Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of October 8, 2020 No. 971

About approval of Rules of use of electronic identifiers (navigation seals)

According to Item 6 of article 45 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 4, 2003 "About road transport" PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules of use of electronic identifiers (navigation seals).

2. To provide to committee of state revenues of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation:

1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

3) within ten working days after state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan submission to Department of legal service of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of data on execution of the actions provided by subitems 1) and 2) of this Item.

3. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.

Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Approved by the Order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 8, 2020 No. 971

Rules of use of electronic identifiers (navigation seals)

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. These rules of use of electronic identifiers (navigation seals) (further - Rules) are developed according to Item 6 of article 45 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 4, 2003 "About road transport" and determine procedure for use of electronic identifiers (navigation seals) by bodies of state revenues on vehicles.

2. Within these rules the following concepts are used:

1) the consignor - physical person or legal entity on behalf of which shipment is drawn up;

2) the consignee - the physical person or legal entity authorized on receipt of load based on the agreement;

3) Committee of state revenues of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - Committee) - the state body which within the competence is performing ensuring receipts of taxes and payments in the budget, customs regulation in the Republic of Kazakhstan, powers according to the prevention, identification, suppression and disclosure of the administrative offenses carried by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan to maintaining this body, and also which is carrying out other powers, stipulated by the legislation the Republic of Kazakhstan;

4) the information system "Tracking of Route" - information system of the operator of information system of tracking of the international motor transportations by means of which control of the loads and vehicles moved on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan is exercised;

5) body of state revenues - territorial subdivision of Committee of state revenues of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

6) carrier - the physical person or legal entity owning vehicles, except for passenger, on the property right or on other legal causes, performing business activity on carriage of goods;

7) the national operator of information system of tracking of the international motor transportations (further - the Operator) - person determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to article 14-1 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 4, 2003 "About road transport";

8) the electronic identifier (navigation seal) - the device providing information transfer about vehicle traffic route, and also safety (opening) of the device in information system of tracking of the international motor transportations.

Chapter 2. Procedure for use of electronic identifiers (navigation seals)

3. When implementing the international motor transportations of loads from state members of the Eurasian Economic Union (further - EEU) to the Republic of Kazakhstan or from one state member of EEU in other state member of EEU en route through the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan cargo sections of vehicles are sealed up by territorial authorities of state revenues on Frontier of the Republic of Kazakhstan with state members of EEU (further - frontier) electronic identifiers (navigation seals).

4. In case of entrance of the vehicle on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the automobile check point on frontier the service employee of territorial authority of state revenues (further - the service employee) requests from carrier commodity-transport superimposed (CMR, TTN) with data on the transported load, rout to follow and in the information system "Tracking of Route" enters the following information:

1) state registration number board of the vehicle, country of incorporation;

2) type of object (objects) of sealing (vehicle, trail car, semitrailer truck);

3) number and date of commodity-transport superimposed (CMR, TTN);

4) commodity codes according to the Commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity of EEU;

5) name of carrier, country of incorporation of carrier;

6) surname, name, middle name (in case of its availability) the driver of the vehicle, phone number;

7) special marks (presumable delivery date of loads).

5. The service employee after introduction of necessary data in the information system "Tracking of Route" is identified by the electronic identifier (navigation seal) on cargo section of the vehicle, informs the Operator on the beginning of rout to follow of the vehicle and activates the electronic identifier (navigation seal).

6. In case of departure of the vehicle from the Republic of Kazakhstan the service employee on frontier performs inspection of the electronic identifier (navigation seal) for the purpose of determination of operability, integrity and (or) availability of damages.

After the performed inspection the service employee informs the Operator on completion of rout to follow of the vehicle in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, deactivates and removes the electronic identifier (navigation seal).

7. After removal of the electronic identifier (navigation seal) the service employee provides charge of the electronic identifier (navigation seal) for ensuring uninterrupted working capacity in case of subsequent its installation on other vehicles.

8. Accounting on sealing and removal of electronic identifiers (navigation seals) is carried out by the Operator and territorial authority of state revenues. Information on accounting goes the Operator to Committee weekly on Thursdays according to appendix 1 to these rules.


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