of August 27, 2020 No. 502/4
About measures for implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of May 25, 2020 No. 3 "About foreign free aid"
Based on Item part four 5, Items 18, 19 and 21 Decrees of the President of the Republic of Belarus of May 25, 2020 No. 3 "About foreign free aid" (further - the Decree) Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus and Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus of POSTANOVLYAYUT:
1. Establish the following procedure for exchange of information on obtaining and use of foreign free aid (further, unless otherwise specified, - the help):
1.1. information goes to Department on humanitarian activities of Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus (further - Department):
The Ministry of Communications and Informatization monthly no later than the 20th following for reporting - about obtaining by physical person of the money which arrived by means of the international postal money transfers, and the goods which arrived by means of the international mailings (letters with the announced value, sending and departures of the accelerated mail with commodity investment), except for the international mailings with cash on delivery;
The State Customs Committee monthly no later than the 30th following the reporting, accruing result since the beginning of year taking into account the made changes - about customs declaring:
the goods placed under customs procedure of release for internal consumption, including imported into the address of physical persons, and declared in the declaration on goods as goods for assistance or goods of the humanitarian assistance;
the help in type of goods which is not subject to registration;
cash and (or) monetary instruments imported by physical persons and declared in the passenger customs declaration as the non-paid transfers received from physical and (or) legal entities, or held for use as non-paid transfers;
The State Customs Committee during the implementing of control activities, identification of the facts of violation of the law when obtaining and using the help, accountability of perpetrators quarterly no later than the 25th following reporting quarter, - about quantity performed, the elicited facts of violation of the law, results of hearing of cases about administrative offenses and receipt in the cash budget in connection with application of measures of the administrative responsibility for the specified violations;
1.2. The department provides information:
in the State Customs Committee monthly no later than the 10th day of the second month following the reporting, accruing result since the beginning of year:
about the arrived and registered help with indication of data on its release (not release) from taxes, charges (duties), receivers and the purposes of use of the help;
about the arrived and unregistered help, including in case of refusal in its registration;
about use of the registered help, including about its target (inappropriate) use established by results of control activities;
about amounts of the money received by physical persons which arrived from abroad by means of money transfer systems, international bank transfers;
in the Ministry of Taxes and Tax Collection monthly no later than the 25th following for reporting - about the registered help with indication of data on its release (not release) from taxes, charges (duties), receivers and the purposes of use of the help;
in the competent authorities which issued the conclusions about feasibility of release of the help from taxes, charges (duties) regional (The Minsk city) executive committees in the territory of which the help, quarterly no later than the 25th following reporting quarter, the accruing result since the beginning of year is used:
about the registered help with indication of data on its release (not release) from taxes, charges (duties), receivers and the purposes of use of the help;
about quantity performed, the elicited facts of violation of the law when obtaining and using the help, results of hearing of cases about administrative offenses and receipt in the cash budget in connection with application of measures of the administrative responsibility for the specified violations;
about use of the registered help, including about its target (inappropriate) use established by results of control activities;
1.3. information provided in subitems 1.1 and 1.2 of this Item is presented in the form of electronic documents or electronic copies of documents on papers by means of the automated system of the state protected e-mail of chipboard;
1.4. the structure, structure and format of submission of information specified in subitems 1.1 and 1.2 of this Item, and also regulations of its representation, the provided reference books and qualifiers are determined by agreements on information exchange taking into account regulations of information exchange of the automated system of the state protected e-mail of chipboard;
1.5. the state bodies specified in subitems 1.1 and 1.2 of this Item:
provide confidentiality of contents of the signed agreements on information exchange;
perform acceptance and processing of information provided to them or determine subordinate body (organization) for implementation of acceptance and processing of the provided information.
2. Approve:
3. For the purposes of this resolution terms are used:
in the values determined in appendix to the Decree;
"the electronic document" and "the electronic copy of the paper document" - in the values provided by the Law of the Republic of Belarus of December 28, 2009 No. 113-Z "About the electronic document and the digital signature".
4. This resolution becomes effective since August 27, 2020.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus |
R. Golovchenko |
Managing affairs of the President of the Republic of Belarus |
V. Sheiman |
Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus and Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus of August 27, 2020 No. 502/4
1. This Provision determines procedure for receipt to the Republic of Belarus for the help, its registration, collection of payment for its registration, accounting of such help and its use.
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