of August 12, 2020 No. PP-4805
About measures for improvement of quality of life-long education and effectiveness of science for the Chemistry and Biology directions
Development in our country of the objects "chemistry" and "biology", improvement of quality of education and effectiveness of science in this directions are determined by one of priority tasks of the State program "Year of development of science, education and digital economy".
Along with it profound training of young men and girls in the objects "chemistry" and "biology" will give impetus to construction of new production enterprises in regions, to the accelerated development of the industries of the pharmaceutical, oil and gas, chemical, mining and food industry creating high value added finally will create strong basis for improvement of living conditions and increase in the income of the population.
At the same time especially it should be noted that quality of teaching does not meet for the objects "chemistry" and "biology" the modern requirements, the methodology of training and laboratory morally became outdated, mechanisms of worthy work incentives of teachers at comprehensive schools are not implemented.
Besides, the close interrelation, effective dialogue and cooperation between organizations of secondary vocational, professional, higher education, research establishments and production enterprises of industry on training and use of scientific results are not adjusted.
For the purpose of cardinal improvement of quality of education in the objects "chemistry" and "biology", implementations of absolutely new training system to these objects at comprehensive schools, providing educational institutions with modern laboratories, textbooks and other educational stock, involvement of skilled teachers and mentors to this directions, establishing close interaction and cooperation between education, sciences and productions in training and use of scientific results:
1. Agree with offers of the Agency on development of Presidential, creative and specialized schools (further - the Agency), the Ministries of innovative development, Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of national education, the Ministry of the higher and secondary vocational education, the companies of the chemical, pharmaceutical, oil and gas industry, teachers and mentors of the objects "chemistry" and "biology", teachers and scientists having long experience about:
fixing of production enterprises to 47 professional educational institutions preparing personnel of average link on specialties, the corresponding directions "chemistry" and "biology" for the purpose of effective adjustment of system of training of average link for production industries;
fixing of 11 Academies of Sciences research institutions and industries of production to 74 departments of the highest educational institutions for the effective organization of educational process in the "chemistry" and "biology" directions and developments of objects in the highest educational institutions.
2. Approve the List of fixing of departments of the highest educational institutions, research establishments and industries of production to the created basic specialized schools and specialized schools according to appendix No. 1*.
3. Approve:
The list of fixing of industries of production to the professional educational institutions preparing personnel of average link on specialties, the corresponding directions "chemistry" and "biology" according to appendix No. 3 *;
The list of fixing of research institutions of Academy of Sciences and industries of production behind departments of the highest educational institutions according to appendix No. 4 *;
The target program for improvement of quality of life-long education and effectiveness of the scientific research and innovative works which are carried out in the "chemistry" and "biology" directions for 2020 - 2025 (further - the Target program) according to appendix No. 5*.
4. Determine that the cooperation is set up:
departments of the highest educational institutions - on the effective organization of educational process, attraction to educational process of professors-teachers and gifted students, the organization of master classes, circles and summer schools at the fixed basic specialized schools and specialized schools;
economic associations, production enterprises and clusters - on fixing in practice of theoretical knowledge, to development of traditions "the mentor - the pupil" and to rendering assistance in professional training of pupils in the professional educational institutions preparing personnel of average link on the specialties corresponding to the fixed "chemistry" and "biology" directions;
research institutions of Academy of Sciences, economic associations, production enterprises and clusters - on ensuring effective educational process in the "chemistry" and "biology" directions, achievement of integration of science and production, passing of externship under the leadership of leading experts of industry, to creation of conditions for direct acquaintance of students and professors-teachers with instructions for use laboratories and production processes, to implementation of practice guidance on protection of master and doctoral dissertations, rendering assistance in implementation in practice of results of scientific works, commercialization of scientific developments in the fixed highest educational institutions.
At the same time the fixed organizations render direct assistance in providing with textbooks, the laboratory equipment and stock, the organizations of advanced training and passing of training of teachers, involvement of foreign specialists, participation of youth in the prestigious international Olympic Games, and also compensation of other expenses of basic specialized schools and specialized schools, organizations of the higher and professional education, research establishments.
To provide to agency on management of the state assets together with Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and the city of Tashkent consideration on the supervisory boards of the fixed economic associations of questions on rendering assistance in further development of activities of the fixed basic specialized schools and specialized schools, organizations of the higher and professional education, research establishments.
Provide to Agency on management of the state assets, Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and the city of Tashkent the right of modification of the sizes of the funds allocated by the fixed economic associations by the basic specialized schools and specialized schools located in the corresponding territory by years.
5. Form special funds without the status of the legal entity under Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and the city of Tashkent for additional financing of activities, equipment, payment of allowances to teachers, and also financing of other actions for training in the objects "chemistry" and "biology" at the schools specialized on chemistry and biology.
Determine sources of forming of means of special funds:
means of the Government budget;
means of local budgets in the amount of at least 1 billion sum (only 14 billion sum) for each region;
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