of September 15, 2020 No. 1434
About approval of Rules of carrying out technical inspection of vehicles, and also about introduction of amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation
According to the Federal Law "About Technical Inspection of Vehicles and about Modification of Separate Legal Acts of the Russian Federation" Government of the Russian Federation decides:
1. Approve enclosed:
Rules of carrying out technical inspection of vehicles;
changes which are made to acts of the Government of the Russian Federation.
2. The rules of carrying out technical inspection of vehicles approved by this resolution become effective from the date of entry into force of the Federal Law "About Introduction of Amendments to the Federal Law "About Technical Inspection of Vehicles and About Modification of Separate Legal Acts of the Russian Federation" and Separate Legal Acts of the Russian Federation" and are effective within 6 years from the date of entry into force of this Federal Law.
3. The Item of 2 changes approved by this resolution becomes effective from the date of entry into force of the Federal Law "About Introduction of Amendments to the Federal Law "About Technical Inspection of Vehicles and About Modification of Separate Legal Acts of the Russian Federation" and Separate Legal Acts of the Russian Federation".
Russian Prime Minister
M. Mishustin
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 15, 2020 No. 1434
1. These rules are established:
a) procedure for rendering services in carrying out technical inspection of vehicles, including with use of the portable diagnostic line, including the procedure of confirmation of conformity of vehicles (including their parts, objects of their additional equipment) to mandatory requirements of safety of vehicles held in the form of technical diagnosing for the purpose of the admission of vehicles to participation in traffic in the territory of the Russian Federation and in the cases provided by international treaties of the Russian Federation, also beyond its limits (further - technical inspection);
b) features of carrying out technical inspection out of Items of technical inspection with use of portable diagnostic lines;
c) procedure for cancellation of the diagnostic card.
2. These rules are not applied to the relations connected with carrying out technical inspection of vehicles of urban land electric transportation, the vehicles registered by military automobile inspections or automobile services of federal executive bodies in which the Federal Law provides military service, vehicles of the bodies performing investigation and search operations and also tractors, self-propelled road-building and other machines which have the internal combustion engine in amount more than 50 cubic centimeters or the electric motor with a maximum power more than 4 kilowatts, and trail cars to them and which are registered (or are subject to state registration) by the bodies exercising the state supervision of technical condition of self-propelled machines and other types of the equipment if other is not established by acts of the Government of the Russian Federation.
3. The mandatory requirements of safety of vehicles imposed when carrying out technical inspection to vehicles of separate categories are given in appendix No. 1.
4. When carrying out technical inspection the requirements concerning availability of the configuration items which are subject to check which were not provided on the vehicle at the time of its release into the stream of commerce, on condition of lack of modification of its design regarding the specified elements and nodes and aggregates, except for the requirements concerning availability of the tachograph or the control device (tachograph) of registration of the work-rest schedule of transport drivers provided by the European agreement concerning work of crews of the vehicles making the international motor transportations (ESTR) containing them are not applied to vehicles.
5. Technical inspection is performed by the operators of technical inspection accredited in accordance with the established procedure for carrying out technical inspection in the field of the accreditation corresponding to the categories of vehicles provided by appendices No. 1 and 2 (further - operators of technical inspection).
6. Carrying out technical inspection is performed on paid basis according to the agreement on carrying out technical inspection signed by the vehicle owner or his representative, including the representative who is acting on the basis of the power of attorney, drawn up in simple written form (further - the applicant), and the operator of technical inspection on the standard form approved by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.
7. The amount of payment for carrying out technical inspection and the amount of payment for carrying out repeated technical inspection which is determined by amount of completed work are established by the operator of technical inspection and cannot exceed the extreme amount of payment for carrying out technical inspection established by the highest actuator of the government of the subject of the Russian Federation according to the technique approved by Federal Antimonopoly Service.
8. Operators of technical inspection provide placement on the Internet and in the place, convenient for acquaintance by owners of vehicles, and type in Items of technical inspection and places of employment of portable diagnostic lines (in the presence) of the text of the Federal Law "About Technical Inspection of Vehicles and about Modification of Separate Legal Acts of the Russian Federation", these rules, information of help nature (including addresses of the operator of technical inspection, Items of technical inspection and places of employment of portable diagnostic lines (in the presence), phone numbers, the e-mail address, the address of the website of the operator of technical inspection on the Internet), up-to-date information about operational mode of Items of technical inspection and portable diagnostic lines (in the presence), information on the amount of payment for carrying out technical inspection and payment for carrying out repeated technical inspection, the list of the documents necessary for passing of technical inspection, the copy of the certificate of accreditation of the operator of technical inspection and data on availability of portable diagnostic lines (in the presence), standard form of the agreement on carrying out technical inspection, and also information on possibility of preliminary record on technical inspection.
9. For carrying out technical inspection the applicant addresses any operator of technical inspection in any Item of technical inspection regardless of the place of state registration of the vehicle and represents the vehicle, and also the following documents:
a) identity document;
b) the registration certificate of the vehicle or the passport of the vehicle (the statement from the electronic passport of the vehicle).
10. In case of non-presentation by the applicant of the these rules of documents specified in Item 9 or in case of refusal from fee on carrying out technical inspection the operator of technical inspection refuses to the applicant rendering services in carrying out technical inspection.
11. The operator of technical inspection establishes identity of vehicle identification number and (or) identification numbers of main components of the vehicle (body, frame, cabin) and the data containing in the registration certificate of the vehicle or the passport of the vehicle (the statement from the electronic passport of the vehicle).
In case of discrepancy of data of the vehicle, including its identification number and (or) identification numbers of its main components (body, frame, cabin), to data of the documents identifying this vehicle, the operator of technical inspection enters into the single automated information system of technical inspection information on refusal in rendering services in carrying out technical inspection. Such information contains specifying on the revealed discrepancies.
In case of compliance of data of the vehicle to data of the documents identifying the vehicle, this vehicle is allowed to carrying out technical diagnosing.
Prior to carrying out technical diagnosing by the applicant fee, rendered under the agreement on carrying out technical inspection that confirms the conclusion of the specified agreement is made.
12. Technical diagnosing is performed by the technical experts meeting the qualification requirements established by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation which are authorized by the operator of technical inspection on carrying out such diagnosing in the corresponding Item of technical inspection or on the respective portable diagnostic line and data about which they are entered in the register of operators of technical inspection.
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