and school education for data of the purpose from the Government budget.

4. Determine that since September 1, 2021:

documents acceptance for carrying out certification and assignment of qualification category to pedagogical workers of preschool, general averages, the average special, professional and out-of-school state educational organizations (further - pedagogical workers) is performed by means of the official website of the Ministry of preschool and school education;

assignment of all qualification categories to pedagogical workers, and also carrying out certification of candidates is performed in the simplified procedure. At the same time using information systems efficiency of activities of pedagogical workers is estimated and examinations in the objects corresponding to preparation, the direction of education, the specialty or specialization specified in their diploma about the higher education or passing of rates of retraining are held;


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