of December 16, 2006 No. ZR-211
About especially protected natural territories
Accepted by National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia on November 27, 2006
This Law regulates the legal basis of state policy of natural development, recovery, protection, reproduction and use of especially protected territories of the Republic of Armenia as ecosystems, natural complexes and separate objects representing ecological, economic, social, scientific, educational, historical and cultural, esthetic, health, recreational value.
1. In this Law the following basic concepts are used:
national park - the territory of the international and (or) republican value representing ecological, scientific, historical and cultural, esthetic, recreational values which thanks to combination of landscapes and cultural values can be used in scientific, educational, recreational, cultural and economic targets, and for which the specific mode of protection is set;
reserved zone of national park - the site allocated from the territory of national park where the mode established by this Law for the national park is effective;
custom zone of national park - the site allocated from the territory of national park where the mode established by this Law for the state wildlife area is effective;
recreational zone of national park - the site allocated from the territory of national park where the organization of rest of citizens and tourism and the customer service connected with it is allowed;
economic zone of national park - the site allocated from the territory of national park where the economic activity corresponding to the mode of national park is allowed;
use of plant and animal life in the industrial purposes - use of objects of plant and animal life for the purpose of profit earning according to the procedure, established by the laws of the Republic of Armenia "About flora", "About fauna" and the legal acts following from them;
natural object - natural ecosystems and their separate components: water resources (underground water, rivers, lakes, falls, sources, swamps), volcanic formations, rocky exposures, types of aeration of relief, separate objects of the vegetable and natural world;
especially protected natural territory - the land areas allocated with this Law (including surface and underground water and subsoil) and the respective air basin and separate natural objects which represent ecological, scientific, educational, improving, historical and cultural, recreational, tourist, esthetic value and for which the specific mode of protection is set;
the management plan - the official document regulating activities for development, protection, recovery and use of this territory;
monitoring of especially protected natural territories - system of regime observations, assessment of condition, quick response and forecasting of development of ecosystems, vegetable and animal objects, their qualitative and quantitative indices, habitats, natural resources of especially protected natural territories, historical and cultural monuments which are in the territory;
zone of protection of especially protected natural territory - the territory which purpose of creation is to limit (to mitigate) negative anthropogenous impact on ecosystems of especially protected natural territories, representatives of animal and flora, the objects having scientific and historical and cultural value;
the state inventory of especially protected natural territory - constantly filled up set of data and documents including data on geological location, borders, the protection mode, biological diversity, condition of natural resources of this territory, patterns of ownership of users of nature, quantity and quality characteristics scientific, economic, social and historical and cultural values;
nature sanctuary - the natural object which is of special scientific, historical and cultural and esthetic value;
ecological equilibrium - the dynamic balance of components of the nature, the natural phenomena and anthropogenous factors providing long and stable existence of ecosystem;
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