It is registered
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
September 30, 2020
No. 955/35238
of August 4, 2020 No. 319
About approval of General requirements of safety to the device and operation of the equipment and pipelines of nuclear power plants
According to Articles 22, 24 Laws of Ukraine "About use of nuclear energy and radiation safety", for the purpose of enhancement of regulatory legal acts on regulation of nuclear and radiation safety of nuclear installations of PRIKAZYVAYU:
1. Approve General requirements of safety to the device and operation of the equipment and pipelines of nuclear power plants which are applied.
2. Consider not applied in the territory of Ukraine from the date of entry into force of this order:
"Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of the equipment and pipelines of atomic power stations" PNAE G-7-008-89, approved by the resolution of the Gospromatomnadzor of the USSR, 1989;
"Equipment and pipelines of atomic power stations. Welding and building up. Basic provisions" PNAE G-7-009-89, approved by the resolution of the Gospromatomnadzor of the USSR, 1989;
"Equipment and pipelines of atomic power stations. Welded connections and building up. Rules of control" PNAE G-7-010-89, approved by the resolution of the Gospromatomnadzor of the USSR, 1989.
3. (Boris Stolyarchuk) to provide to department on safety issues of nuclear installations submission of this order on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in accordance with the established procedure.
4. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.
5. I reserve control of execution of this order.
G. Plachkov
It is approved: Acting as Chairman of the Public regulatory service of Ukraine |
A. Miroshnichenko |
Acting minister of power industry of Ukraine |
A. Buslavets |
Chairman of Public service of Ukraine of emergency situations |
N. Chechetkin |
Approved by the Order of the State inspection of nuclear regulation of Ukraine of August 4, 2020 No. 319
1. General requirements of safety to the device and operation of the equipment and pipelines of nuclear power plants (further - Requirements) are developed according to the Laws of Ukraine "About use of nuclear energy and radiation safety", "About allowing activities in the field of use of nuclear energy" taking into account requirements of General provisions of safety of the nuclear power plants approved by the order of the State committee of nuclear regulation of Ukraine of November 19, 2007 No. 162, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on January 25, 2008 for No. 56/14747 (with changes) (further - General provisions of safety), other regulatory legal acts on nuclear and radiation safety and recommendations of International Atomic Energy Agency, reference levels of the Western European association of nuclear regulators, and also domestic and foreign experience of safe operation of the equipment and pipelines of nuclear power plants consider.
2. These Requirements are applied to ensuring nuclear and radiation safety of nuclear power plants in case of:
device and operation of the equipment and pipelines of nuclear power plants;
designing, production, installation and repair of the equipment and pipelines of nuclear power plants;
accomplishment of welded connections and naplavka of the equipment and pipelines of nuclear power plants;
quality control of the main metal, welded connections and naplavka of the equipment and pipelines of nuclear power plants;
equipment of the equipment and pipelines fittings and control and measuring devices;
hydraulic (pneumatic) testing;
registration and engineering certification;
management of aging and prolongation of useful life of the equipment and pipelines.
The organization which operates other type of nuclear installation or installation for the treatment of radioactive waste can apply fully or partially these Requirements at all stages of lifecycle of installation, in coordination with Gosatomregulirovaniya.
3. The terms used in these Requirements are used in such values:
emergency - any variation from normal service conditions of the equipment and pipelines which effects can lead to such violation of chilling of active zone of the reactor which will cause enforcement of system of its emergency chilling;
the tank is reservoir which unites with the environment (atmosphere) through hydrolock, overflow or respiratory pipelines or openings;
producer - the company which makes the equipment and pipelines, details and their components;
defect - inadmissible variation of quality, properties, form or the actual sizes from requirements of the regulating or project documentation;
the expert organization - the profile scientific, research or specialized organization which is attracted for provision of services operating and to other organizations for designing (designing), production, installation, operation and repair of the equipment and pipelines of nuclear power plants;
the locking device - shutoff valves (the valve, latch, the crane, etc.) or the combination of several types of such armature (including drainages and devices for dumping of air between them) intended for shutdown of the equipment and sites of pipelines from each other or external environment, in particular, high-speed reducing devices;
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